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1、小学英语第二册试题(六)班级 姓名 得分一、 字母部分。同学们请按照字母表顺序用手写体默写出26个大小写字母(错一个扣0.5分,直到扣完为止)。二、 词汇部分。 ( )1.s_ong歌 A.a B.o C. e( )2.fav_ _rite 特别喜爱的 A.ma B.ar C.ou( )3.th_ _他(她,它)们 A.ey B.oy C.ur( )4.mon_ _ y 猴子 A.ke B.ar C.ey( )5.ele_ _ant大象 A.al B.ph C.on( )6.sma_ _小的 A.ll B.al C.al( )7.sh_ _t 矮的 A.ou B.al C.or( )8.s_

2、_mming游泳 A.wi B.aw C.um( )9.n_ _dles 面条 A.aa B.ae C.oo( )10.p_ _ _梨子 A.ear B.rea C.our( )11._ _ange 橘子 A.or B.mi C.fi( )12.fi_ _鱼 A.ar B.sp C.sh( )13.w_ _kend周末 A.oo B.cc C.ee( )14.Ch_ _ ese 中国的 A. in B.on C.iu( )15.summ_ _夏天 A.or B.er C.ar( )16._ _imal动物 A.on B.an C.in( )17.yell_ _黄色 A.ma B.ou C.ow

3、( )18.go to _上学 A.lunch B.dinner C.school( )19.ch_ _r 椅子 A.ai B.or C.ei( )20._ kites放风筝 A. play B. fly C.do三、 选出不同类的一项。( )1.A banana B.fish C.apple( )2.A.at B.get up C.go to school( )3.A.song B.car C.ship( )4.A.elephant B.fat C.monkey( )5.A.red B.noodles C.green( )6.A.milk B.coffee C.doll( )7.A.tall

4、 B.short C.read( )8.A.have dinner B.play football C.have breakfast( )9.A.blue B.green C.two( )10A.song B.car C.ship( )11.A.warm B.cool C.park( )12.A.sleep B.Math C.Science( )13.A.autumn B.winter C.sunny( )14.A.sweater B.bus C.coat四、 单项选择。( )1.What are they?A.Theyre cats. B.Its a cat. C.Theyre cat.(

5、)2.Whats this?A. Its a tiger . B.Theyre tigers. C.Its tigers.( )3.Whats the time?A.Thank you! B.Its eight oclock. C.Here you are!( )4._like table tennis.A.she B.he C. I ( )5. I like swimming. I like swimming,_.A.too B.and C.but( )6.Here _ are.A.you B.she C.he( )7. I dont like_bikes.A.swimming B.skip

6、ping C.riding( )8.Do you like oranges? Yes,_.A. I do B.she do C. I dont( )9.Does she like rice? _,she doesnt.A.Yes B.No C.And( )10.当你给别人东西,应该怎么说_A.Good morning B.How are you C.Here you are( )11.当你想问别人你喜欢梨子吗?应该怎么说_A.Do you like bananas? B.Does she like pears? C.Do you like pears?( )12.当你想说那只猴子是胖的,应该怎

7、么说_A.This monkey is fat. B.Does she like pears? C.Do you like pears?( )13.当你问别人特别喜欢什么玩具,你应该说:_A. Whats your favourite toy? B.Whats your favourite song?C.Whats your favourite doll?( )14.当你想问别人时间应该怎么说_A.Whats the time,please? B.Its eight oclock.C.Its half past eight.五、请将左边的句子前的字母代号填入右边相应的英语括号内。( )1.Go

8、od afternoon,Im Mr Wang. A.Fine,thank you.( )2.Whats your favourite toy? B.Yes,I do.( )3.How are you,Lingling? C.Its half past seven.( )4.What are they? D.My favourite toy is doll.( )5.Do you like fish? E.Good afternoon,Mr Wang.( )6.Whats the time? F.They are lions.( )7.What do you do in spring? G.N

9、o, he hasnt.( )8.Has Sam got a new book? H.We fly kites in spring.六、连词成句1.me apple Pass the2.like football Sam Does 3.time What the is4.bed I to go oclock at 10 5.What your is song favourite七、下面句子中有一处错误,请找出来,将序号填入在括号内。()1.They are monkey.()2.Do he like meat?()3.I doesnt like swimming.()4.I look TV at six oclock.()5.Look the trees.


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