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1、2015中考题型专练(补全对话)根据英语新课程标准,初中阶段应当掌握的功能意念项目包括:问候、介绍、告别、感谢、道歉、邀请、请求允许、祝愿和祝贺、请求与提供帮助、约会、打电话、就餐、就医、购物、问路、谈论天气、语言交际困难、劝告、建议、同意和不同意、表扬和鼓励、偏爱和爱好、责备和抱怨、希望和愿望等。在各地的中考题中,主要以单项选择和补全对话的形式对这些项目进行考查。【经典习题】. 根据对话内容,从方框内选择合适的句子补全对话。A: What are you doing? B: Im trying to write a poem. Must I use a complete sentence i

2、n each line? A: No, you neednt. (1) What is your poem about? B: About my grandmother. She died three years ago. A: (2) Im afraid you will be sad.B: Oh, I just miss my grandmother so much. Dont worry about me. Im a cheerful person. A: I know you always like poems. (3)B: Of course. To be a poet is my

3、dream, so I practice a lot. (4) Now Im writing this poem by myself. A: OK. (5)B: No problem. A. Why dont you write about happy things? B. But you must pay attention to the rhyme (押韵).C. Please show it to me as soon as you finish it. D. Would you like to be a poet when you grow up?E. And Im sure Ill

4、realize the dream. 根据对话内容,从方框内选择合适的句子补全对话。(有两项多余)M: Why do you want to go to the supermarket so early, dear? W: I watched the advertisement about the sale last night. (1) M: Then we should get to the supermarket as it opens. (2)W: Some vegetables and eggs. M: (3)W: About five kilos. Is there anythin

5、g you need to buy? M: Well, I would like to buy a pair of shoes. W: (4)M: A pair of sports shoes. W: OK. And we can have breakfast in the KFC near the supermarket after shopping. M: (5). Lets hurry up now. A. What do we need to buy? B. Im sorry to hear that. C. That sounds great. D. What kind of sho

6、es would you like?E. How many eggs do we need?F. It says the sale will only last for an hour.G. How did you get to the supermarket? . 根据对话内容,从方框内选择合适的单词或短语,并用其适当形式补全对话。 advice, all right, matter, in ones opinion, nothingW: Good morning. Sit down, please. Whats your problem? M: Its not about me. I co

7、me here because of my daughter. W: Whats the (1) with her? M: She is ten years old now, but her hair is yellow and sparse (稀疏的). W: (2), she may lack zinc (缺锌). Does she have a balanced diet?M: Im afraid not. She never eats bean products and she doesnt eat meat. W: Its not good for her health. My (3

8、) is that she needs to have milk, tofu and beef a lot. M: Does she have to take some medicine?W: No, she doesnt. Its (4) serious. A healthy diet is enough. M: OK, I see. W: She will be (5). Dont worry. M: Thank you very much. . 根据对话内容,在空白处填入恰当的句子,使对话意思完整、通顺。 Tom: What do you think of your trip to Xi

9、sha Islands? Cindy: (1) I had never been to such a beautiful place before. Tom: (2)Cindy: For about a week. I took many photos and ate a lot of seafood there. Tom: I hear you went there by yourself. Is that right? Cindy: Yes. Tom: (3)Cindy: By plane. It took me five hours to fly there from my city.

10、Tom: How did you feel when you knew you could go there? Cindy: (4) I called all of my friends and told them the good news. Tom: (5)Cindy: It was sunny and warm. I really enjoyed the sunshine on the beach. 【解题思路】解答补全对话题时,要注意以下要点:1. 首先通读对话,掌握大意。2. 根据对话语境,结合给出的选项,选择能填入空白处并保持对话意思连贯、通顺的句子(对于不太确定的句子,可以最后用

11、排除法来确定)。3. 选择完答案之后再通读一遍,看是否通顺、符合语境;填写词汇和句子的题型最后要检查单词的拼写是否正确,句子表达是否通顺,时态、语态等是否正确。【巩固练习】. 根据对话内容,从方框内选择合适的句子补全对话。M: Do you know the man in the picture?W: I dont know, but it is easy to guess. (1) Look! There is an iPhone beside him. M: Yes, you are right. Do you know much about him? W: No. I just know

12、 that he was the CEO of Apple Inc., who was really an intelligent and creative man. M: (2)W: It seemed that he died at the age of 56. M: Yes. (3) He was born in 1955 in San Francisco. He was very interested in electronics when he was young. W: (4)M: From Homestead High School in 1972. W: When did he

13、 set up Apple Inc.? M: (5) He made the products of Apple Inc. the most popular in the world.A. Where did he graduate?B. He must be Steve Jobs. C. He set it up with another man in 1976.D. Do you know how old he was when he died?E. He was from the US. 根据对话内容,从方框内选择合适的句子补全对话。(有两项多余)W: Do you know the p

14、lane crash (飞机失事) which happened two years ago in San Francisco? M: Yes, but a little. (1)W: Right. It was reported that three students died and 48 people were badly hurt. M: Im sorry to hear that. (2)W: Yes, they were all Chinese students. M: (3)W: Early reports said that Asiana Airlines Flight 214

15、 made a hard landing. The tail of the plane stroke the runway and broke off.M: How terrible! It seems that there are more and more air crashes nowadays. W: (4)M: Maybe I should cancel my plane travel next month. It is too dangerous.W: (5) Accidents will happen. A. Thats true. B. Its a great pity!C. It was said that there were many Chinese people on board. D. Were the t


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