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1、一、选择题1. Whats the secretgood health?Eating healthy food and taking enough exercise.A. inB. toC. on2. The boy read Englishevery morning the age of ten.A. on; inB. on; atC. in; at;D. /; at3. What do you use the shelf _?I use it books.A. to; to keepB. to; keepC. for; to keepD. for; keep4. Which of the

2、following(下面)is right?A. The boy begin to clean the room with his sister.B. In the Spring Festival, the children often get lucky money.C. How is weather like in spring there?D. Youd better not read a book in the sun.5. North Korea isAsia. Itsthe northeast of China andthe west ofJapan.A. in, to, onB.

3、 in, on, toC. on, in, toD. to, on, in6. What do you think your life willnext year?My life will bebetter than it is now.A. be like; veryB. be like; a lotC. be; a lot7. The Beijing Daxing InternationalAirport openedSeptember 25th, 2019.A. toB. atC. inD. on8. The birds singing came into my room t h e w

4、indow and woke me up in the earlymorning.A.downB.fromC.throughD.across9. Lily and Lucy their mother. They have big eyes and yellow hair.A.like bothB.both arelikeC.both likeD.are both like10. -There are many theatres the island.-Yes, Broadway is the southernend of the island.A.at; atB.on; onC.at; onD

5、.on; at11. Marys birthday is Ma r c h . What about Lucys?Her birthday is December 10th.A. in;onB. on;inC. on;on12. It is reported that he won an awardBest Actorhis role in that film.A. as; inB. as; forC. for;forD. for; in13. Jiangsu Development Summit was open May 20thin Nanjing.A. on B. in C. at D.

6、 by14What is it English ? Sorry, I dont know .AinBwithCfromDon15Taiwan is the southeast of China.AtoBinCfromDon16When does your mother go shopping?UsuallySunday morning.AonBinCatDafter17. He isoutgoing studentlong hair.Aa,with,Ban,withCa,ofDan,of18. My cousin Mary was borna singing voice.A. fromB. i

7、nC. with19. We have four lessons t h e morning.A. inB. onC. atD. forthe west of Japan.B. in; in20. Shanghai is t h e east of China andA. in; toC. to; toD. to; in21. -Emma can go outschool nights but she must be backten oclock.-Oh, I see.A. on, beforeB. on, afterC. in, beforeD. in, after22. After wor

8、king her way around the world, Annie ended up_English as a foreign language.A. teachB. taughtC. teachingD. to teach23. Tom was bornLondonMay lst, 2001.A. in; inB. in; onC. on; onD. on; in24. What are these English?These are egg-cups.A. atB. toC. onD. in25. The moonlight is shining in the window. Eve

9、rything in the room looks so beautiful.A. overB. throughC. acrossD. past参考答案】*试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、选择题1. B解析:B【解析】【分析】【详解】 句意:保持身体健康的秘诀是什么?吃健康的食物和多做锻炼。考查介词。in接某年某月某季节;to向,朝着;on接具体某一天。根据句意,空格处表 示身体健康的秘诀,固定搭配the secret to .的秘诀,所以空格处用介词to。故选B。2D解析:D【解析】【详解】句意:那男孩十岁时每天早晨读英语。考查介词辨析。on在后加星期几,节日前,具体的日期;in在;后加一天中的

10、上 午,下午或晚上;加月份,年,季节等; at 加具体的时间点,或固定搭配。 every morning 每天早上,前面不加介词;短语at the the age of.表示在某人多大岁的时候” at the age of ten表示在10岁的时候”。根据题意,故选D。3C解析: C【解析】【详解】句意: 你使用那个架子干什么?我用它来保存书籍。考查介词用法和不定式作宾语补足语。to表示目的或意图;keep保存;for为了。分析句 子结构可知要用介词for与疑问句what搭配表示“为了什么”,to后需接动词原形构成不定 式,不符合题意;use sth. to do sth用某物来做某事,第二空

11、用动词不定式表目的。故选 C。4D解析: D【解析】【详解】句意:下面那一项是正确的?考查判断句子正误。A项中主语“The boy是第三人称单数,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形 式begins; B项中由“the children often get lucky money可知,这里的孩子们不用特指。而不 用the; C项中weather特指“那个地方春季的天气,其前要用定冠词the,且用How提问 时其后不用like; D项你最好不要在阳光下看书。had better +do最好做某事,在阳光下in the sun 正确。故选 D。5B解析: B【解析】【详解】句意:朝鲜在亚洲。它在中国的东北方

12、,日本的西边。本题考查介词。be in表示某地的内部,be on表示两个地方相邻接壤,be to表示两地相邻 中间相隔。第一空表示朝鲜在亚洲的内部,用介词in。第二空表示朝鲜与中国接壤,用介 词on。第三空表示朝鲜与日本相邻,中间隔着海,因此用介词to。故选B。6B解析:B【解析】【详解】句意: 你认为你明年的生活将会怎么样?我的生活将会比现在更好。考查介词用法和形容词比较级修饰词。do you think为插入语,What.be like中like为介 词,what作like的宾语,表示明年的生活会怎么样,排除C;第二个空修饰形容词比较 级better,very修饰形容词原级,a lot可以

13、修饰比较级。故选B。7D解析: D【解析】【分析】【详解】 句意:北京大兴国际机场在2019年9月25日开通了。考查时间介词用法。to到时候;at在某一时刻;in在某月、某年;on在具体某一天。 根据空格后面的September 25th, 2019可知在2019年9月25日用介词on,故选D。8C解析: C【解析】【详解】 句意:鸟儿的歌声透过窗户进入我的房间,一大早就把我吵醒了。本题可用语境分析法”解答。down沿着;向下”;from来自”;through(从物体内部或空 间)穿过;across(从物体表面)穿过。由句意鸟的歌声从窗户传进我的房间可知 选 C。9D解析: D【解析】【分析】

14、【详解】 句意:莉莉和露西都像他们的母亲。他们有大眼睛和黄头发。be like 表示像. , both 副词,两者都,放在 be 动词,助动词,情态动词之后,实意动词 之前。like动词,喜欢,根据题意,排除AC; both放在动词are之后,排除B。根据题 意,故选 D。10D解析: D【解析】【分析】【详解】 句意:这个岛上有许多剧院_。是的,百老汇是在岛的最南端。表示在某个岛上习 惯用介词 on,即 on the island; at the end of 在.的末端。故选 D。11A解析:A【解析】【分析】 【详解】 句意:-Mary的生日在三月,Lucy的呢?一他的生日在10月10日。考察时间介词。在月份前用介词in,在具体日期前用介词on,故选A。【点睛】时间介词用法口诀:周月季年长时间in需放在其前面;at用于时刻前,也与正午午夜连; on 用于具体某一天。12C解析: C【解析】【详解】 句意:据报道,他因在那部电影中的角色而获得最佳男演员奖。考查介词。第一空,根据空后Best Actor可知,此空是“表示对象、用途等关于的意思, 应填介词for,故排除A和B;第二空,根据空后his role in that film.可知,此空是“因为, 由于”的意思,此



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