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1、初一英语周末预复习清单 (9月2日)1, 预复习内容:复习7A unite one comic and welcome to the unit 复习 reading 知识预习:Grammar 一般现在时的两种结构(be 动词结构和do动词结构)2, 预复习要求:认真完成复习清单上的各项内容。书写整洁,思考细密,不确定的知识点可查阅课本,口头作业必须有效完成。不懂的地方要做好标记。复习清单:A:背诵Reading,下周来检查B :词组的练习1)Millie is 12 _ (岁). She is _(擅长)English.2) Millie loves reading. She is in _(

2、读书俱乐部).3) Simon _(出生在)Shanghai but he lives in Beijing now4) Sandy _(来自)Beijing. She has _(又长又黑的头发).5) Miss Li is _(又高又苗条). She has _(短发).6) Daniel _(戴眼镜). He is _(有礼貌并乐于助人).C:句子翻译,1)我今年十二岁,在七年级二班2)我喜爱听音乐。我在校音乐俱乐部。3)我有个表哥。他叫西蒙。4)我出生在北京但住在南京。5)他来自上海。(种)6)他喜欢放学后踢足球。7)她高而苗条,还有一头乌黑的长发。8)他个子不高,戴着眼镜。9)他的表

3、弟学习努力,擅长玩电脑游戏。10)这个小男孩很有礼貌而且乐于助人。预习清单Task One: 读一读,想一想 Do you think they are always true? 1. Cats eat fish. (猫吃鱼。)2. The sun rises in the east. (太阳从东方升起。)Do you think they are true now? 1. We study Chinese , English and Maths. (我们学习语文、英语和数学。)2. Daniel wears glasses. (丹尼尔戴眼镜。)Are they things that peo

4、ple do regularly(经常地,习惯地)1. She does her homework in the evening. (他们晚上做家庭作业。) 2. He takes his dog for a walk every day.(他每天遛狗。) Task Two: 试一试,想一想Complete the following sentences with the given words( live love talk go play drink have take ) 1. I _ in a flat in Beijing. 2. I _ to school with my frie

5、nds. 3. I _my new school.4. They _ to each other at lunchtime. 5. We _ breakfast at 7:00 a.m. 6. You _ football in the playground. 7. We _milk ever morning. 8. He _ his dog for a walk every day. Task three: 想一想,练一练行为动词的第三人称单数形式的构成:大部分行为动词在其后加上字母 s。如:take- live-以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,改y为i,再加es 。如:fly- hurry以s,

6、 ch, sh, 或x 结尾的动词,在其后加上es。如:miss- watchfix- teachfinish- wash部分以o 结尾的动词,在其后加上es。 如:go- do动词have 的第三人称单数形式为_.Task Four: 练一练,比一比用一般现在时完成下列句子:1. Millie _ ( have) a dog. 2. My parents _(love) me. 3. Dogs _(eat) bones. 4. Miss green _( teach) us English . 5. She _( wash) dishes every day. 6. You _( miss)

7、 your friends there, right? 7. He _ ( play) football after school. 8. My sister _( go) to school by bike every day. Task five : 看一看,练一练一般现在时的否定和疑问形式的构成:1. 当主语为第一人称(I , we)、第二人称(you)、第三人称复数(they)时,否定句:主语+dont + 动词原形+其它成分。疑问句:Do +主语+动词原形+其它成分?回答:Yes, I / you/ we/ they do. No, I / you/ we/ they dont. 2

8、. 当主语为第三人称单数(he, she, it ) 时,否定句:主语+doesnt + 动词原形+其它成分。疑问句:Does +主语+动词原形+其它成分?回答: Yes, he/ she/ it does. No, he/ she/ it doesnt. 将下列句子改为否定句和疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答。1. Dogs eat bones. 2. Millie has a dog. 3. My parents love me. 4. Miss green teaches us English . 5. She washes dishes every day. 6. We miss our friends there.7. He plays football after school. 8My sister goes to school by bike.阅读清单:认真阅读完成(美文赏读)第一单元上的A,B两篇文章。问题疑难:请在下列横线上记录下你在预复习中的模糊点,质疑点,询问点 多元评价:评价层面自我评价 家长评价 教师评价选项内容A 很好 B 较好 C 一般 D 不理想



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