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1、2013高考英语二轮(完形填空)30分钟限时训练(1)及答案.完形填空Words:300难度系数:建议用时:15分钟(2012山东潍坊模拟)Its a small gas station that has snacks,drinks,cigarettes,and candies.The young man behind the counter knows his _1_ by name and what they normally want to buy.He treats children and adults with equal _2_.He reads science fiction

2、behind the counter when business is _3_.One day,three people rushed in and grabbed food off the shelves as fast as they could,_4_ not intending to pay for it.He hit the “panic button” and then went over the counter and _5_ the front door.It was obvious they were homeless,and equally obvious that the

3、y werent going _6_ with their illgotten gains.They _7_ the food and simply crowded together in panicknowing the police were _8_ the way.Imagine what they must have felt like when they were told they didnt have to steal if they were that _9_.“We have food in the back,expired(到期) but still _10_ to eat

4、.If you need food,you _11_ have some.”They were told to _12_ what they had dropped and put it back,then asked to straighten out the mess.They were doing just that _13_ the police arrived.The officers were told the situation was under control and the police were no longer _14_.This wasnt what they ha

5、d _15_.They were being treated as human beings who could right the wrong theyd done.Shocked,they quickly followed orders to take turns and use the restroom to clean up.Soon three _16_ people walked out with all the _17_ their arms could hold.They were _18_ that,if they needed to come back again,they

6、 were to ask and not just grab.And then the young man went back to reading until the next customer came in.He would be the _19_ person in the world to claim he was a hero.But he gave three people something they were in desperate need ofa _20_ amount of selfrespect and a little bit of hope.1A.friends

7、BneighborsCcustomers Dpassengers解析:选C。根据语境“The young man behind the counter.”可知为customers。2A.respect BprideCwisdom Dprivilege解析:选A。respect尊敬,敬意,pride骄傲,wisdom智慧,privilege特权。根据语境,respect更符合题意。3A.slow BbusyCheavy Dswift解析:选A。根据语境“He reads science fiction behind the counter”可知应是生意不很忙的时候看一些科幻小说。故slow更符合

8、题意。4A.bravely BreasonablyChardly Dobviously解析:选D。根据语境“.grabbed food off the shelves as fast as they could”可知为obviously,显然地。5A.opened BlockedCclosed Dbroke解析:选B。根据行文逻辑可以看出,有人来抢劫,肯定要报警并锁好前门阻止抢劫犯逃脱。故选locked。6A.nowhere BsomewhereCanywhere Deverywhere解析:选C。根据下文“.simply crowded together in panic.”可知他们不能逃走

9、。故选anywhere,任何地方。7A.hid BliftedCswallowed Ddropped解析:选D。根据下文“.what they had dropped”提示可以得知为dropped,扔掉。8A.in BonCoff Dby解析:选B。on the way,在路上,即将到来。9A.anxious BcautiousCcourageous Dhungry解析:选D。根据上文他们抢食物的语境可知他们无家可归,是因为饥饿才抢食物。10A.safe BeasyCsweet Dunique解析:选A。根据本句语境“.expired(到期)but.”可知虽然到期,但吃起来还是安全的。11A.

10、must BcanCshould Dneed解析:选B。must必须,can可以,should应该,need需要。根据语境“如果他们需要,可以吃”,故选can。12A.hold up Bhand outCpick up Dhand in解析:选C。hold up举起,hand out分发,pick up拾起,捡起,hand in上交。13A.when BafterCbefore Dsince解析:选A。根据本句语境可知为when,当警察来到的时候。14A.popular BnecessaryCreliable Dimportant解析:选B。根据本句语境“the situation was u

11、nder control”可知,情况得到控制,警察就不必要再做其他的事情了,故选necessary,必要的。15A.wanted BdesiredCexpected Dadmired解析:选C。wanted需要,desired渴望,expected预料,admired敬佩,羡慕。16A.dirtier BcleanerCcleverer Dquicker解析:选B。根据上一段“.and use the restroom to clean up”可知他们已经清洗干净。故选cleaner,更干净的。17A.money BcigarettesCdrinks Dfood解析:选D。根据全文内容他们来的

12、目的就是偷食物,因此带走也应是食物。18A.reminded BwarnedCordered Dpersuaded解析:选A。remind提醒,warn警告,order命令,persuade劝说。19A.first BlastCbest Dworst解析:选B。根据下一句中but一词可以得出他自己不会说自己是个英雄。20A.large BfairCsmall Dfull解析:选C。根据下文语境“.a little bit of hope”可知为a small amount of,少量的。*结束完形填空We make a living with what we get, but we make

13、a life with what we give. - Winston Churchill I am willing to 26 this saying. I have been 27 at the Boston Childrens Hospital every year since I was thirteen. At the beginning, I only wanted to go 2 8 I would get praise for entertaining children at the 29 . After giving my time for two months, my 30

14、 changed completely.When I first 31 into the waiting room on the ground floor, I was very 32 that I would be spending my entire summer with kids. As it became 33 for me to show up every day at 8 a.m., many kids began to 34 me. To my surprise, I began looking forward to seeing their 35 faces as well. They were always enthusiastic about 36 . My heart warmed every time I heard their 37 voices asking me for a story or an answer to a question. I felt 38 and irreplaceable. (不可替代的).As I look back, I see the 39 that these special


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