2013 小升初英语祈使句&there be 结构.doc

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1、祈使句一 祈使句概述 祈使句是用来表示请求、命令、劝告、建议等的句子。祈使句习惯上常常省略主语,句末用感叹句或问句,朗读时一般用降调。根据用途和功能,祈使句可以分为下面几类:(1) 表示请求 (2)表示命令 (3)表示提醒、劝告或警告 (4)表示禁止 (5)表示建议 (6) 表示邀请上课时常会听到这样的句子:(1) Please stand up! (2) Sit down,please ! (3). Look at the blackboard!(4) Nont speak loudly! (5)Listen to me carefully! (6)Stop talking .这些都为祈使句

2、。二 祈使句的形式 1. 祈使句的肯定式在祈使句的肯定式中,谓语动词要用原形。如: Look at the blackboard ! 2. 祈使句的否定式在祈使句的否定式中,谓语用“dont / never+动词原形”的形式。如:Dont worry. Never mind! 3. 祈使句的let式以let引导的祈使句,常用于第一人称和第三人称,表示建议。这类祈使句的形式是“let + 人称代词(宾格)+ 动词原形”。如:Let me see. 4. 祈使句的强调式在祈使句中的强调式中,动词原形加do.表示强调。如:Do study hard at school. 5.不含动词的祈使句不含动词

3、的祈使句是祈使句的特殊形式,这种祈使句只由一个单词、词组或短语组成。如:(1) Quick ! (2) No smoking.随堂练习:1. 给下列标志选择恰当的英文标志语。A.No parking B.No smoking C.No fishing D. No drinking E. No photos F. No swimming 2. 下列句子,是祈使句的在括号内填上“Y”,否则填“N”。 (1). Look out! ( ) (2). Be careful with the glasses. ( ) (3). How nice ! ( ) (4). Happy New Year ! (

4、 ) (5). Thank goodness ! ( ) (6). Lets go to the seaside. ( ) (7). Goodbye, John! ( ) (8). What a terrible day ! ( ) (9). Go down his street and turn right. ( ) (10). Wash your hands before the meal. ( )三 将下列祈使句变为否定句。 1. Give me some apples. _. 2. Lets clean the classroom. _. 3. Please watch TV. _.

5、四. 将下列句子改成祈使句。 1. You must not look out of the window. _ _ _ _ the window. 2. You may let the children play the piano. _ _ _play the piano. 3. You must be polite to the elder. _ _ _ _ _. 4. You shouldnt drive too fast. _ _ _ _. There be 结构一 There be 结构概述 There 被结构又叫存在句,它是英语中一种常见的句型结构,表示“在某地存在某物(某人)或

6、在某事发生的事”。这一结构以引导词 there开始,后常接动词be的各种形式,然后才是主语,主语之后常有表示时间和地点的状语。这种结构中的there本身无词义,其后的动词be具有“存在”的;意思,可用于各种一般时态和完成时态。 注意:there be 结构表示“存在的有.”,即某处有某物(某人);have表示“某人拥有某物”,即所属关系。二 There be机构的形成 1. There be结构的肯定式 There be 结构的肯定式表示“在某地存在某物(某人)或在某时发生某事”,它主要有以下两种结构形式:(1) “there is + 可数名词单数/ 不可数名词+地点/时间状语”。如:The

7、re is a book on the desk. 桌子上有一本书。 There is some water in the bottle. 瓶子里有些水(2) . There are +可数名词复数+地点/时间状语。 如:There are some flowers in the vase. 花瓶里有一些花 2. There be结构的否定式 There be 结构的否定式是在谓语动词后加“not (any)”或“no”,表示“没有”之意。如:There are not any/ no flowers in the vase. (花瓶里没有花) 3. There be 结构的疑问式 There

8、 be 结构变成疑问式时,要把be动词提前,构成“Be there +.”的形式。陈述句中,如果some,在疑问句中要用any。 (1). 一般疑问句只需要be动词提到there 前。如: Is there a computer in your room? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.(2) . 特殊疑问句由“特殊疑问词+一般疑问句”构成,如: How many trees are there in your garden ?注意:在实际使用中,应该对以下几个方面:1. There be结构可用于一般时态和完成时态,因而此结构中be 动词会有不同的的形式2.

9、 当 there be 结构的主语是两个或两个以上的名词时,be动词要与离它最近的名词保持一致随堂练习:Is there There wasThere were一 选词填空.(可以重复使用)There isThere areAre there 1. _ not any pandas in the forest.2. _something interesting in the book?3. _an orange on the tree.4. _a meeting yesterday.5. Excuse me,_ a bathroom near here?6. Tom,_any apple tr

10、ees in the garden?7. _ 200 people present (出席)at the meeting last Friday.8. -_any coffee in the cup? -Yes, _.9. -_any trees in the picture? -No, _.10. _ some money in my pocket.二 选择填空1. _ an expensive ring in the box. A. There was B. There were C. There is D. There are 2. There _some milk in the gla

11、ss, but the glass is empty now. A.are B.is C.were D.was3. There are _interesting books in the school library. A.any B.a C.an D.some4. There _two books and a pen on the desk. A.am B.have C.are D.is 5. How many months _in a year? A.are there B.is there C.have D.were there6. There _some money in the bag. A.is B.are C.have D.be三 按要求改写句子。1. There is some water in the bottle.(改为否定句) _ _ _ water in the bottle.2. There are seven days in a week.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) _ _ _ _ in a week? Yes, _ _ .3. The


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