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1、 新概念第二册自学导读 Lessons38而是“梦想”、“憧憬”的意思: Frank used to dream of having a car of his own. 弗兰克过去常梦想拥有一辆自己的车。 (2)settle down 是个固定短语, 可以表示“定居”、“安家”、“安排”等含义: They settled down in Australia in 1988. 他们1988年在澳大利亚定居了。 After two years of travelling, I want to settle down now. 旅行了两年之后,我现在想过安定的日子了。 2Almost immedia

2、tely he began to complain about the weather, for even though it was still summer, it rained continually and it was often bitterly cold. 但紧接着他就开头埋怨那里的天气了。 由于即使那时仍为夏季,但雨总是下个不停,而且经常冷得厉害。 (1)for 在这里为连词, 为所陈述的事说出缘由。它与 because不同,不能用于句首。并且在for后面必需重复主语: I don”t have a car, for I can”t afford it. 我没有车,由于我买不起

3、。 (2)连词even though引导的是让步状语从句, 表示“即使”、“虽然”: Even though we were very tired, we went on with the work. 虽然我们已特别累了,我们仍旧连续干活。 3He acted as if be had never lived in England before他的举动就似乎他从未在英国生活过一样。 连词 as if/ though 引导方式状语从句,通常跟在描述行为举止的动词之后,如act, appear, feel, look, smell, sound等后面: She acted as if she we

4、re mad. 她的举动像疯了一样。 It feels as if/ though it”s going to rain. 这天气给人的感觉似乎是要下雨。 4In the end, it was more than he could bear. 最终,他再也忍受不住。 more than在这里表示“超过的范围”: This piece of news is more than I can believe. 我无法信任这条消息。 这种用法与它通常表示“比更多”的用法稍有不同: There were more than ten people in the room. 房间里不止10个人。 语法 G

5、rammar in use 过去完成时 在第14课的语法中,我们学习了过去完成时的构成和根本用法。它常常与一般过去时连用,表示在过去某个动作发生前完成的动作: When I arrived, Jane had left. 我到时,简已经走了。(走发生在我到达之前) 与过去完成时连用的表示时间的词或词组有when, after, as soon as, (not) until, by that time, (never) before, already, for, since, just等, 另外它还常与连词no soonerthan和 hardlywhen连用。(cf词汇学习)过去完成时不能与

6、副词ago 连用(ago只能与一般过去时连用): He hadn”t finished it by yesterday evening. 到昨天晚上他还没做完。 词汇学习 Word study 1no soonerthan与 hardlywhen 这两组连词意义都与 as soon as相近,但都比 as soon as正式。 它们通常都与过去完成时连用。当 no sooner和 hardly位于句 首时,后面的主谓构造都要颠倒挨次,即句子变为 no sooner/hardly+助动词+主语+动词形式的语序: He had no sooner returned than he bought a

7、 house and went to live there. 他刚一回来便买下了一幢房子住了进去。 No sooner had he returned than he bought a house and went to live there. (译文同上) No sooner had he begun speaking than he was interrupted. 他刚一开头讲话就被打断了。 He had hardly had time to settle down when he sold the house and left the country. 他还没等安排下来就卖掉了房子,离

8、开了这个国家。 Hardly had he had time to settle down when he sold the house and left the country. (译文同上) Hardly had he got into the bus when it began moving. 他刚刚登上那辆公共汽车它就开了。 no soonerthan与 hardlywhen 都是固定词组, than与when不行混用。 2country与 countryside country的意义比拟广,它可以有“国家”、“祖国”或“乡下”等多种含义: He had planned to sett

9、le down in the country. 他原打算在乡下定居。 He sold the house and left the country. 他卖掉房子,离开了这个国家。 country 作“乡下”讲时, 通常与the连用,作“国家”讲时则不一定: We are going to spend the weekend in the country. 我们准备去乡下过这个周末。 Which country do you come from? 你来自哪个国家? countryside主要指“农村地区”、“乡下”: I grew up in the countryside. 我在农村长大。 3

10、continuously与 continually 这两个副词都与动词 continue(连续,持续)有关。它们的区分在于continuously (不断地,连续地)指动作中间没有连续,而continually (频繁地,反复地)则指动作中间有连续但又持续很久: It rained continually. 天总是/频繁地下雨。(有连续) This plane can fly continuously for twenty hours. 这架飞机可以连续飞行20小时。(中间没有连续) Why does he come here continually? 他为什么老是到这里来? You must

11、n”t watch TV for such a long time continuously. 你不能这么长时间连续地看电视。 练习答案 Key to written exercises 1关键句型练习答案 A What happened: returned(1.2); bought( 1.4); went(1.4); began(1.5); rained(1.6); go (1.7); acted(1.8); wascould bear(1.9); soldleft(1.9); ended(1.10) What had happened: had lived (1.1); had often

12、 dreamed (1.2); had planned(1.3); had no sooner returned(1.4); had never lived (1.8); had hardly had(1.9); had had (1.10); had thought (1.10) 2难点练习答案 A 1 I had no sooner left the house than it began to rain. 2 We had no sooner hung the picture on the wall than it fell down. B 1 continuously 2 continually 3 country 3多项选择题答案 1 b 2c 3a 4a 5c 6b 7 d 8 d 9 b 10 a 11d 12 d


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