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1、一、单词Unit 1中国美国日本英国星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日英国的中国的体育科学数学课小提琴钢琴音乐Unit 2走,散步写阅读说飞游泳跑跳唱歌跳舞说英语划船放风筝踢足球弹钢琴拉小提琴打乒乓球Unit 3大的扫帚刷子拖把掸子给递牙刷牙膏毛巾梳子肥皂汉堡包牛奶果汁面包热狗土豆西红柿辣椒豆、豆类蔬菜玩偶纸帽子二、汉译英Unit 1我叫海伦。我在一班。我来自英国。我喜欢体育课。今天星期三。今天我们有一节音乐课。 Unit 2我能说英语。你会做什么?我会游泳。你会唱歌吗?会。你会拉小提琴吗?不会。你能看见几只鸟?我能看见十五只鸟。Unit 3爸爸,要我帮忙吗?请递给我一把刷子。请把毛巾

2、递给我。让我来帮助你。我来写购物单。你要买什么?请来十个苹果。 三、排序 1.1 ( )A. Hello,Miss Lin. B. Im Joker.Im from Australia.Where are you from.C. Hi,Joker.This is Helen and this is Takuya. D. Im from Japan.E. Im from England.F. Were in Class 1.G. Which class are you in?2.1( )A. OK.Lets. B. Tom,this is my new friend.C. My name is

3、Takuya. D. Hi!Whats your name?E. Im from Enland.F. Lets play together.G. Where are you from?H. Im from Japan.What about you?3.1( )A.OK.B. Today is Tuesday.We have an English class today.C. Yeah!Lets go to the classroom.D. Great!I like English.E. Me,too.Oh,its 9:00.Time for our English class.4. 1( )A

4、. Me,too.B. Hi,Joker!What day is today?C. Oh,thats great!I like English.D. Today is Thursday.E. No.Today is Wednesday.We have an English class today.5.1 ( )A. Hello!This is Xiao Hui.B. See you.C. Hi,Xiao Hui.Today is Satuiday.Shall we play ping-pong?D. Hello!This is Linda.Is Xiao Hui in?E. OK.What t

5、ime?F. Thats fine.See you then.G. 3:20H. Yes.Hold on,please.Xiao Hui,your phone call.6.1 ( )A. All right!B. Hello!Is that Linda?C. Come on,children.Take a picture.D. My pleasure.E. One,two,cheese.F. Yes.G. Today is Saturday.Shall we go to the park?H. OK.I. Look!Whats that over there?J. Oh,its a came

6、ra.K. Lets go and have a look.L. Oh,yes,it is.Thank you very much.M. Excuse me.Is this your camera?7.1 ( )A.Youre great.B.Hello,boy and girl.C. Sure.D. I can walk.I can read and write.And I can speak English.E.Hello!Whats your name?F. Really?G.My name is Robot.H. Glad to meet you.What can you do?8.1

7、 ( )A. Wow!Whats your name? B.Hello,Joker!C.I can read and write.I can run and jump.I can do everything.D. My name is Monkey King!E.Who are you?F. Guess!G.What can you do? 10.1 ( )A. Wonderful! B. I can!C. Were going to have a party.What can you do,boys and girls?D. I can sing.E. I can dance.F. No,I

8、 cant.But I can play the violin.G. Good!Can you play the piano,Li Ming? H.Who can play the piano?I. I can!11.1 ( )A. Sure! B.Hi,Joker,what can you see?C.How many boats can you see?D. I can see many boats.E.I can see a big lake.F. Whats on the boats.G.Sorry,too many.H. Can I have a look?13.1 ( )A. Th

9、e big one. B.Which one?C.Dad,can I help?D. Yes.Give me a brush,please.13.2( )A. Good girl! B.Mom,can I help?C.Yes.Give me a broom,please.D. Here you are.E.OK.Lets clean the room together.F. Thank you.And pass me a mop,please.14.1( )A. Oh,pretty! B.Look at me,Mom.C.Thank you,Mom.D.What are you doing,

10、Annie?E.Let me help you.F. Im combing my hair.G.Good!.H. No,thanks.I can do it myself.15.1( )A. How nice! B.Hi,Xiao Hui.Lets make a paper hat.C.Here you are.D.Give me the scissors.please.E.All right.Here is the glue.F. Thanks.Look!A paper hat.G.Great!.H. And pass me the glue.please.16.1( )A. Yes.Let

11、s go. B.Mom.shall we go to the supermarket?C.Is that all?D.Anything else?E.We need some milk,egg and bread.F.Let me help you.I can do it.G.Let me help you.I can do it.H. We need a towel,a brush and some soap.17.1( )A. Thank you very much.Good boy!B.Look,Billy!C.Oh,a watermelon!D.Ok.Here you are.E.Mo

12、m,this is for you.F.Pass me the knife,please.G.This is for you.Billy.Here you are.18.1( )A. All right. B.Good idea!C.Mom,lets go.D.Dad!Today is Childrens Day.Shall we go out for a picnic?18.2( )A.Thank you. B.Billy,have some juice.C.OK.Here you are.D.No,thank you.I like water.Pass me some water,please.E.Mom,give me some bread,please.18.3( )A. Can I have some fruit? B.Wheres the tra


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