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1、 英语口语8000句:新的生命意义To be honest, Mrs Hughes, 说实话 休斯太太 I don”t see that it”s any of my business. 我认为这事与我毫无关系 That”s something I never thought I”d hear you say, ma”am. 真没料到您会说出这种话 夫人 A wretched man is in the workhouse 一个在济贫院的可怜人 and he reaches out to us for rescue. 他向我们求助 Well, he reached out to Carson.

2、 他是向卡森求助 I don”t see what you want me to do. 我不知道你想让我做什么 Mrs Crawley, I. 卡劳利夫人 我 I wondered if I could bring him here. 我在想能否把他带到这来 Here? 这里 If you and I were to vouch for him to the authorities, 假如我俩能向*替他作担保 I”m sure we could get him away from that place. 就肯定能把他从那地方弄出来 But why here? Why not the Abbe

3、y? 可为什么带到这儿来 为什么不是唐顿 Isn”t he Carson”s responsibility? 照看他不该是卡森的责任吗 I”m sorry to say it, but, 可圆满的是 Mr Carson has turned his back on his old pal. 卡森先生已经对他的老伴计弃之不顾了 I see. 我明白了 So you want to risk Carson”s wrath by rescuing this Mr Grigg? 所以即使会激怒卡森你也要把他救出来 He”s a pitiful being, but he”s not beyond wo

4、rk. 他是个可怜的家伙 但还有工作的力量 He”s not beyond a decent life, if he could find it. 假如他有时机还是能过上风光的生活的 You see, in my present state, I don”t think I”m strong enough. 可依我现在的状况 唯恐无力. But you are, ma”am! 您可以的 夫人 If you could just set aside your grief, 只要您能化哀痛为力气 and use that strength for another”s good. 去帮忙有需要的人



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