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1、京口实验共同体六年级英语教案课时:6A83 课型:Cartoon time, Sound time 主备学校:京口实验 审核人:茅君 集备主讲:凌燕 使用学校: 使用教师:凌燕 执教时间:【教学目标】理解并能利用潜台词表演故事。能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词rich, plan。能听得懂、会说、会读词汇yummy, hooray。知道字母组合oo在单词中的发音u:并能学习新单词。知道中国春节除夕的习俗。【教学准备】PPT,学案,彩色卡纸和蓝黑油性笔【自主导学】1.常规预习跟磁带读Cartoon time部分故事三遍并尝试理解故事,圈画难点。你能找出oo在单词中的发音并查找出其他相同发音单词么

2、?比比谁找得多!book cook good look classroom_2询问家人春节计划,完成表格。I FatherMotherGrandparentsBefore ChineseNew YearOn Chinese New Year EveOn ChineseNew Year Day2.知识解析字母组合oo有三类不同发音:oo u cool, food, room, school, zoooo u: book, cook, foot, good, lookoo u/u: bedroom, classroom, bathroom3.预习自测预习Cartoon time,回答问题。Q: W

3、hat are Bobby and Tina going to do on Chinese New Years Day?_【课堂互动】Step1 Culture time1. Review the childrens plans for Chinese New Years Eve.2. Guess the topic of this lesson: Chinese New Years Eve.3. Play a game about The Monster Nian.Step2 Sound time1. Review the pronunciationu: of letters oo and

4、try to find out what the cook is going to do on Chinese New Years Eve in the rhyme.2. Find out the same pronunciation of letters oo in the words of the rhyme.3. Discuss in groups and think of more words with the same sound. 4. Read the rhyme in Sound time.5. Try to read the new words according to th

5、e pronunciation of letters oo.尝试用新学发音规律读读新词并选词填空。hook 钓 brook小溪 chook鸡Mr Wu is going to catch the _ and _ the fish in the_ for Chinese New Years Eve.Step3 Cartoon time 1. Think about Bobbys feeling about Chinese New Years Eve and find the related words and sentences by watching the video.2. Enjoy th

6、e story with friends.3. Imagine what Bobby and Tina are going to buy with their red packets.4. Choose a scene and give a show.Step4 Ticking timeTicking timeI know the sound of oo.I can read the cartoon story.I can act(表演) the cartoon story.Step5 Homework1. Read the parts of Sound time and the cartoo

7、n story after the tape and act the whole story with partners. 2. Finish Part D and E in P54 of Exercise book and complete Su Hais e-mail in Checkout time.3. Try to know some information about Thanksgiving Day and Christmas on the Internet. 【达标检测】1.辨音(T/F)。( )book foot ( ) noodle afternoon ( ) cook f

8、ood ( )good soon ( ) room hooray ( ) took school2.和小组伙伴选择一幅图表演课文。【巩固延伸可以根据Cartoon time的内容设计根据中文完成句子的练习。】一、阅读理解。Sam is an American boy. He and his parents live in Nantong now. Yesterday was Wednesday. They went shopping. Now, Sam and his parents are planning for their weekend. Sams father likes China

9、 and Chinese food. So he is going to the History Museum(历史博物馆) on Saturday and eat Chinese food in the restaurant(餐馆) on Sunday. Sams mother is going to see a film on Saturday because she loves Chinese culture(文化). Sam doesnt want to join his parents. He is going to see a play with his classmates th

10、is Saturday.( ) 1. Sam is from the UN. ( ) 2. Sams mother likes Chinese food.( ) 3. Sams father is going to eat Chinese food in the restaurant on Sunday. ( ) 4. Sam wants to see a Beijing opera show with his classmates.( ) 5. Sam and his parents are planning for their weekend on Thursday.【板书设计】Unit8Chinese New Yearyummy hoorayBobby rich What a nice cake!【教学随笔及典型错题】_


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