On Inevitability of tragedy of “Othello”

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《On Inevitability of tragedy of “Othello”》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《On Inevitability of tragedy of “Othello”(28页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、CONTENTSAbstract.1Introduction.2Chapter1 Analysis of Racial Discrimination.41.1 On Racial Discrimination Briefly.41.2 Racial Discrimination In “Othello”.4Chapter2 Internal Causes for Tragedy “Othello”.7 2.1 The Whites Superiority of Its Race and Culture.72.2 People Living on the Margins of Society O

2、wing Self-abased Characteristic.102.3 Flaws in Othellos Characterists.13Chapter 3 External Causes for Tragedy of Othello183.1 Brabantios Prejudice against Othello.183.2 Iagos Scheme.213.3 Desdemonas Overconfidence in Her Love.22Conclusion.25Notes.26Bibliograbhy. 27AcknowledgementOn Inevitability of

3、tragedy of “Othello”Li Dan(Foreign Language Department, Hunan City University, Yiyang, Hunan 413000,China)Abstact: “Othello” was written by Shakespeare in 1604 and it is the most controversial one of Shakespeares four major tragedies. According to many views on the tragedy of “Othello”, in my opinio

4、n, the tragedy must be inevitable. Based on racial discriminnation, this paper tries to explore the causes of tragedy of “Othello”, including internal and external causes. Because of the tumor of racial discrimination in society, the white has superiority of its race and culture ,while the black has

5、 to take the burden of their sense of inferiority complex. When Othello as one representative of blacks couldnt bear the whites racial discrimination and his own self-abased sense, he will make a action beyond imagination, namely, he kills his beloved wife and destroies himself that leads to the tra

6、gedy. Key words: inevitable, racial discrimination, inferiority complex, tragedy摘要:奥瑟罗是莎士比亚在1604年所创作的,它是莎士比亚四部主要悲剧中最有争议的一部。根据对奥瑟罗悲剧的不同观点,笔者认为,这部悲剧是必然发生的。从种族歧视的角度分析,本论文探究了造成奥瑟罗悲剧的内外原因。由于社会存在种族歧视这颗毒瘤,白种人有着种族及文化优越感,而黑人不得不承受自卑的心理压力。奥瑟罗作为黑人的代表,当他不能忍受白人的种族歧视以及他自卑心理无法自拔时,他会采取意想不到的行动,那就是杀害自己深爱的妻子并且自杀,从而导致悲剧

7、的发生。关键字:必然的,种族歧视,自卑情结,悲剧IntroductionWilliam Shakespeare is one of the great dramatists and poets, symbolizing the great achievement in literature in the English renaissance. As we all know, William Shakespeare has written many famous plays, including comedies and tragedies. Among them, Othello is on

8、e of Shakespeares four major tragedies. Although the plot of the play is very simple, it reflects many aspects of life. The plot of “Othello” is like this: the main character Othello who is a moor kills his beloved wife Desdemona who is beautiful and has white skin and then committs suicide for many

9、 reasons. Since hundreds of years ago, many critics have been arguing on what the root of tragedy is. One view is that jealousy and credulity make Othello lose his reason and human nature, and another view is that the great power of evil causes the tragedy of Othello However, I think, no matter what

10、 the view is, the tragedy is inevitable and it has a close connection with Othellos black skin. Iago is a dangerous person who provokes the anger of Desdemonas father, then arouses Othellos sense of inferiority complex and consequently loves between Othello and Desdemona ends with thorough destructi

11、on. On the angle of racial discrimination, “Othello” just reflects the whites superiority of its race and culture and people living on the margins of society owning self-abased characteristic in their deep heart. So, in consequence of such a society background, Othellos characteristics have many sho

12、rtcomings, Desdemonas father has prejudice to black Othello;Iago would do harm to the marriage between the white and the moor; Desdemona has over-confidence in love between Othello and her. Because of so many factors that cause the tragedy of Othello, the tragedy must happen and it is inevitable, bu

13、t not accidental.Chapter 1 Analysis of Racial Discrimination1.1 On Racial Discrimination Briefly“Race is born as human society exists” said it in “Human Rights Dictionary”. So, race is also regarded as ethnic group, which has common origin and heredity. Certainly, different races have different phys

14、iology characteristics and cultures. Because of different races, racial discrimination commonly appears. Especially in western society, the black and yellow are looked down upon and the white think their race is the most powerful one in the word, while any other race is inferior. So, the white oppos

15、e the marriage between the white and the black, refrain the blacks basic rights and freedoms and furthermore carry out race isolation policy and so on. Racial discrimination typically points out taxonomic differences between different groups of people, even though anybody can be racialised, independently of their somatic differences. According to the United Nations conventions, there is no distinction be



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