教学案例 (7)

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1、Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?Period2 Section A 2a2d【学习目标】一般过去时的一般疑问句、特殊疑问句及答语。【学习重点】一般过去时的用法,利用情景思维在理解句意的基础上理解词汇的用法,记忆重点词汇,句型和语法内容。【学法指导】1、在谈论过去发生的事件时,动词应用 , 2、一般问句记两点,一句首加 ,二动词变 。【教学过程】 自主学习I、写出下列动词的过去式1)draw _ 2)swim _3)study _4)bring _5)begin _ 6)learn _7)get _ 8)sleep _9)lie(躺)_10)enjoy _

2、11) take_ 11) swim_II、快乐译一译go with someone_ go out with someone _ go to New York city_ buy something special_meet someone interesting_Long time no see_ do something interesting _go to central park_ study for_ quite a few_III 、answer the questions:1. How was your summer vacation ?_2.Where did you go

3、on vacation? _3.Who did you go there with ?_4.What did you do there ? _ 合作探究Step1. 合作交流A、猜一猜 Where did I go on vacation? 请运用你学过的所有活动的名称。同学们可这样猜:Did yougo to. ? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.B、列下你去过的一些地方,询问同伴是否去过完成下列表格。NameDid youYes, I didNo, I didntC、看以上信息,向同学们汇报同伴去过或没去过的地方。D、引导学生做如下练习A:Grace ,where di

4、d you go last vacation ? B:I went to the New York City.A:Oh ,really. Did you go with anyone ? B:Yes ,I went there with my mother.Step2 2a、2b ListeningListening and finish the task in 2a、2b,then check the answers.Step3 2d Rreading1. Students listen and repeat the conversation,and know the Chinese.2.

5、Students read the conversation aloud and role-play it. 当堂检测I.下面是Anna去海滩度假的情况表,请根据表的内容回答问题。PlaceWeatherActivityFoodSun BeachSunnyHave a swimSeafood A: Hi, Tina! 1 ? B: Fine, thanks. A: Where did you go, Tina? B: 2_ . A How was the weather there? B. 3_ . A: What did you do there? B: _4 . A: Did you ha

6、ve any fish? B: _5 .II、按要求变换句型: 1. I saw a lot of children _ on the playground.(正在打篮球) 2. Yesterday we went to the park. We had a great time there.(改成近义句) Yesterday we went to the park. We _ _ there. 3. I paid 20 yuan for the new book. (改成近义句) I _ _ _ _ the new book. 4. My family and I visited some places of interest.(变成疑问句) _ 5. We did our homework.(变成否定句) _ 备课组交流反思:


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