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1、澄海中学02X02学年度第一学期期中考试高二英语级科试卷 ( 满分10分,时间120分钟)第卷(共三部分,满分110分)第一部分:听力理解(共1小题,满分1分)请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。请听第1段对话,回答第至题。1. Wr os th nvesaionprobby tk plcA. na lasrom. Bna meetn room. C I hewomns office2. Wh is hea heA.To han in hi works . To et pemsin to taeause. C To tke tet.3 Whatdoes the a gee omn. Sme

2、paintigs. B. Som foers. CLots boks.请听第2段对话,回答第4至6题。4. What did Mrk do lst igtA. e worked athi offi. . He wento hhopa to vst Br. . Httendd a ay.5. Hodid Mrkfeel en e we upthi morning AIl. B. Hay. C. Neous6. Who is Bar . She is Maks wfe. B. She is Mks orkmate. C.Se s Billsife.请听第段对话,回答第7至9题。7. Were is

3、 te man nwA. In cmpany B. In aoel C In neplyent agy(代理处). Whatwll tma do mostf the ayA Look for a room. Try to et job C. Visit his et9 en will M Wits se tmaA. At 8:30 toght B Lt onigt C. Tmorw.请听第4段独白,回答第10至12题。10. What maksth speak surprsedA. Soe eple ca be so confidnt.B. Some people recangig thds

4、all e tim.C. Some ppeeup ther mindss sowy11. Wat ca w learn from tealkA. Wha he spekes ob is.B. owmanydeion he eake hade.C. ha the saer does efor he makes adecsion12. Whc of the folwing s truaorngt the talkA. Itdoettke hepeae aongtimemakeu her md e f he rblmis dcult.B. Theseak d ofen haeo chane her

5、id.C. The speaerisntofidentat ll.请听第5段对话,回答第3至15题。13. Wh i t an leain fo MiamiA. His rotheri gettngmarriedB. is sister is etig marre.C. Hes gti mrre.14. Whatis th womngong to doA. Have a dinner with the anB. ke a tennisessC. Gt th cffeeshop with te man.15. Whatistoareationsi etween the peaersA. rohe

6、 an siste. B.Tacer and studnt. eds. 第二部分:基础知识及应用(共三节,满分55分)第一节:单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)1 This boo isad bespil onhih_mayeventnot found in thr histryooks.A. wries B cer . prints . eads7. Ol when youridentiy has been hecked_A oa allod in B. you wl beallowe inC. willy alw i D will y be aled n 1.Wemustnt

7、_te good traitio _dwn from eneraton o gnration.A. lose th sht of;pased B. catc sigh o; passing. cthesigt of; t e passed D.ossiht of; ase1. -He yu g any plans or thecoming wekend -_, I am on to visim gandma i the countrysid.A. eer B. bsy C. f anything D I pssile20. t s te ab_was taken chage of byrofe

8、r Hais_hey did thexerimenAwhere, tht B. tat; we . wic; that . whch, wr 1. -_nuer o is neighbours ccused m _payng y radio toolouy -h,you hd the rigo dendyourseves_the char.A. Te;of; gan B.A;o; ait . The; ith; ainstD.; ith;from2. I he n liin thne tat or 20 s, t seldm_solonely a nowAhave I flt .I hadfl

9、t C.Ih fel . ad Ifet3. The pln he_ a h eng_. A. u n; maes nense B. put off; dnt makan sns C put rd; madeno s D. pu fwar; et ae ay sense2. certain doubtmong the people a to thacticl vaueoftpoject . t has B. Teyhve C. Itremains D Thre remins25.I yowant to go brod, houd consider_e goernt _apasspot.A. t

10、oapplyto; fo taply for; to C aplig; for D lyig or; to第二节:完形填空(共1小题,每小题2分;满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从640各题所给的、B、和项中,选出最佳选项。Even tog it w ony Octoer, m stuts wee le whisperng abou Christms plas. With ac pssng , everone became re 26 , waiingor thefial col bl. Uponts 7 , everyne wldrun or eiats and gohome, v

11、ryoe cept DvidDaid wasa salboy ragged cothes.I had otenwonere whatkind f homeife vid h, and wha kdof moter culse he son oschol drd so inappopraey forhe cod winter mths, withta co, oots,orloes.Bu smethig mae aid 28 . can sill rmmbrhe was alas 9 a smileand wiling to hel. e alwys 3 aftr chool o sraightchairs and mophefloor.We nver tlke uchHe 31 just simply smileand ask whtlse h coud d, thn tank me for lett



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