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1、模块1重点句子复现和巩固Try to recite the following sentences. You can and you must !模块1第1单元1. Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. 在英国上了一年的中学对我来说是一段非常令人愉快而又兴奋的经历。2. I was very happy with the school hours in Britain. 我对英国的作息时间很满意。3. This means I could

2、get up an hour later than usual, as schools in China begin before 8 a.m.这意味着我可以晚一个小时起床,因为在中国学校8点钟之前就开始上课了。4. He also told us that the best way to earn respect was to devote ourselves to study and achieve high grades. 他还告诉我们,赢得尊敬的最佳途径就是致力于学习,得高分。5. This is the average size for British schools. 这是英国学校

3、的平均大小。6. It was a struggle for me to remember all the faces and names.因此对我而言要记住所有的面孔和名字是件难事。7. I found that the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school. However, it was a bit challenging for me at first, because all the homework was in English.我发现作业没有原来学校那么多了。但因为作业都得用英文写,所以最

4、开始有点困难。8. Cooking was really fun as I learned how to buy, prepare and cook food.当我学会如何买菜、配菜和做菜的时候,我发现烹饪真是一种乐趣。9. I was very lucky to experience this different way of life. I look back on my time in the UK with satisfaction, and I really hope to go back and study in Manchester. 我很幸运能够体验到这样一种不同的生活方式。回

5、顾在英国的时光我很满意,我真希望能够重返曼彻斯特,在哪里读书学习。10. Though it did not look very beautiful when it was finished, I still liked it very much.尽管完工之后它看上去并不漂亮,但我仍然非常喜欢它。11. Whether students want to exercise or just want some fun, they can use our gym.无论学生想锻炼还是娱乐,他们都可以使用我们的体育馆。12.Upon finishing his studies, he started t

6、ravelling in China. 他一完成学业就开始在中国旅行。13. The more choices you have, the better your decisions will be.你的选择越多,你最终的决定就越好。14. We regret to inform you that our library will be closed next Wednesday.我们遗憾地告诉你,下周三图书馆不开放。15. I was a little nervous at first, but everyone was so nice and friendly that I soon st

7、opped worrying. 起初我有些紧张,但每个人都是那么亲切、友好,我很快就不担心了。Practice makes perfect!1. The weather was _ hot that I didnt like to leave my room. A. really B. such C. too D. so2. Most children need encouragement in time of failure _ they can cheer up again. A. so that B. in case C. because D. if3. He speaks Englis

8、h well indeed, but of course not _ a native speaker. A. as fluent as B. more fluent than C. so fluently as D. much fluently than4._ to loud music at rock concerts has caused hearing loss in some teenagers. A. Listen B. Having listened C. Listening D. When listening5. I_ you yesterday, but you were n

9、ot at home. That means _up the chances. A. meant telling; to give B. mean telling; giving C. meant to tell; giving D. mean to tell; to give6. We feel _our duty to make our country a better place. A. it B. this C. that D. one7. Unlike Chinese, Americans _ their meals with knives and forks. A. used to

10、 taking B. are used to taking C. used to take D. are used to take8. More and more young people are fond _ playing tennis nowadays.A. on B. to C. in D. of9._ he is in poor health,_ he works hard. A. Although; but B. Though; yet C. Because; so D. Though; but10.All people,_ they are old or young, rich

11、or poor, have been trying their best to help those in need since the disaster. A. even if B. whether C. no matter D. however11._ completing his project, he packed his clothes and went home. A. About B. For C. Upon D. In12._ you study,_ progress youll make.A. The more hard; the more B. The more; the

12、more C. The hard; the more D. The harder; the greater13. They failed to finish the project in time. How I regretted _ them! A. to be not able to help B. being not able to help C. not being able to help D. not be able to help模块1第2单元1.Do you have to turn up your music so loud?你有必要把音乐调得那么响吗?2.I told yo

13、u to be home by 6 oclock and now its 7 oclock. 我告诉你不迟于六点到家,现在是七点了。3.I cant wait to surprise the boys! 我迫不及待地要给孩子们一个惊喜!4.But you werent supposed to come home until tomorrow! 可是你们不是应该明天才回来的吗?5.What did you do with the cash we left? 你们用我们留给你们的钱做什么啦?6.Listen to me,young man-we left you in charge!听我说,年轻人

14、我们将这个家委托你负责!7.Mom and Dad look at each other as lights go out.当灯光灭了,妈妈和爸爸面面相觑。8.Daniel has his arms crossed and looks upset.丹尼尔双臂抱在胸前,看起来很不高兴。9.They never gave me a chance to defend myself. 他们都没有给我一个解释的机会。10.Maybe,but now that he has been so rude to us, I feel like we have to punish him or he wont r

15、espect us. 也许,既然他对我们那么粗暴无礼,我觉得我们有必要惩罚惩罚他,要不然他将来不会尊重我们的。11.Dont you think its a waste of time? 难道你不认为这是浪费时间吗?12.Eric runs in after it, followed by a big dog, walking very slowly.埃里克跑进起居室追足球,身后跟着一条大狗,走路慢吞吞的。13.The room is in a mess,with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink.起居室里一片狼藉,地板上堆放着许多比萨饼盒子,洗碗池里全是脏碗碟。14.We didnt think that you would let the house get so dirty.我认为你不应



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