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1、新目标英语八年级下册短语与句型总复习Unit 1 Will people have robots?1. study at home on computers 在家通过电脑学习2. in the future 将来3. live to be 200 years old 活到200 岁4. in 100 years 一百年之后5. a piece of paper 一张纸6. more/few trees 更多/更少的树7. more/less pollution 更多/更少的污染9. agree with sb. 同意某人的意见10. talk to/with sb. 与谈话11. fall i

2、n love with 爱上12. live alone 独自居住13. go skating 去滑冰14. be able to do sth. 能够做某事16. one day 有朝一日18. come true 实现19. in space 在太空Unit 2 What should I do?1. keep out 不让.进入2. argue with . 和争吵 3. out of style 过时 4. in style 流行的5. call sb. up = call sb. 给某人打电话 6. talk on the phone 用电话交谈 7. a ticket to a b

3、all game 一场球赛的票 8. pay for 付款9. find out 查明 10. be surprised at sth. 对感到惊讶 11. get a part time job 找到一份兼职工作 12. borrow sth. from 从借到 13. lend sth. to sb. 把借给 14. ask sb. for sth. 向某人请求 15. buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth 为某人买 16. the same as 与.同样的17. invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事18. get on well with

4、sb. 和某人相处得好 19. have a fight with sb. 与某人打架 Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?1. in front of 在的前面(范围外) 2. get out of 从出来 3. take off 起飞 4. barber shop 理发店5. an unusual experience 一次不寻常的经历6. shout toat sb. 朝某人喊叫7. at the doctors 在医生的诊所 8. land on 降落 9. call the police 报警 10. follow sb.

5、to do sth. 跟随某人做某事11. walk down 沿着走 12. jump down 跳下来 13. train station 火车站14. come in 进来15. run away 逃跑 16. think about 考虑 :Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.1. have a surprise party 举行一个惊喜的聚会 2. be mad at sb. 生某人的气 3. on Friday evening 在星期五晚上 4. first of all 首先 5. at the bus stop 在公共汽车站 6. be supp

6、osed to do sth. 被期望或被要求7. pass on传递8. do well in 在方面做得好 9. have a cold 感冒 10. in good health 保持健康 11. end-of-year exams 年终考试 12. report card 成绩单 13. get over 克服 Unit 5 If you go to the party, youll have a great time!1. go to the party 去参加聚会2. have a great/good time 玩得高兴3. let sb. in 让某人进入 4. take aw

7、ay 拿走 5. all the time 总是,一直 6. make a living 谋生 7. go to college 上大学 8. travel around the world 环游世界 9. make a lot of money 赚很多钱 10. get an education 受教育 11. get injured 受伤12. mobile phone 手机13. in fact 事实上 14. spend time with sb. 与某人度过时光 Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?、Useful expre

8、ssions:1. raise money 筹钱 2. collect stamps 集邮 3. run out of 用尽(人作主语) run out 用尽(物作主语) 4. by the way顺便说一下5. be interested in=take an interest in对感兴趣 6. fly kites 放风筝7. three and a half years 三年半8. a pair of skates 一双滑冰鞋9. the firstto do sth. 做某事的第一个人 10. the whole five hours 整整五个小时11. quite a beautif

9、ul girl=a very beautiful girl非常漂亮的一个姑娘 12. on my seventh birthday 在我第七个生日 13. finish doing sth. 做完某事 14.miss doing sth 错过/想念做某事15 several hundred 几百 16.the+比较级,the+比较级。 越,越 The harder you study, the better grades you will get.17.比较级 and 比较级。越来越 Our country is becoming more and more beautiful. I am g

10、etting healthier and healthier. 、Sentences:本单元重点语法:现在完成进行时,结构:have/has+been+doing 1. How long have you been skating? 你滑冰有多长时间了? Ive been skating for five hours/since five hours ago. 我一直滑了五小时 。2. When did you get your first pair of skates? 你是什么时候拥有第一双溜冰鞋的?Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?

11、、Useful expressions:1. mind doing sth. 介意(反对)做某事2. turn down 调低3. not at all 根本不,一点也不4. right away =at once= in a minute立刻5. its polite of sb to do sth做某事对某人来说是有礼貌的6. do the dishes 洗盘子7. put on 穿上8. wait in line/cut in line 插队9. sth. happen to sb. 某人发生某事10. go back to=return to 回到11. get annoyed 变得生

12、气12. welcome to 欢迎到13.allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事 be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事 allow doing sth 允许做某事14 keep your voice down 控制声音15 in public=in public places在公共场合16.take care 当心17.break the rule 打破规则18 put out 熄灭19 pick up 捡起20 at a meeting 在开会21 drop litter 乱扔垃圾、Sentences:本单元重点语法:委婉的提出请求1. Would you m

13、ind turning down the music? 你介意把音乐声关小一点吗? No, not at all. Ill do it right away. 不,一点也不,我马上就去。2. Would you mind not playing baseball here. 你介意不要在这打棒球吗? Sorry, well go and play in the park. 对不起,我们到公园去打。3. Would you mind his opening the door?你介意他开门吗?4. Could you (please) make dinner? 请做晚饭好吗?5 Could you

14、 please not smoke here?请你不要吸烟好吗?6. The pen you bought didnt work. 你买的这支笔不能用。7.its better to keep your voice down=you had better keep your voice down.最好控制你的音量8. Sure, thats no problem. 当然,没问题。 Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?、Useful expressions:1. get sth. for sb. 买某物给某人2. receive sth. from sb. 从某人处收到某物3. a lucky guy! 一个幸运的小伙子!4. leave school 毕业,离校5. not interesting enough 不够有趣6. make a special meal 做一顿特别的饭7. an 80-year-old grandmother 一个80岁的老奶奶8. hear of 听说9. make friends with 和交友10. these days 目前11. notat all 根本不12. different kinds of 不同种类13. give away



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