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1、七年级英语上册(仁爱版)教学案例(Unit 1Making New FriendsTopic 2 Where are you from?Section A (The first period)沐浴课改的春风,我庆幸,我赶上了新课程改革,走进了新课程改革背景下的英语教学。在这一过程中,我真切看到自己成长的轨迹,真切地感受到了一个充满活力的教学弄潮儿,一节节充满生命力的英语课,自主合作探究,情感、态度、价值观得以体现。但如果现在我们的新课程改革还仅仅是“新课程真好”,那我们的英语教学真的要停止呼吸了,所以我们应该理性化地看待新课程改革,用评价和反思赋予教学以新的生机,反思教学中存在的问题,构建真正

2、精彩的教学。【教学思路】先复习Topic1的见面问候语,接着导入“excuse me”, “Whats your name?” 和“My name is- ”,呈现“Im from-”, “Are you from-”and “Where are you from?”,巩固1a和1b, 练习2a和2b,小结,最后布置家庭作业。【教材分析】本教材以学生为中心,倡导语言教学的交互性和实用性。它为学生提供了自然而有意义的语言环境。教材提供的对话不是让学生机械地背诵,而是将其作为学生进行活动的范例,学生在活动中要根据语言使用的情况进行改编,从而培养学生的语言运用能力。本节课内容以介绍为中心,了解他人信

3、息,如姓名、国籍等。【教学对象分析】由于我们学校在城镇的边缘地带(农村),学习成绩好点的大多数到城里就读了。留下的大多数要么不爱学习,要么基础差,整个英语学习氛围差。对习惯汉语交流的初中生来说,面对新教材感到很不适应,难以进入学习角色,觉得学习任务重、负担重。特别是对一些需要强化记忆的英语学习内容,如单词记忆和短文背诵等,学生会感到枯燥无味,虽硬着头皮去学,但效果往往比较差。I. Teaching aims and demandsLearn some personal pronouns and possessive pronouns:me, your, she, he,Learn some c

4、ountry names:Canada, the U.S.A , JapanLearn other new words and phrases:excuse, excuse me, what, name, where, from, be from, theTalk about peoples names and where they are from:(1)Excuse me, are you Jane?Yes, I am.(2)Whats your name?My name is Sally.(3)Where are you from?Im from Canada.(4)Is he/she

5、?Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isnt. Teaching aidsA projector, a recorder. Teaching procedures:Step 1Review(8mins)Review greetings in Topic 1 by making conversations1.(T: Good morning, everyone! Before learning the new lesson, I will ask a new student(Zhang Lu) to introduce herself. Then choose one stu

6、dent to greet the new comer and introduce the classmates to her .)Model:S1:Good morning! I am Zhang Lu. Nice to meet you. (To the whole class)Ss: Nice to meet you., too.S2:Hi, Zhang Lu. Im Wang Qiaoli. Nice to meet you.S1: Hi, Wang Qiaoli. Nice to meet you., too.S2: Zhang Lu, this is Shen Cui. Shen

7、Cui, this is Zhang Lu.(T: Good! Come back to your seat. Thank you!)2.The teacher stands beside a student, asking the questions to lead to “excuse me”.Model:T: Excuse me, are you Li Fen?S1: Yes, I am. (Write down “Excuse me” on the blackboard)Then the teacher stands beside another student, asking the

8、 questions with “excuse me”.T: Excuse me, are you Zou Lei?S2: No, I am not. I am Li Jun.Let Ss practice the patterns over and over again, understand and grasp the meaning of Excuse meStep 2Presentation(10mins)1.(T: Now, I will introduce myself.) Lead to “My name is- ” and “Whats your name?”T: My nam

9、e is Huang Xiaohong.Whats your name?(Write it down on the blackboard)S:My name isZheng Qinhui.(Write it down on the blackboard)(T: Please read after me together.)2.(T: OK, please look at the screen.)The teacher makes self-introduction with different names by showing different pictures. Lead to sente

10、nce pattern of “Im from-”(showing flashcards)For example:Picture1T: My name isJane. Im fromCanada. (Show Janes picture)Picture2T: My name isSally. Im fromthe U.S.A.(Show Sallys picture)Picture3T: My name isYukio. Im fromJapan.(Show Yukios picture)Use this way repeatedly to consolidate and master the

11、 structure of “Im from-”,and write it down on the blackboard.(T: Please read after me together.)Ask students to learn and master the new words : Canada, the U.S.A., Japan.3.Ask and answer between the teacher and students. Lead to “Are you from-”and “Where are you from?”Model:T: Are you from Canada?S

12、1:No,Im not.T: Where are you from? (Write it down on the blackboard)S1:Im from China.Ask more students to help them understand the structure better.(T: Please read after me together.)Step 3Consolidation(10mins)1. (T: Now lets listen to 1a and answer the following questions. But you only listen witho

13、ut looking at the book. Are you ready?)(1) Where is Jane from?(Teacher translates.)(2)Where is Sally from? ( Teacher translates.)Tape scriptSally: Excuse me, are you Jane?Jane: Yes, I am. Whats your name?Sally: My name is Sally. Where are you from?Jane: Im from Canada. Are you from Canada, too?Sally

14、: No, Im not. Im from the U.S.A.2. (T: Open your books and turn to page 9.Listen to 1a again and follow it. Imitate the pronunciation and intonation.)3. (T:OK,I will divide the whole class into two groups of boys and girls to read 1a.Boys areSallyand girls areJane.One ,two, start.- Exchange!)4. Fini

15、sh the flashcards in 1b.T: Now ,please make your own conversations in pairs according to 1a,using “Whats-?”and “Where-?. I will choose some pairs to act them out .You can practice like this:S1:Whats your name?S2: My name is-S1:Where are you from?S2: Im from-Step 4Practice(9mins)1.PracticeT: Are you Wang Qiaoli?S1:Yes,I am.T: Is she Wang Qiaoli?(Ask other student.)Ss: Yes, she is.2.Flashcards( T: Please look at t



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