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1、Teaching PlanUnit 15 Were trying to save the manatees!(Writing: How to protect the environment)银川二十一中 孙晶晶一、Teaching Aims 教学目标1. Knowledge aims:词汇:save the endangered animals/ save water/ Dont waster water./ stop cutting trees/ Plant trees/ Dont use plastic bags./ Dont use disposable chopsticks./ Don

2、t drop litter everywhere./Dont spit on the ground./ stop riding in cars/ turn off the lights before we leave a room/ turn off the shower while we are washing our hair句型:be supposed to/ wed better/ 写作技巧:1. 收集整理与写作相关的素材可以帮助我们更好的发挥。2. 确定标题,抓齐要点,开篇点题,首尾呼应。3. 注意人称,时态,冠词等语法,避免中式英语。4. 善于运用同义词,同义短语,避免文章单调乏味

3、。5. 善于运用连词,使文章逻辑结构紧密,层次分明,条理清楚。2. Ability aims:培养学生能运用所学词汇、句型和写作技巧表达如何保护环境。3. Moral aims:激发学生增强环保意识,自觉保护动物和环境。二、Teaching Key Points and Difficult Points 教学重难点运用所学知识表达如何保护环境三、Teaching Procedures 教学过程StepsTeachers activityStudentsactivityInteractionsFunctionWarming-upIntroduce Dr.WritingKnow about Dr.

4、WritingTeacher-students individualGet students warmed upLeading-inPlay a short video about destroying the environment and ask students how to protect our environment because we only have one earth.Watch the videoTeacher-students individualStimulate the interest of learning Pre-writing(1)Show a group

5、 of pictures and help students to remind of some phrases.Learn some phrases about protecting the environment.Teacher-students individualTo consolidate new words they have learned(2)Ask students to collect the phrase learned before by filling in the chart.Collect the phrase learned beforestudents ind

6、ividualLearn the first writing tip: collecting(3)Ask students to work in groups of four to make a short passage.Work in groups of four to make a short passage and then say it out.Group work(4 students in a group)Learn to cooperate with others(4)Show students a sample. Ask students to scan it and do

7、some exercises. Scan the passage and do some exercises.Teacher-students individualLearn the others writing tips (Each exercise can help students get a writing tip)While-writingAsk students to write an article about how to protect the environment. The teacher helps the students if they needWrite an a

8、rticle about how to protect the environment.students individualPractice writing Post-writingCheck some of the writings by showing them on the big screen. Show the sample to students. Then let students check their writings with their desk mates.Check the writings showed on the big screen. And then ch

9、eck the deskmateswritings.Teacher-students individualImprove the writing skillsSumming-upConclude the writing tips learned in this class.Read the writing tips together.Teacher-students individualLet students remember the writing tips四、 Homework 家庭作业 Write an article about protecting the environment

10、in Yin chuan.五、教学反思在学校和教育局领导的组织下,我在银川二十一中九年级(4)班做了一节初三英语写作课,以下是我对这节课的几点认识和体会。一、 本节课的设计思路这节课是一节九年级的写作课,在40分钟的时间,我首先从教学生收集与写作相关的素材着手,引导学生要完成五个任务,然后分别从每个任务中得出若干写作要点,最后达到能够写的目的。整节课仅仅围绕现如今的焦点话题“如何环保”,引导学生由易到难,由词到段到篇,进而完成本课的教学任务。在本节课的教学过程中,充分体现了中考的考点,重点突出,注重落实,体现了学生学的过程。二、 学生活动的设计新课标理念下的英语课堂教学强调学习过程,强调学生参

11、与,强调学生发展。根据这以理念,我在设计本节课时,注重以学生为中心,注重学生知识与能力的共同发展。本节课的主题以“环保”为题材,在学习中,学生通过个体学习或小组活动的形式进行体验参与,达到运用所学知识进行实际交流的能力。教学过程以谈论社会热点入手,引导学生正确的行为价值取向,从而激发学生保护环境,保护家园的热情和愿望。通过任务设置,使学生掌握使用有关提建议和表达观点的表达法,最终达到能够熟练运用。一篇好的范文能够突出课堂的教学目标,并且能够起到抛砖引玉的作用。所以我在我的教学环节中设计了一篇不长且难度适中的范文,然后引导学生稍加分析范文的内容、写作技巧和文章结构等,让学生模仿范文进行写作。三、 课后的反思然而,在本节课的教授过程中,也有不尽如人意的地方,在学生生成作品后,用投影展示作品并评讲作品这一环节用时太少,遗憾的是只展示了个别作品,如果能多展示一些学生的作品,学生就可以更大限度的取长补短,扬长避短,从而提高自身写作水平。在今后的教学中我一定吸取经验教训,努力学习英语教学法,研读新课标,了解新的教学理论,多读书,多听课,努力提高自己的业务水平,争取更大的进步。2


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