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1、电大软件工程期末复习指导应用题资料小抄电大软件工程期末复习指导-应用题 1、某企业的设备维修委托给专业的技术公司完成,如今要开发软件对设备维修信息进展管理,详细描绘如下: 车间主任填写维修申请单,内容有设备名称、型号、故障描绘、维护时间要求、预计费用;填好后交给审计人员,审计人员根据企业的审计规定对维修申请单进展审计,填写审计意见和审计结果,审计意见可以修改费用,审计结果是同意或不同意;车间主任可以随时查询审计意见和结果;审计通过的维修申请单送给总经理进展审核,并填写审核意见和结果,审核也是以修改费用,审核结果是同意或不同意。审核通过后,车间把设备送去维修。维修后由车间主任组织对设备维修结果进

2、展验收,企业对每台有设备验收标准。验收通过后,由财务人员进展结算,填写支付单并支付维修费。最后收取发票后,财务人员填写发票记录。 请画出设备维修信息管理软件的数据流程图。 2、某个学生成绩管理系统的局部功能如下: (1)根本信息管理:教务管理人员输入或修改学期教学方案、学生和老师;(2)学生选课:学生根据教学执行方案进展选课;(3)分配任课老师:教务管理人员为符合开课条件的课程分配老师;(4)老师查询并打印课表;(5)成绩管理:每门课程的老师在考试评分完毕后将考试成绩录入,学生可查询。 请根据要求画出该问题的数据流程图。 3、一个简化的养老院软件需求描绘如下:老人来到养老院,接待人员将老人的根

3、本信息录入到系统中,管理员读取老人信息,进展护理级别的评估,根据评估结果分配床位、确定护理方案,床位的分配信息存入床位分配数据表,每位老人的护理方案也要保存到数据库表中。财务人员根据收费标准、床位分配信息、护理方案和老人的日常护理记录计算应收费用,老人的家属可以查询应收费信息和老人的日常护理信息。护士根据老人根本信息、护理方案对老人进展日常护理,并向系统录入每日的护理信息。请你根据以上的描绘,画出数据流程图。 4、学校老师工资管理系统的需求描绘如下:老师每月末将本月的工作量输入到系统中,学院负责人对老师输入的工作量进展审核,财务部门对审核后的工作量计算本月工资,本月工资=根本工资各种补贴工作量

4、奖金税收保险一公积金金。根本工资、各种补贴、保险、公积金信息由人事处负责输入和维护,老师可以查询月工资明细。银行系统每月从本系统读入每位老师的实发工资,并向每位老师的银行卡帐户打入月工资。老师可以查询自己银行卡的金额。 请针对上面描绘的需求画出数据流程图。 5、学校开发的网上作业管理信息系统需求如下:老师使用本系统将作业题输入到数据库中,并且针对不同的学生布置不同的作业。学生在网上查看老师给自己布置的作业,并完成作业,完成的作业放在学生作业表中。老师在网上批阅作业,并可以统计作业完成情况。学生可以查看老师批阅的作业,修改作业中的错误,老师仍然可以查看学生修改作业的情况,并给予批阅。 请仔细阅读

5、上面的描绘,画出数据流程图。 参考答案如下,结果不唯一 2、答案不唯一。参考答案如下: 3、答案 答案不唯一,参考答案如下: 4、答案 5、答案 请您删除一下内容,O(_)O谢谢!2022年中央电大期末复习考试小抄大全,电大期末考试必备小抄,电大考试必过小抄After earning his spurs in the kitchens of The Westin, The Sheraton, Sens on the Bund, and a sprinkling of other top-notch venues, Simpson Lu fi nally got the chance to be

6、e his own boss in November 2022. Sort of. The Shanghai-born chef might not actually own California Pizza Kitchen (CPK) but he is in sole charge of both kitchen and frontof- house at this Sinan Mansionsstalwart. “Its certainly a responsibility to be the head chef, and then to have to manage the rest

7、of the restaurant as well,“ the 31-year-old tells Enjoy Shanghai. “In hotels, for exle, these jobs are strictly demarcated, so its a great opportunity to learn how a business operates across the board.“ It was a task that management back in sunny California evidently felt he was ready for, and a vot

8、e of confi dence from a pany that, to date, has opened 250 outlets in 11 countries. And for added pressure, the Shanghai branch was also CPKs China debut. “For sure it was a big step, and unlike all their other Asia operations that are franchises, they decided to manage it directly to begin with,“ s

9、ays Simpson. Two years ago a private franchisee took over the lease, but the links to CPK headquarters are still strong, with a mainland-based brand ambassador on hand to ensure the business adheres to its ethos of creating “innovative, hearth-baked pizzas“, a slice of PR blurb that Simpson insists

10、lives up to the hype. “They are very innovative,“ he says. “The problem with most fast food places is that they use the same sauce on every pizza and just change the toppings. Every one of our 16 pizza sauces is a unique recipe that has been formulated to plement the toppings perfectly.“ The largely

11、 local customer base evidently agrees and on Saturday and Sunday, at least, the place is teeming. The kids-eat-for-free policy at weekends is undoubtedly a big draw, as well as is the spacious second-fl oor layout overlooked by a canopy of green from Fuxing Park over the road. The pany is also focus

12、ing on increasing brand recognition and in recent years has taken part in outside events such as the regular California Week. Still, the sta are honest enough to admit that business could be better; as good, in fact, as in CPKs second outlet in the popular Kerry Parkside shopping mall in Pudong. “Si

13、nan Mansions has really struggled to get the number of visitors that were envisaged when it first opened, and it hasnt been easy for any of the tenants here,“ adds Simpson. “Were planning a third outlet in the city in 2022, and we will probably choose a shopping mall again because of the better foot

14、 traffic.“ The tearooms once frequented by Coco Chanel and Marcel Proust are upping sticks and ing to Shanghai, Xu Junqian visits the Parisian outpost with sweet treats. One thing the century-old Parisian tearoom Angelina has shown is that legendary fashion designer Coco Chanel not only had style an

15、d glamor but also boasted great taste in food, pastries in particular. One of the most popular tearooms in Paris, Angelina is famous for having once been frequented by celebrities such as Chanel and writer Marcel Proust. Now Angelina has packed up its French ambience, efficient service, and beautifu

16、l, forting desserts and flown them to Shanghai. At the flagship dine-in and take-out space in Shanghai, everything mimics the original tearoom designed from the beginning of the 20th century, in Paris, the height of “Belle Epoque“. The paintings on the wall, for exle, are exactly the same as the one that depicts the landscape of southern France, the hometown of the owner; and the small tables are intentional im


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