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1、开放英语1语言要点learn how to give information about yourself or another person介绍自己和他人可以用动词to be,其形式随主语变化I am from China.We are Chinese.She is a deputy manager.表达问候方式Hi! 熟人之间很随便的问候语。Hello. “中性”的问候语,认识或不认识的都可以用。How are you? 不常见的熟人之间的问候语,回答此问候的常用语有:Fine, thanks.或者Very well, thank you.Fine. And you? 在回答问候之后,反过

2、来问候对方“你好吗?”与“How are you?”相近的问候语有How is it going?Whats up?How are you doing?How are things?如何回答Not too bad.Very well.Wonderful.Just so so. 初次见面常用的问候语 How nice to see you.Very glad to see you.Pleased to meet you.Fancy meeting you.Glad to see you.Nice to meet you. 和时间有关的常用问候语Good morning. 中午12点前Good n

3、oon. 中午Good afternoon. 午后6点前Good evening. 约下午6点后Good night. 晚上告别时提出建议What about+ ving?What about seeing this flat?How about+ ving?How about going to an estate agent?Why dont you verb?Why dont you go to an estate agent?询问价格询问价格要用how much开头,动词用to cost或者to beHow much does the flat cost a month? It cost

4、 $500.How much is it a month?how much is the flat? 动词 to have动词 to have, 有多种含义,主要含义有以下三种:to possess ( characteristics ) 具有(特点)I have black hair.Jim has blue eyes.To possess (things)拥有(东西)I have a car.She has a computer.To eat or to drink 表示吃,喝He has lunch in the canteen.I have a bread for lunch.Woul

5、d you like to have a coffee. 12小时表达法 telling the time using the twelve hour clock.表示整点过130分用 past (晚于,过)12.10 Its ten past twelve. 9.01 Its one past nine 表示离整点还差129分用 to (在之前) 9.50 Its ten to ten. 8.59 Its one to nine.表示 “一刻钟”可用 a quarter5.15 It is a quarter past five.(or five fifteen)3.45 It is a q

6、uarter to four. ( or three forty-five)表示 “半小时”常用 half7.30 It is half past seven. (or seven thirty)表示 “午前” 用 am ,表示 “午后”用 pm ,表示 “在中午”用 at noon.Whats the time? Its 9pm.I usually take a nap at noon.我经常在中午睡会儿午觉. 提出请求Could you+ do sth? 常用于表达请求。Could you spell it, please?Could you tell me your car number

7、, please? 应答Yes, of course.No, sorry.Certainly. 表达提议Would you like sth?Would you like to do sth?Would you like to have a coffee? Yes, please.Would you like a newspaper?No, thank you, I have one at the office. Adverbs of frequency频度副词常见的频度副词有never(从不),sometimes(有时) ,often(经常),usually(通常),always(总是).从

8、0%到100%可以这样排列:0% . 100%never sometimes often usually alwaysnever从不She never goes to the cinema. 她向来不看电影On the never-never 以分期付款的方式Buy something on the never-never以分期付款的方式购买某物 sometimes有时I sometimes go to London. 我有时去伦敦。关于 sometimes, sometime, some time的区别用法sometimes有时sometime 某个时候,将来什么时候some time一些时

9、间注意频度副词在句子中有不同的位置 在动词 to be 之后He is usually ill on planes.在实意动词之前I usually work on Friday.I sometimes go to New York. 在含有助动词的句子中,置于助动词之后,实意动词之前He doesnt always work on Sunday.情态动词can表示允许You can use the phone in the living room.You cant smoke in the bedrooms.Can I use the cooker in the kitchen?在以上例句中

10、,can是情态动词,表示“允许”,后接动词原形。其否定形式有两种写法,cannot或者cant。 一般疑问句的构成方法是将can置于句首。用于第一人称的疑问句,可以表示询问他人是否允许。Can I use the cooker in the kitchen? Can 用于陈述句的肯定句表示允许,用于否定句表示不允许。She can smoke in the garden.她可以在花园里吸烟 You cant be noisy.你们不能大声喧哗。表示能力 , 表示“能”、“会”、“能够”I can speak English.我会讲英语。Can you drive a car?你会开车吗? 表示

11、可能性,常用于疑问句和否定句中。Can it be ture?那会是真的吗? 一般现在时与现在进行时 由助动词am, are, is +现在分词构成。现在进行时表示现阶段或说话的此刻正在发生的事情。I usually start work at nine oclock.Im working now. 一般现在时不带有感情色彩,现在进行时带有感情色彩。 John does fine work at school. (陈述事实)John is constantly doing fine work at school.(表示赞扬)有些动词通常只用于一般时态,而不用进行时,这些动词表示相对静止的物质、

12、心理及情感状态,被称为状态动词。to be He is English.to have/to have got I have two brothers.to like I like TV.to love I love coffee.to hate I hate my job.to think I think its cheap. 描述天气描述当前的天气状况,可以用一般现在时和现在进行时两种形式询问天气状况常用 What is weather like in+(某地)这个句式回答时可以用It is(Its) +形容词,或者 It is (Its)+ing形式等。Whats the weather

13、 like in Shanghai?Its raining. /Its raining.Its sunny./ The sun is shining. 当谈论一个地方的气候时通常只用一般现在时而不用现在进行时。It often rains in summer in England.It doesnt usually snow in winter in Ireland.The temperature doesnt go below minus15 degrees in spring.It is often sunny in autumn. sunny 阳光灿烂的foggy 有雾的rainy 有雨

14、的cloudy 多云的windy 有风的 描述城市询问城市的状况,可以用Whats+城镇名称+like?Whats London like?描述城市的状况,可以用动词to be+形容词。London is busy, noisy, crowded and exciting. But its too expensive.以下形容词及其反义词也可用来描述城市情况。beautiful -uglybusy -calmcrowded -emptymodern- old-fashionedbig-smallclean-dirtyexpensive-cheapquiet-noise learn to express a command 表达指令祈使句可以表示请求和指令 祈使句的结构 祈使句的肯定式用动词原形。Put it on the small table.Stand the lamp on the desk. 祈使句的否定式用Dont+动词原形。 Dont put them on the desk. 定冠词 定冠词the与指示代词this,that同源,有那(这


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