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1、Unit 7How much are these pants知识点 神木二中 高巧巧 【重点短语】1. how much多少钱 2. seven dollars七美元3. a red sweater一件红色的毛衣4. want a sweater 想要一件毛衣 5. clothes store服装店 6. at Huaxings great sale 华兴服装大减价 7. at agood price 以合理的价格 8. bags for sports运动包 9. see for yourself亲自看一看10. have a look at看一看 11. on sale 正在销售的;减价的

2、【重点句子】1.How muchis this T-shirt? 这件毛衣多少钱? Its seven dollars. 七美元。2. How much are these socks? 这些袜子多少钱? They are two dollars. 两美元。3.Can I help you? 要我帮忙吗? / 您要买什么?4. I want a sweater. 我想要一件毛衣。5.What colordo you want? 您想要什么颜色的?6.Here you are. 给你。7.Ill take it. 我买了。/ 我要了。8. Come and buy your clothes at

3、 Huaxings great sale! 快来买衣服,华兴服装大减价了!9. We have sweatersat a very good price-only $25! 我们有价格合理的毛衣,每件只卖25元。10. Do you need bagsforsports? 您需要运动包吗?11. For girls, we have T-shirtsinred, green, and white for only $18! 我们有女孩子穿的红色、绿色和白色的T恤衫,每件只售18元。12. For boys, you can buy socks for only $5 each! 男孩子们,你们

4、只需花5元钱就能买一双袜子。13. Anybody canaffordour prices! 任何人都能接受我们的价格。14. Come andsee for yourselfat Huaxing Clothes Store! 亲自到华兴服装店来看看吧!15.Have a look atZig Zags Clothes Store. 到Zig Zag服装店来看一看。16. The green shorts areon salefor $25! 绿色的短裤正在热卖中,只售25美元。 【课文重难点解析】1. How much are these pants?how much在这里用来询问物体的价格

5、,回答时用 “Its + 价钱” 或 “Theyre + 价钱”(重点).How much is this watch? 这块手表多少钱?Its 100 dollars. 100美元。How much are these potatoes? 这些土豆多少钱?They are two dollars. 两美元。2. Can I help you? 我可以帮你吗?/ 要我帮忙吗?help在这里是动词“帮助,援助”的意思。常用短语有help sb (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事 ;help sb. with sth帮助某人某事。(这两个用法很重要,务必掌握!)I often help my

6、mum (to) do the housework.我经常帮妈妈做家务。Jack often helps me with my English.杰克常帮我学英语。3. I want a sweater.我想要一件毛衣。want 动词, 是“想要;需要;希望”的意思。后跟名词、代词或动词不定式等。常见用法:want to do sth.想要做某事; want sb. to do sth.想让某人做某事(这两个用法常考,尤其是第一个!)I want a T-shirt. 我想要件T恤衫。I want to go home. 我想要回家。4.Ill take it. 我买下了。这句话的意思是“我买下

7、了/我要了。”当顾客选好商品时,常常说:Ill take it.或Ill have it. 而不经常说:Ill buy it.5. Come and buy your clothes at Huaxings great sale!(1)clothes 名词,意思是“衣服;服装”.它只有复数形式,没有单数形式。(需要记住,clothes后面的be动词要用are,因为它是一个集合名词,只能当做复数用)clothes 作主语时,谓语动词也要用复数形式。There are many beautiful clothes in my store.在我的商店里有很多漂亮衣服。The clothes in M

8、r. Cools Clothes Store are all red.库尔服装店里的衣服都是红色的。(2)at a great sale= on sale. 促销,减价销售(on sale我们遇到的会相对多一些,翻译成促销,正在销售等等)6. We have sweaters at a very good price-only $25!.at agood price意思是“以一个合理的价格”.7. we have T-shirt in red, green, and white!介词 in+ 颜色,表示“什么颜色的”.(重要)The girl in red is my sister.穿红毛衣的

9、女孩是我的妹妹。8. For boys, you can buy socks for only $5 each!(1)buy动词,意思是“买”,常用搭配: buy sth from从买来某物You can buy some apples from the fruit store.你可以从水果店买一些苹果。(2)each的意思是“每一;各”,用来加以强调。9. Anybody can afford our prices!afford动词,意思是“负担得起;付得起,买得起”,常与can, cant, could, couldnt连用,后直接跟名词;也可跟动词,跟动词时用动词的不定式形式:afford to do.(考的最多的是afford to do,翻译成支付的起,买得起。)We can afford a car.我们能买得起一辆小汽车。We cant afford to buy that house.我们买不起那样的房子。10. Have a look at Zig Zags Clothes Store.have a look at意思是“看一看;看一下”. 也可以直接说“look at ”.(重点短语)Can I have a look at your new pen?我可以看看你的新钢笔吗?


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