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1、专项练习:连词成句。1. watch I often six at cartoons 2. runs the hill up He 3 films Rosie like doesnt detective 4 hide in They the can tunnels 5 make the snow They tunnels under 6 I going buy chewing gum. am to 7 I going am to apples, buy pears and plums. 􀊋 8 What on are you going do Saturday?to 9. i

2、s ride going Tom to a bike. 􀊋 6. play She is going to the piano. 􀊋7. Emma is to swim. going 􀊋 8. are We going football to play. 􀊋 9. going They are to dance. 􀊋 10. You are to a party. going 􀊋. 11. bread and We need cola. 􀊋 12 bring some

3、Can you orange juice? 13 I also need cakes. think we . 14. I can bread. bring the 􀊋 15 going to He is learn English. 􀊋 .16 the noodles and I will bring the hot dogs. 17 mascots everywhere. There are 18 I got a have school bag. 19 got red pencil He has. 20 got a new Have you car? 21

4、 back in Ill be a minute. 22 I sell this want to necklace. 23 do you collect? What 24 I comics and collect autographs. 25 comics have How many you got? 26 collect I dont football pictures. 27 I dont or collect postcards stamps. 28 Sandra some and I collect books. 29 I on my stick the stickers school

5、bag.􀊋 30 How has he many autographs got? 31 She and collects comics stamps. 32 He all the wants postcards time. 33 Simon football doesnt collect pictures. 33. Mary doesnt autographs. collect stamps or 34 My stamps. father collects 􀊋 35 How jump in often can you a minute? 36 jump ni

6、nety I can times in a minute. 37 How often bend your can you knees in a minute? 38 I can bend forty times my kness in a minute. 39 How words can many you write in a minute? 40 In a minute a top athlete can hundred metres. run about four 41 The go about twenty fastest car can kilometres in a minute.

7、42 He catch a wants to hare. 43 I live in northern in Grise Fjord Canada. 44 Most its very of the year clod here. 45 In always winter its dark. 46 summer its In never dark. 47 This father on is my his snowmoblie. 48 Sometimes my I build friends and an igloo. 49 Inside its always an igloo nice and wa

8、rm. 50There malls, no playgrounds are no shopping and theres no TV. 51 Can fishing we go again tomorrow ? 52 Can again next I come year ? 53 So see them other animals cannot when they hunt. 54 Their is favourite food seals. 55 I science like fiction films. 56 I like detective dont films. 57 Do scien

9、ce you like fiction films ? 58I watch science always fiction films. 59 She fiction films often watches science and nature programmes. 60 When programme does the sports begin? 61 The sports at ten past programme begins five. 62 My are favourite programmes cartoons and detective films. 63 Mr Black Mr Green. lives opposite


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