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1、二级VF答案*1套*2.2 sele 会员号,姓名,年龄 from customer where 年龄=ab group by 1 order 3 into tale dbfa*2套*2.1 双击 customer 表【表】追加记录选择“customer1” 表并确定Sele * from customer where 客户号 in(sele 客户号from order _list) order by 1 into table results*3套*(1)将order_list 添加到报表数据环境中(右键数据环境) (2)右键数据分组选择“客户号”为分组表达式:将“客户号”字段拖到组标头带区;

2、将“总金额”字段拖到组注脚带区,双击“总金额”计算选择“求和”并确定(3)【报表】标题/总结选择“标题带区”及“总结带区”(4)打开数据环境双击表输入 set order to 客户号*4套*3. update score set 学分=iif(物理=60,3,0)+ iif(英语=60,4,0)Sele学号,学分 from score order by 2,1 desc into table xf*5套*3 . update score _fs set 平均分=(iif(物理# -1,物理,0) + iif(高数# -1,高数,0)+iif(英语# -1,英语,0))/(iif(物理# -1

3、,1,0)+iif(高数# -1,1,0)+iif(英语3-1,1,0))Sele学号,平均分 from score _fs order by 2 desc ,1 into table pjf*6套*2.2 sele student2.* from student2,sc,course2 where student2 .学号=sc .学号 and sc.课程号=course2.课程号and 课程名=“数据库”and成绩=85 order by studen2.学号into table nine3. update scorel1 set 总成绩=考试成绩+iif(少数名族=.t.,5,0)+ii

4、f(优秀干部,10,0)+iif(三好生,20,0) Sele学号,总成绩from score1 order by 2,1,into table zc j*7套*2.1 SELECT Student.学号,姓名,课程名,成绩 FROM student,sc,course where Sc .课程号=(course.课程号 and student. 学号=Sc. 学号ORDER BY 课程名,成绩DESC INTO IABLE sclist3. create view sview as sele student.学号,姓名,avg(成绩) as 平均成绩,min(成绩) as 最低分,count

5、(*) as 选课门数 from Student ,sc where student .学号=sc .学号group by student .学号 having count (*)3 order by 平均成绩desc 浏览:open data sdb 和sele *from sview 打印:report form p_student preview*8套*3. close data all Sele 股票代码,(买入价现价)*持有数量as 浮亏金额 from stock _sl where 现价(sele avg(总金额) from order_list) order by 1 into

6、table results3. sele * from order_detail into table od_bakSele right (订单号,1) as 订单号,器件号,器件名,min(单价) as 单价,sum(数量)as 数量 from od_bak group by 1,2 order by 1,2 into table od_new *12套*Close date allSele 股票代码,sum(本次数量)as mj from stock_mm where 买卖标记=.t. group by 1 into table mjSele 股票代码,sum(本次数量)as mc fro

7、m stock_mm where 买卖标记=.f.group by 1 into table mc Sele mj.股票代码,mjmc as 持仓数量 from mj,mc where mj.股票代码=mc.股票代码 into table newUse stock_ccZap Append from newSele top 1 * from stock_cc order by 2 into table stock_x*13套*Close data all Sele * from chengji order by 课程号,成绩 dese into table new Index on 课程号 t

8、ag 课程号Sele 0Use kechengSet relation to 课程号 into new Replace 最高分 with new.成绩,学号 for 课程号=new.课程号Sele 课程名,最高分 from kecheng order by 2 dese into table jiangli *14套*2.2 数据表格式输入:open database stsc/use student /browse/close database 退出:set sysmenu to default 3. close data all Sele 学号,avg(成绩)as 平均分 from che

9、ngji group by 1 into table new Index on 学号 tag 学号Sele 0 Use xueshengSet relation to 学号 into newReplace 平均分 with new.平均分 for xuesheng.学号=new.学号Sele 学号,平均分 from xuesheng order by 2,1 into table pingjun*15套*2.1 sele student.* from student score,course where student.学号=score.学号 and score.课程号=course.课程号

10、and 课程名=”C+” order by 1 into table cplus 3.close data all Use zhichengIndex on 职称代码 tag 职称代码Sele 0Use yuangongSet relation to 职称代码 into zhichengReplace 新工资 with 工资*(1+zhicheng.增加百分比/100) for 职称代码=zhicheng.职称代码*16套*2.1 sele 商品表.商品号,商品名,销售价.单价,sum(销售数量) as 销售数量,sum(销售表.单价*销售数量) as 销售金额 from商品表,销售表 whe

11、re 商品表.商品号=销售表.商品号 group by 1 order by 5 dese into table see_a3.sele * from 商品表 into table 商品表备份 update 商品表 set 单价=出厂单价*0.1 where left(商品号,2)=”10”调整:do change_c*17套*sele * from salarys into table bak_salarysclose data all use c_sallarysset order to 雇员号sele 0use salarysset rela to 雇员号 into c_salary1replace 工资 with c_salary1.工资 for 雇员号=c_salary1.雇员号 调整:do change_c*18套*close data allsele 订单号,sum(单价*数量) as 总金额 from order_detail group by 1 into table newindex on 订单号 tag 订单号sele 0use order_listset relation to 订单号 into newrepl 总金额 with new.总金额 for 订单号=new.订单号sele * from order_list or


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