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1、-Unit 4Why dont you talk to your parents?Section A(1a-2d).根据句意和汉语或首字母提示完成句子。1.Our teachers dont a us to take the phone at school.答案:allow2.Whats w with you?I lost a dictionary.答案:wrong3.He plays puters too much so he doesnt get (足够的)sleep.答案:enough4.I had a (打架)with my best friend yesterday.答案:fight

2、5.Can you (猜)the meaning of the word?答案:guess.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1.Why dont you (learn)a foreign language?答案:learn2.Mike is good at (swim)and he is healthy.答案:swimming3.He found a boy(clean)the room just now.答案:cleaning4.Dont hurry! You have some time (finish)the work.答案:to finish5.The teacher told us (

3、not get)into a fight.答案:not to get.单项选择1.Why do you like this TV program? its very interesting and e*citing.A.ThoughB.BecauseC.SoD.Because of 答案:B2.Tom,you look tired this morning.Whats wrong?I was so busy that I didnt go to bed 12 oclock last night.A.untilB.whenC.althoughD.unless答案:A解析:考察连词辨析。句意:汤姆

4、,今天上午你看起来很累。怎么了?我非常忙以至于昨天晚上12点才上床睡觉。not.until.表示“直到才。应选A项。3.We lost the soccer game, everyone of us played very well.A.becauseB.althoughC.orD.so答案:B解析:考察让步状语从句。句意:尽管我们每个人都踢得非常好,但是我们还是输掉了足球比赛。故用although引导。4.There is meat in the fridge.And you neednt go to the shop.A.too manyB.many tooC.too muchD.much

5、 too 答案:C5.(2013*中考)I will waitI hear from you.A.untilB.sinceC.whileD.because答案:AUnit 4Why dont you talk to your parents?Section A(3a-4c).根据句意和汉语或首字母提示补全单词。1.The old man always feels lonely and (焦虑的).答案:nervous2.(关系)between my sister and my brother have bee difficult.答案:Relations3.You can just find

6、about w you want.答案:whatever4.Jack didnt have noodles for lunch.I,he had rice and fish.答案:Instead5.The teacher warns us not to c others homework.答案:copy.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1.Why dont you (help) him with English?答案:help2.The weather will be (cloud)ne*t Sunday.答案:cloudy3.Can you e*plain to me how (do)this

7、 English problem?答案:to do4.Its important (municate)with your parents.答案:to municate5.How about (go)fishing this afternoon?答案:going.单项选择1.Tom did all he could to get on well his classmates.A.which;withB.that;/C.that;withD./;/答案:C2.Mr.Green speaks very loudlyall the people can hear him clearly.A.so th

8、atB.whenC.becauseD.because of 答案:A解析:when 是“当的时候的意思;so that是“为了,目的是的意思;because是“因为的意思。本句中,so that 引导目的状语从句。3.What could I get my father for Fathers Day?getting him a tie?A.Why notB.How aboutC.Why dont youD.Lets 答案:B解析:根据题干中的getting形式,应用B项,A项、C项和D项后接动词原形。4.(2013*中考)I wont watch basketball matches Jam

9、es is playing.He pays much attention to teamwork. A.unlessB.ifC.althoughD.Since答案:A解析:考察连词的用法辨析。unless“除非,如果不,if “如果,although“尽管,since“自从。根据句意:“我不会看篮球比赛的,除非詹姆斯参加。他注重团队合作。,应选A项。5.I dont know if sheto my birthday party tomorrow.If she,Ill be very happy.A.es;esB.will e;esC.es;will e D.will e;will e答案:B

10、解析:考察宾语从句和条件状语从句。由if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时态,主句用一般将来时。当if意为“是否时,所引导的宾语从句通常用一般将来时。Unit 4Why dont you talk to your parents?Section B(1a-1e).根据句意和汉语或首字母提示补全单词。1.My brother is a (成员)of the team.答案:member2.Can you work under (压力)?答案:pressure3.We have to (竞争)on service.答案:pete4.She s much time in learning to play

11、 the piano last year.答案:spent5.A he is poor,he always helps others.答案:Although.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1.Please give (they)these new books and notebooks.答案:them2.You shouldnt (be)worried about your study.答案:be3.Some (activity)are interesting and e*citing.答案:activities4.He decided (play)sports to lower stress

12、.答案:to play5.Stop (argue);lets be good friends again.答案:arguing.单项选择1.I feel stressed in my study from time to time.I dont know what to do.A.You should not play puter games.B.What about keeping your worries to yourself?C.Why not ask the teachers for advice?D.Youd better pay no attention to your stud

13、y.答案:C2.Weve got no coffee.Lets have tea .A.eitherB.howeverC.yetD.instead答案:D3.Alice e*plains things very well and what she says can be understood very .A.quietlyB.carefullyC.slowlyD.clearly答案:D解析:副词的用法。quietly“安静地;carefully“仔细地;slowly“缓慢地,clearly“清楚地。句意:艾丽斯把事情解释得很好,她所说的都能很清楚地被理解。故答案为D项。4.I dont kno

14、w how to begin a talk with Betty.She can sit all day long a word.A.byB.withC.inD.without答案:D解析:此题考察介词辨析。A项意为“被,经由;B项意为“用,和在一起;C项意为“在内;D项意为“没有。without a word意为“没说一句话。应选D项。5.Three problems are too hard to .Will you give me some advice?There are many ways.The most important is to have a careful plan.A.work outB.look outC.hand outD.break out答案:AUnit 4Why dont you talk to your parents?Section B(2a-2e).根据句意和汉语或首字母提示补全单词。1.My sister is good at sports.She can play basketball and f.答案:football2.I wasnt asking for your (意见).答案:opinion3.After he fini


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