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1、小学四年级1至4单元复习试卷第一部分 听力(50分)一、 请听录音,选出你所听到的字母组合、音标、单词、短语或句子。(10分)( )1、A、VCD B、KFC C、JOD( )2、A、:ti: B、in C、stdi( )3、A、classroom B、classmate C、computer( )4、A、math book B、Chinese book C、English book( )5、A、long hair B、short hair C、long nose( )6、A、bathroom B、bedroom C、kitchen( )7、A、thirteen B、thirty C、twen

2、ty( )8、A、mouth B、eye C、ear( )9、A、music B、 sports C、science( )10、A、Lets clean the window B、Let me clean the window C、Clean the classroom二、 请根据你所听到的句子或对话,给图片标上1-10的数字序号。(10分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、请根据你所听到的问句,选择正确的答语。(10分)( )1、A、Its a computer. B、Yes,it is. C、OK.( )2、A、Its white. B、Its

3、 20. C、Here you are.( )3、A、Yes,it isnt. B、 Yes,it is. C、No,it is.( )4、A、OK B、Sure,Here you are. C、Thank you.( )5、A、Im 20 B、I can see 20 C、I have 20四、请根据你所听到的内容及其后面的问题,选择正确的答案。(10分)( )1、A、 4 B、5 C、6( )2、A、Its near the window. B、Its near the door. C、Its near the fan.( )3、A、pink and green. B、pink and w

4、hite. C、pink and yellow.( )4、A、music. B、sports. C、painting.( )5、A、Yse,it is. B、Yes,is Chen Jies C、Yes,its Chen Jies五、请听一段对话,从A至F中选择正确的答案填在题目横线上,其中有一项多余。(10分)供选项:A、He has short hair. B、He likes muisc and sports. C、Where is he from? D、Whos he? E、I have a new friend. F、Where is she from?Amy:Hello. Chen

5、 JieChen Jie: Hello. Amy.1._.Amy:Really?Boy or girl?Amy:Oh,What does he like?Chen Jie:3._.Amy:Is he tall?Chen Jie:Yes,he is tall.Amy:4._?Chen Jie:He is from America.Amy:5._?Chen Jie:His name is Mike.第二部分 笔试(50分)一、 写出下列字母的左邻右舍或规范的写出所给字母的大小写(5分)1、 Ff 2、Jj 3、 Ll 4、math 5、 WINDOW二、根据所给的音标,从供选项中选择正确的字母序号

6、,写在题前括号内。(5分)( )1、kitin( )2、kwait( )3、pikt( )4、elf( )5、stdi供选项:A、quiet B、study C、kitchen D、picture E、shelf三单项选择。(10分)( )1.-How are you? -_A.Im fine ,Thank you. B.Good morning C.Nice to meet you.( )2.This _ my home.A.am B. is C.are( )3._my seat? -Its near the door.A.Whats B. Wheres C.Whos( )4.Let _ c

7、lean the window.A.my B. me C.I( )5._ is the schoolbag? -50 yuan.A.How old B.How many C.How much( )6.-_ I have a look? Sure,here you are.A.May B.Am C.What( )7.How many _ do you have?A.book B.books C.a book( )8.She _ muisc.A. like B.likes C./( )9.Is your friend boy _ girl ? A.or B. and C.but( )10.I ha

8、ve _ _ friend.A.an new B.a new C.new a四、按要求变换句子。(10分)1.has,He,short,hair.(连词成句) _.2.This is my new bedroom.(改为一般疑问句)_3.Do you like music?(用肯定回答)_, _ _.4.She _ long hair.(填上适当的词)5._ this your English book?(用be动词填空)五、阅读理解题,共计15分。A.阅读短文,判断正误,对的写T,错的写F,把它写在题号钱的括号内。(5分) Do you have a good friend?Whats he

9、 like?Look.Peter and Zhang Peng are my good friend.Peter is tall and strong.He has small eyes and yellow hair.He likes sports.Zhang Peng is thin.He has short black hair.I like them and they love me.( )1.My friend are Zhang Peng and Peter.( )2.Peter is thin and strong.( )3.Peter has small eyes and ye

10、llow hair.( )4.Peter likes painting.( )5.Zhang Peng is thin with short black hair.B.阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(10分)This is my home.Its new and beautiful.You can see a kithen,a living room,two bathrooms,and three bedrooms.In the living room,there is a big TV.I like my study very much.There is a shelf,a computer,a

11、nd many pictures in it.I ofen read a book in it.Wlcome to my home.( )1.There are_bedrooms in my home. A.one B.two C.there( )2.There are_bathroom in my home. A.one B.two C.there( )3.There are many pictures in my_. A.living room B.bedroom C.study( )4.My home is_and beautiful. A.new B.old C.small( )5.Is there a big TV in my living room?A.Yes,there is. B.No,there isnt. C.Yes,there isnt.六、书面表达。(5分) 我有一个


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