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1、 2022大学英语六级模拟试题:仔细阅读Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a si

2、ngle line through the centre. Passage One Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage./PPOn the high-speed train from Avignon (阿维尼翁) to Paris, my husband and I landed in the only remaining seats on the train, in the middle of a car, directly opposite a Frenchwoman of middle years. It was a

3、n extremely uncomfortable arrangement to be looking straight into the eyes of a stranger. My husband and I pulled out books. The woman produced a large makeup case and proceeded to freshen up. Except for a lunch break, she continued this activity for the entire three-hour trip. Every once in a while

4、 she surveyed the car with a bright-eyed glance, but never once did she catch my (admittedly fascinateD eye. My husband and I could have been a blank wall. I was amused, but some people would have felt insulted, even repulsed (厌恶的). There is something about primping in public that calls up strong em

5、otional reactions. Partly it”s a question of hygiene. (Nearly everyone agrees that nail-paling and hair-combing are socially considered unwise to do.) And it”s a matter of degree. Grooming-a private act-has a way of negating the presence of others. I was once seated at a party with a model-actress w

6、ho immediately waved a silly brush and began dusting her face at the table, demonstrating that while she was next to me, she was not with me. In fact, I am generally inhibited from this maneuver in public, except when I am in the company of cosmetics executives (when it”s considered unpleasant not t

7、o do it) or my female friends when it”s a fun just-us-girls moment. In a gathering more professional than social, I would refrain. 【推举:(2022上半年英语六级成绩查询时间、查询入口指南)】 Kathy Peiss, a history professor at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst and an authority on American beauty rituals, says that nos

8、e-powdering in the office was an occasion for outrage in 1920”s and 30”s. Deploring the practice as a waste of company time, trade journals advised managers to discourage it among clerical workers. But how much time could it take? Certainly the concern was out of proportion with the number of minute

9、s lost. Peiss theorizes that it was the blatant assertion.of a female practice in what had been an all-male province that disturbed critics. Peiss tells me that after the 30”s, pulling out a compact was no longer an issue. It became an accepted practice. I ask if she feels free to apply lipstick at

10、a professional lunch herself. Sounding mildly shocked, she says she would save that for the privacy of her car afterward. Why? Because it would be a gesture of inappropriate femininity. One guess is that most professional women feel this way. There is evidence of the popularity of the new lipsticks

11、that remain in place all day without retouching. It”s amazing to think that in our talk-show society, where every sexual practice is openly discussed, a simple sex-specific gesture could still have the power to disturb. The move belongs in the female arsenal and, like weapons, must be used with caut

12、ion./PP56. According to the author, My husband and I could have been a blank wall. (Line 6, Para. 1) most probably means“_”. A We were treated with an expressionless face. B Welooked at theFrench woman expressionlessly. C We used books as a wall to avoid the woman”s eyes. D We were of no existence i

13、n the French woman”s eyes. 57. In the author”s opinion, she _. A allows public making up on certain occasions B feels comfortbale when making up in public C only makes up on social occasions D makes up before any professional gatherings 58. According to Peiss, nose powdering in an office was critici

14、zed mainly for the reason that _. A normal office work was disturbed B it discouraged women” s interest in career C male dominance was emphasized there D it distracted male workers” focus on work 59. Why do most professional women give up using lipsticks in public? A Because they are worried about b

15、eing looked down upon. B Because it emphasizes their female features in wrong situations. C Because it implies women”s disadvantages in academic fields. D Because they are ashamed to be seen making up in front of males. 60. It can be inferred that in a highly open society, the differences between men and women _. A have attracted little attention B hinder the social development C are attractive topics


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