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1、大田小学2011-2012学年度第二学期期中测试五年级 英语试题一一班别:姓名:,英汉互译。(10 分)1、起床2、吃晚饭3、Children s Day4、August5、十一月一日6、第一7、堆雪人8、去购物9、go hiki ng10、weather.二读一读,选择。(10分)()1.Johns birthday isDecember.A. on B. at C. in()2. - Whe n do you go homeA. I usually go shopp ing on Sun day.B. I usually go home at4:30.C. She likes painti

2、ng best.()3. I ca n skatewi nter. A. for B. with C. i n()4. What s the date -.A. It s October 1 st. B. It s rainy and cold.C. It s Tuesday today.()5. I don t like summer. What about youA. I like playi ng pia no.B. I like spri ng best. +C. She likes summer best.()6. When is your birthdaystA. It s in

3、May 1. B. It s may. C. It s May 1()It s July 15th .A. What s the date today B. What day is it today C. What timeis it()8. -Is Tree pla nti ng Day is in March-A. Yes, she is B. No, she isn t C. Yes, it is.()9. Let s birthday card.A. makes B. making C. makeB. at()10 usually get up6:30. A. inC. on三、选词填

4、空。(10分)What Why Which When Who1. ur favourite seas on2. ou like win ter Because I can skate.3. our birthday ason do you like best5. is your math teacher四、 在U栏中找到I栏中相应的答句,将序号填在括号内。(10分)()1、What s the weather like in fall A. Yes, I do.()2、Do you usually go shopp ing B. It s Mon day.()3、What day is it todayC. My birthday is in May .()4、Let s go to climb mountains. !()5、When is your birthdayE. It s windy and cool五 连词成句。(10%)1. seas on favourite My spri ng is2. date is the what3.best seasondo which you like4. is birthday June Mikes 22nd5. ondo you the do weekend what


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