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1、河北经贸大学毕业论文内部控制视角下我国商业银行个人理财业务操作风险防范及对策探析专业名称: 金融学 班 级: 新闻3班 学生姓名: 万丁丁 指导教师: 王小江 完成时间: 2012年5月 摘要随着全球金融行业的不断发展,金融全球化程度持续增强,我国商业银行金融创新热情高涨,同时我国经济持续平稳发展,居民收入不断增加,为消费者提供个性化金融服务的个人理财业务成为当前商业银行金融业务发展的重点。由于金融管理制度上的缺陷,金融市场发达程度和金融法律上的不完善等方面因素的约束,我国商业银行个人理财业务面临着许多风险,而操作风险是商业银行理财业务风险管理的重点。近些年来的重大金融案件为银行造成了巨额损失


3、我国国情,提出了完善内控体系的建设,加强外部环境的建设等对策,以提高我国商业银行个人理财业务操作风险管理水平。关键词 商业银行;内部控制;个人理财;操作风险;对策 AbstractWith the promotion of the global financial industry,the degree of financial globalization has continued to improve,Chinas commercial banking has great enthusiasm in financial innovation.At the same time,Chinas

4、economic development is sustained and stable,the increase of Chinas income per person,the current commercial banks financial business development focus is to provide consumers with personalized financial services personal financal business.Due to the restrictions such as the financial management sys

5、tem,development of financial market and the legal system of the finance,etc,the development of personal financal business will meet a lot of risks,the operational risk is commerical bank financing business risk management of the key.In recent years,major financial cases resulted in huge losses for b

6、anks and affect social harmony.Internal control plays an important role in the prevention and control of personal financial management of operational risk. Therefore, based on the perspective of internal control to solve the full of commercial Banks personal financial management operation risk probl

7、em of our countrys financial security and the reform of the financial system has important practical significance.This paper mainly uses the method of linking theory with practice,make full use of the related documents for relevant aspects of the latest theory,the use of the comparative analysis of

8、the differences and gaps of the personal financal business operational risk management of domestic and foreign commercial banks, and with the reality of our country, summarizes the method using the proposed in commercial Banks internal control, from the perspective of the personal financial manageme

9、nt business operation risk prevention and some countermeasures that should be adopted.Based on analyzing the literature at home and abroad, the paper analyzed the business bank of our country of the personal financial management business operation risk the development situation and characteristics,

10、and then discusses the internal control, from the perspective of the personal financial management business risks appear the causes of the operation. Based on this combined with actual situation in China, and put forward the perfect the internal control system, strengthen external environment constr

11、uction countermeasures, such as, in order to improve our country commercial bank of the personal financial management business operation risk management level.Key words commercial banks;personal financing;internal control;operational risk;countermeasure目录绪论1一、个人理财业务操作风险的一般理论1(一)商业银行个人理财业务概述11.个人理财的概




15、定,个人理财业务是指商业银行为个人客户提供的财务分析、财务规划、投资顾问、资产管理等专业化服务活动。 中国银监会,商业银行个人理财业务管理暂行办法,2005商业银行个人理财业务是评估客户各方面财务需求的综合过程。它是由专业理财人员在明确个人客户的理财目标的情况下,分析客户的生活、财务现状,从而帮助客户制定出可行的理财方案的一种全方位综合金融服务。 刘晓刚,我国商业银行个人理财业务的风险及对策,产品与科技论坛,2011(8)个人理财业务不局限于提供某种单一的金融产品,而是针对客户的综合需求进行有针对性的金融服务组合创新,帮助客户制定个性化的理财规划,推荐理财需要的金融产品,以实现各户资产的保值增值,是一种全方位、多层次、个性化的服务。个人理财活动在人们的生产生活活动中扮演着重要角色。正确的个人理财可以增加人们的收入实现财富增值,降低不必要支出,提高生活水平,为未来不确定的经济需求提供资金支持。在日常生活中对资金进行适当的打理,能降低生活中危机和风险发生的概率,为个人和家庭提供安全和保护。2.个人理财业务的分类商业银行个人理财业务根据管理运作方式不同,分为理财顾问服务和综合理财服务两种。 中国银监会,商业银行个


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