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1、CL 山o. Jim LMZQdmmlvlgLHUC n 诃wco寸m訓韦f栄。?d 山?MllJ中r 11 -J.LL.Ue住出 Jmlro口 0 am 檢寸匸口 WU-DP .-ism f_l5IJllJ丄.叫 e着乂山丄一彳SMj.n 0 曇wn ub.UJs 誤 N 韦 l-r 稱 IJ 蝕1 tl U.J由 alu二岁d鬱二韦 L L 丄UJLJC?胃L二弓丄二石n山一-gLOBo.-pm 生-岀o仔LNnfMnx一段ms .七2H匸山一-门1-1 皐nu山匸壯O厲 忠丁 1-5I-韦 ll-g 5 T-U二咅山.N 2HNg K TLISE 寸工jCLC! 7 Lr-CZ-JLUC

2、CCL-JhmHlycLO 恬-lLL二 OHr-cxlCLHu山 lllifl.卷mJ山H韦B7 Q.UElnrCL订山yp 一ljrl_l丄g Te.LUtl?o.LLIpmazI?_1_00 ezoHaqocn山1、进入NCBI主页面,2、搜索 Escherichia coliSave search Limits AdvancedRelated informationBioProjectGeneProtein ClustersComponentsPr&teinPubMedTaxonomySen to: DisDlay Settings: Over/iev/Orgfini&nn Overv

3、iew jnoma Project Report Genome Annotation Report Plasmid Amotation ReportEscherichia coliA wll-studied enteric bacteriun-Lineage: Bacteria406S: Proteobarteri3169D: Gammaproteobacteria753: Enterobacteriales159; Enterobacteriaceae159:Escherichia?J; Escherichia coli1Escherichia coli This organism was

4、门mmod for its discoverer Theodore Escherich and is one of the premior model arganigiiis Lised in the study of bacterial genetics, physiology and biochemistry- This enteric organism is typicall/ present in the lower intestine of humans, where it is the dominant facultative anaerobe present but it is在

5、该页面上就可以看到 Escherichia coli 的基因树3、在基因树上查找感兴趣的基因(单击)LjBLZH:DE3:iy B L21 -G eld C E 3:.pLS AGB 5tr. REL?-D3 O1 &7:Hj7 str. EC 411 E-J O157:H7 str TW14359D1&7:Hj7str. E-DL9aS g O1 57: Hi? stf. Sakai133:H2str. 12339ETECH1D4D7T UM N KB 8 0-1 D4:H4 s.tr_ 2D D5EL-2D 71Y DI D4:H4 str 2D 11C-3493 3D-154:H:4 5

6、tr. 2DD9EL-SDEDg 55989Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4115Escherichia coli O157:H7 str EC4115 RefSeq GenomeLineage: Bacteria4063; Proteobacteris1690: GammproteotMcteria7S3; Enterotiacte-riales159; Enterobacteriaceae159; EsEheriEhia7! Escherichia coli1! EeEherichi coli O157!HTD: Escherichia coli 01&7

7、!H7 str. EC41150Escherichia coli O157:H7 This strain is associated with Hamburger disease, which is caused by the contamination of meat products by erite-rohemorrhagic E. ooti (EHEC: The- identifier 0157 H7 refers tc the serotype of EHEC. and reflects the specific antigenic markers found on the surf

8、ace of the cell EHEC attaches and effaces to cells Moe* Genome RegionGo to nucleciide G日Ehius F略TA G已门El日门k* Genome Sequencing Projects二 tTUFHUFm,八=- Tr.ao&s r = dat3 3点击 FASTA 与 GenBank 可查看基因组全基因的序列OrganismBioProj ectAssemblyStatusChrsPlasmidsSize(Mb)GC%GeneProteinEschs-rictiia cc-li O157:H7 str.EG411 5PRJNAES0 31.FRJNA2773SASM2112V1CD亡 Scaffzldi zp oontbi 3PS: NCBI网站上可查找DNA, mRNA,引物设计,BLAST序列对比等,很多生物基因方面的资料都在 上面,大家要好好学习一下,刚刚我就用bcni查找了一下大肠杆菌的基因组Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4115


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