人教版高中英语必修四:随堂演练 32含答案解析

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1、 精品资料随堂演练及时体验 巩固提升.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1The film is more _ (excite) than any that Ive ever seen.答案exciting2I heard her _ (sing) an English song when I passed her room yesterday.答案singing3Its wrong of you to leave the machine _ (operate)答案operating4I didnt see anyone _ (take) away your paper. It might hav

2、e been blown by the wind.答案take5To do that would be _ (cut) the foot to fit the shoe.答案to cut6We were all very _ (surprise) at the news. I found it very _ (surprise)答案surprised; surprising7The result of the game was _ (disappoint)答案disappointing8I felt someone _ (pat) me on the shoulder.答案patting9Ou

3、r duty is _ (serve) the people heart and soul.答案serving10The argument is very _(convince)答案convincing.翻译句子1听到他说的话,我们大笑起来。(laughter)_答案Hearing what he said, we burst into laughter.2他悄悄地把枪放进口袋。(slide)_答案He slid the gun into his pocket.3这首音乐给我们增添了欢乐。_答案The piece of music adds to our enjoyment.4他把自己刚写完的小说读了一遍,对自己很满意。(be content with)_答案He read through his newlyfinished novel and was content with himself.5早在第二部电影的时候,他就已经形成了自己独特的表演风格,并且很快闻名全球。(particular)_答案As early as his second film,he had developed his particular manner of acting,which soon became famous in the world.


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