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1、 初二英语素质测试* 温馨提示:请同学们认真读题,仔细思考,一定要将答案写在准确的位置哦!听力部分(25分)题号123456789101112131415答案. 听句子,选择准确的图片。(其中有两项多余)(5分). 听小对话,选择最佳答案。(5分)6. What are they doing this weekend ?A. Go swimming B. Go camping C. Go shopping 7. What is the girl doing now ?A. Studying for a test B. Having a test C. Playing computer game

2、s 8. How often can the girl play on the computer ?A. Once a day B. Twice a week C. Once a week 9. Why didnt the girl have fun in Beijing ?A. Because she had a lot of work to do B. Because she was ill.C. Because the weather was bad there.10. How many people are having dinner there ?A. Eight B.Ten C.

3、Eleven . 听长对话,选择最佳答案。(5分) 听下面一段对话,回答第11至12题。11. What did the girl do yesterday ?A. She looked after her grandmother.B. She had classes at school.C. She stayed at home and had a rest.12. Where does the girls mother work ?A. In a school B. In a hospital C. In a police station 听下面一段对话,回答第13至15小题。13. Wh

4、o drew the picture ?A. Grace B. Dale C. Jane 14. What did Grace buy in Tokyo ?A. Lots of clothes B. A camera C. Some beautiful toys15. Where is Grace going for her next holiday ?A. Japen B. Canada C. Australia . 听短文,完成下面的表格。(10分)CountriesHow long What students like to do In English Find jobs in 16 o

5、r hotelsIn America17. daysDo some 18. In 19 Have a trip In Germany about 150 days Go 20. with their classmates笔试部分(95分). 单项选择。(15分). 题号212223242526272829303132333435答案21. Mona often eats junk food , she knows its bad for her heath.A. although B. so C. and D. or 22. Kate has a lifestyle, so she is in

6、 good .A. healthy , health B. unheathy , health C. health , healthy D. unhealthy , healthy 23. Her father is ill , so she has to him at home .A. look after B. look at C. look for D. look like 24. -I have a bad cold. - A. What dose she do there ? B. Its bad news.C .Whats the matter with you ? D. Im s

7、orry to hear that.25. It takes two hours English every day.A. I , read B.me , read C. me , to read D. my , to read 26 It is five from here there.A.minutes walk B.minutes walk C.minutes walk D.minute walk27.- Whats your mother doing ? - She is cleaning the room .A. sorry B. free C.busy D. happy28. We

8、 have to study the Chemistry test Thursday morning.A. at , on B. for , in C. at , in D. for, on 29. Who is , this student or that one ?A. well B. good C. better D. best 30. I am my sister .A more outgoing B outgoing than C. more outgoing than D. much outgoing than 31. I should tell my teacher story

9、. I think she will enjoy it .A. the whole B .whole C. the all D. all of 32.Can you come to my fifteenth birthday party? - ,I have to visit my grandpa in the countryside. A.Sorry,cant B.Sorry, I cant C.Sure,Id love to D.Sure,Id like to33. She is going to Beijing to next Sunday .A. rent a video B. go

10、sightseeing C. go fishing D. have dinners34. Thank you for to your party .A. inviting me B. invite me C. invitatoin me D. inviting you 35. My parents went to Tibet for vacation .A. both ,last year B. both ,next year C. two ,next year D. second , the year after next 完形填空。(10分)题号36373839404142434445答案

11、All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports can 36 people in good health. Many people like to watch_37_play sports games. They buy tickets for them _38_turn on their TV sets to sit_39_them at home or workplaces._40_ often change with the seasons(随着季节而变化). People play_41_games in different seasons

12、. Sometimes they play inside the room, sometimes they play outside. We can_42_sports here and there. People in the world like sports _43_ they are very interesting. Football, for example, is very popular and welcome. People_44_different countries cannot understand each other, but after a game they often become very_45_to each other and finally(最后) they become good friends.36. A.keep B.get C.take D.make 37. A.other B.others C.the other D.the others38. A.and B.but C.or D.so39. A.in front B.in the front C.in the front of D.in front of40. A.Sport


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