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1、2023 年 3 月公共英语二级真题及答案第一局部听力 1-20 略其次局部英语学问运用第一节 单项填空从 A、B、C、D.四个选项中,选出可以填空白处的最正确选项。21. We hurried tostation,hoping to catch8:15 train to New York.A. ;all B.the; C.a;an D.the;the22. The hospital agreed to give care free of charge towith low incomes. A.thoseB.them C.these D.ones23. Its about time we g

2、ot the kitchen. A.repaintB.repainted C.repainting D.to repaint24.-Has tom finished his experiment today?-No idea.Heit this morning. A.is doingB. was doingC. had doneD. has done25.Iadmit the plan is a limited one and is not as successful as we thought.A.can B.may C.need D.must26.Morn was busy cooking

3、 in the kitchenDad was watching TV comfortably. A.whileB.so C.since D.though27.I dont need any help,Polly,but it was nice of you to. A.demandB.promise C.offer D.present28. If they wanted to go out,they could alwaysme to stay with the baby. A.believe inB. count onC. name afterD. hear from29. She prep

4、aredgood iileals for the family that nO one ever thought of going out to eat.A.so B.such C.even D.ever30. sometimes he would make himselfin the kitchen by cleaning and tidying.A.beautiful B.wonderful C.useful D.careful31.I phoned him twice andmessages,but he never returned my call. A.keptB.dropped C

5、.received D.left32. Please keme fully informedany progress in the plan. A.forB.with C.on D.of33. All mobile phones must be turned off from when the aircraft doors areclosedthe doors open again on arrival.A.until B.unless C.before D.when34. Shall we eat Italian food tonight?-. A.Yes,thatS all right B

6、.Never mindC.Yes,good ideaD.Youre welcome35. The furnitureon Friday,so until then we11 have to sit on the floor.A. is being deliveredB. was deliveredC. has been deliveredD. had been delivered 参考答案21.【D】 【精析】句意:我们匆忙地赶往车站,期望赶上8:15 开往纽约的火车。此题考察的是冠词的用法。此题中,“station”和“8:15 train”都有限定的意义,故D 正确。【学问拓展】l.不定冠

7、词在句子中最大的语法功能就是用在可数名词的单数形式前表示泛指说明一类人或事物区分于其它。e.g.:(1)I am a Chinese.我是(一个)中国人。(2)This is a book.这是(一本)书。2.定冠词在句子中最大的语法功能是对名词加以限定,使其成为具有某种意义的特定名词。这种“特定意义”是不难看出的。e.g.:(1)Here are the records you want.这些是你要的唱片。(2)Have you decided on the prices yet?价格你们确定了吗?22.【A】 【精析】句意:医院同意免费护理那些低收入者。A 选项是those,代指那些人。英

8、语中,one、ones、that、those 常用作代词,指代前面消灭过的名词以避开重复, 确保句子的简洁。故A 正确。【学问拓展】l.those 用来指代“同名异物”的可数名词复数。e.g.:(1)The houses ofthe rich are generally larger than thoseof the poor.(those=the houses富) 人的房子通常都比穷人的大。(2)The bikes made in China are as good as those made in usA.(those=the bikes)中国制造的自行车和美国制造的一样好。2.ones

9、用来指代“同名异物”的可数名词复数。e.g.:(1)-Do you want a toy?你想要个玩具吗?-Yes,1 want new ones very much.(ones=toys)是的,我格外想要的玩具。(2)Stone bridges last longer than wooden ones.(ones=bridges石) 桥比木桥保存的时间更长。(3)Teachers like the students working hard,especially the oneswho are active in thinking.(theones=the students)教师宠爱努力学习

10、的学生,尤其宠爱那些乐观思考的学生。23. 【B】 【精析】句意:是我们重粉刷厨房的时候了。此题考察getsth.Bone 的构造。makegethave sth.done 都表示“使某事被做;请别人做某事”的意思,其中done 是过去分词,作宾语补足语。过去分词作宾语补足语,有被动的含义,故B 正确。e.g.:(1)I am going to have my hair cut.我预备去剪头发。(2)You should get your eyes tested.你应当去检查一下眼睛。24. 【B】 【精析】句意:汤姆今日完成试验了吗?不知道,他今日上午始终在做。此题考察的是时态的用法。依据题

11、意,题目表达的是tom 今日上午始终在做,需用过去进展时,故B 正确。【学问拓展】过去进展时表示过去某段时间内持续进展的动作或者事情。常用的时间状 语有 this morning,the whole morrling,all day yesterday,from nine to ten last evening,when,while 等。e.g.:l was reading when he entered.当他进来的时候我正在看书。25. 【D】 【精析】句意:我必需成认这个打算很有限,不如我们所想的那么成功。can 能;may 可能(语气上弱于can);need 需要;must 必需(通常虚

12、拟语气)。题中表达的是“必需”的含义,故D 正确。【学问拓展】can、may、must、need 的用法1.Can 表示力气,“能,会”;表示疑心,猜测,常用于否认句或疑问句。e.g.:Can you play basketball?你会打篮球吗? 2.may 表示推想,“可能,或许”。e.g.:He may come tomorrow.他可能明天过来。3.must 表示“必需,应当”;表示推想“确定”。e.g.:There is someone knocking at the door.It must be Jim.有人在敲门,确定是吉姆。4.need 表示“需要”。e.g.:You nee

13、dnt come to school so early.你不需要那么早来学校。26. 【A】 【精析】句意:当爸爸在舒舒适服地看电视的时候,妈妈正在厨房里忙着做饭。此题考察的是连词的用法。while 当时候,故A 正确。【学问拓展】While 当时候;S0 因此;since 自从;though 虽然:e.g.:(1)They were grinning and watching while one manlaughed and poured beer over the head of another. 当一个男人大笑着将啤酒倒在另一个男人头上时,他们正边看边咧着嘴笑。(2)1 was tire

14、d so I could not help you.我很累因此不能帮你。(3)I have earned my own living since l was seven,doing allkinds ofjobs.我从 7 岁起就自己谋生,做各种各样的工作。(4)I like him.Though he makes me angry sometimes.我宠爱他,尽管他有时惹我生气。27. 【C】 【精析】句意:波利,虽然我不需要但是还是很感谢你情愿供给帮助。此题考察的是动词词义辨析。demand 需求;promise 许诺;present 呈现,礼物;offer 主动供给帮助。依据题意,故C

15、 正确。【学问拓展】e.g.:(1)Peter offered to teach them waterskiing.彼得表示情愿教她们滑水。(2)Human rights groups are demanding an investigation into theshooting. 人权组织正猛烈要求对这一枪击案进展调查。28. 【8】 【精析】句意:假设他们要出去,他们总是可以期望我来照看婴儿。此题考察的是动词词组辨析。believe in 信任;count on 期望;nalne aRer 命名;hear from 收到来信,故B 正确。【学问拓展】e.g.:(1)I beheve in

16、you.我信任你。(2)I find I have nobody to count on when I anl in trouble.我觉察当我有困难时谁也期望不上。(3)tom was named after his grandfather.汤姆的名字取自他的祖父。(4)I am so glad to hear from my mother.收到我妈妈的信我觉得很愉快。29. 【B】 【精析】句意:她做的饭如此好吃以至于全家没有人想过出去吃饭。此题考察是 sothat 和 suchthat 的辨析。good meals 为名词词组,需用 such 修饰,故 B 正确。【学问拓展】such 是形容词,修



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