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1、高楼大厦与环境(Skyscrapers and Environment)高楼大厦与环境in the late I960 s, many people in north america turned theirattention to environmental problems, and newsteel-and-glass skyscrapers were widely criticized. ecologists poin ted out that a cluster of tall build ings in a city ofte n overburde ns public tran

2、sportati on and park ing lot capacities.skyscrapers are also lavish consumers, and wasters, of electric power. in one rece nt year, the additi on of 17 millio n square feet of skyscraper office space in newyork city raised the peak daily demandfor electricity by 120, 000 kilowatts-e no ugh to supply

3、 the en tire city of alba ny, n ewyork, for a day.glass-walled skyscrapers can be especially wasteful. the heat loss through a wall of half-inch plate glass is more than ten times that through a typical masonry wall filled with insulation board. to lessen the strain on heat ing and air-c on diti oni

4、ng equipme nt, builders of skyscrapers have beg un to use double-glazed pan els of glass, and reflective glasses coated with silver or gold mirror films that reduce glare as well as heat gain.however, mirror-walled skyscrapers raise the temperature of the surro unding air and affect n eighbori ng bu

5、ild in gs.skyscrapers put a severe strain on a city s sanitationfacilities,too. if fully occupied, the two world trade center towers in new york city would alone gen erate milli ongallo ns of raw sewage each year-as muchasa city the size of stanford,connecticut , which has a population of morethan 1

6、09, 000.-强备课挥关虫龄三生的三三机的备合起案,做教以理的教三三::宰关:器:?个作公正、公本着评价=生负担 f -改上狠*。校赛紀迄褒三的Tif,本升芸兰亍弐.3写.一:芯主匸三mm切活丁按二历HvS-s,认真完三丑三综情的去方三专识要到耳:为顾壬三文在科的教要体下多学的基学生学校输送合学习力能题於的出念三要础打提好科科究维丁.- 力.养学生检应用学容+混合运算:数:数.I:瓷二寸刍的小的意:括.T:把.X H-数级乘法与读、写含间的三系的位数采=研范与詩学1讨习*-行,指-E 练习最后行展”综-2合”式方法i习惯f更好地学任务8”目校题研究壬三曲山:二累与学gf:会:老校园;题:题研备总青;J;:放甘组:长;协助:样:研究,益,所侧重5!要后生进生的堂比较作,合“时-HIhIt.左J:虫三云=区课皿/寻尸切实= i


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