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1、 1.hurricane飓风 2. lash: v. strike with great force 猛击;拍打 睫毛 n. e.g.(1) The rain was lashing (against) the windows. (2)He lashed the horse across the back with his whip. (3)She went quiet for a moment while she thought the words to lash him. 3. pummel: v. beat or hit with repeated blows, esp. with th

2、e fist 以拳连击 e.g.1) The thief was pushed and pummeled by an angry crowd. 2) He was given a good pummeling. pummel vs. plum李子 4.reluctant: adj. unwilling 勉强的 e.g.: She seemed reluctant to join in the discussion. be reluctant to do sth.,/ be unwilling to do sth.5. Course:a way of behaving, mode of cond

3、uct行为、品行、做法course of action:way of doing things 行动路线;对策、做法 e.g.: Now the best course of action is to increase tax on alcohol. 6. consult sb.: ask sb. for help E.g. I wish to consult you on a few questions. consultant n. 顾问 consult 咨询vs. insult侮辱 7. demolish: v. pull/tear down (a building, etc.) 拆毁 e

4、.g.: Several houses were demolished to make way for the new road. E.g. Our intention was to demolish the rumors that have surrounded him. 8. gruff: harsh and threatening in manner or appearance; rude粗鲁的 9.batten:v./n.压条,压条钉住 10. methodically: orderly, systematically秩序井然的,有条理的 e.g The men methodicall

5、y prepared for the hurricane. 11. elevate: v. lift up, raise 抬高,举起 e.g.: 1)elevated railway 高架铁路 2)He elevated his voice slightly. 3)The clerk was elevated to a managerial position. elevator:电梯,usually used by Americans/ lift : mainly used by British people 12. main: n. a principal pipe or line in a

6、 distributing system for water, gas, electricity, etc.(自来水,煤气,电等的)总管道,干线 e.g.: The water main in the street burst. 13.bathtub:浴缸 14. scud: v. go straight and fast, with smooth motion (平稳地)疾行,飞驰 e.g.: 1)The clouds scudded across the sky. 2)Birds scud across the lake surface. 鸟儿迅速掠过湖面。 Gray clouds scu

7、dded in from the Gulf on the rising wind. 乌云随着声势愈来愈猛的飓风从海湾上空席卷而来。 15. mattress:床垫,褥子 16.pane: n. 窗格;窗格玻璃 17. overwhelming a.压倒一切的,不可抗拒的 E.g. The flood was overwhelming and the city was soon drowned. 18. seemingly: adv. apparently; as if 表面上地,似乎地 e.g.: 1)Seemingly, he is right, but actually, he is mi

8、sleading us. 2)In spite of his seeming friendship, he gave me no help. 表面上他是朋友,他没给我帮助。 19. disintegrate: v. separate into parts or fragments; break into pieces 分裂,分解,裂成碎片 e.g.: The whole plane just disintegrated in mid-air. 整架飞机在空中就炸成了碎片 E.g The Empire began to disintegrate. 20. blast: n. a gust of

9、wind;strong rush of air 一阵(风);一股(气流) e.g.: A blast of wind blew the windows and the door open. 21. fling: v. throw violently, hurl, cast 猛投,抛,掷 fling/flung/flung e.g.: Spectators flung bottles and cans at the referee. 观众们将瓶子和铁罐丢向裁判。 E.g. fling a stone at sb. E.g. fling sb. Into prison 22. shove: to

10、push somebody/sth. in a rough way 23. douse (also dowse): v. put sth. into liquid; extinguish 把 浸入液体里;熄灭 e.g.: 1)The explorers torch was doused time and time again by the heavy rain. 大雨把探测者的火把一次又一次地浇灭。 24. brigade: a group of people who are organized to do sth.团,队 e.g. the fire-brigade消防队 fireman/fi

11、re fighter消防员 25.flee:escape from danger, unpleasantness flee/fled/fled flee(from)/flee to e.g. flee to Ameirca flee (from) the country E.g.Why does she always flee any kind of responsibility? 26. scramble: v. climb or crawl with the hands and feet 爬行,攀登 e.g.: The children scrambled up the side of a

12、 cliff.27. litter: n. all the newly born young ones of an animal 一窝 e.g.: a litter of puppies 一窝狗崽 Mother Cat peered nervously at her litter. 28. shudder: v. shake or tremble suddenly and violently 颤栗 e.g.: He shuddered when he saw the dead man. The house shuddered and shifted on its foundations. 29

13、.collapse:倒塌,崩溃 30.clutch: v. grasp or hold tightly 抓住,抓紧 e.g.: The falling man clutched the rope. 31. lap: v. move or strike gently with a light, splashing sound of waves, etc.(海浪)轻轻拍打 e.g.: 1)The sea lapped against the rocks. 2)Water lapped against the sides of a canoe. 水轻拍着小舟的两边。 laptop 笔记本电脑 32.

14、 estimate: v. overestimate/underestimate 33. crush: suppress 镇压、制服 E.g. The government decided to crush terrorism. E.g. crush the stone into powder 34. ferocity: n. fierceness ferocious: adj. fierce E.g. He underestimated the ferocity of Camille. 35. swipe: n. a hard blow 猛击,重击 e.g.: He took a wild

15、swipe at the policeman. swipe: v. hit hard 猛击,重击 e.g.: He swiped at the ball and missed it. 36. skim: v. (cause to) move along quickly, nearly touching a surface; read quickly to get the main idea(使)掠过,擦过;略读,快读书 e.g.: Swallows were skimming over the water. 燕子掠过水面。 Dont read the report word for word, just skim (through) it. 37. maroon: v. p


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