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1、英语期末考试翻译模拟试题一保持心理健康如果心情好,人会觉得什么都很美。如果保持乐观,就没有征服不了的困难。否则,你就会心情难过,一辈子都灰心沮丧。因此,保持心理健康至关重要。如何保持心理健康有以下三个方法。首先,心情烦乱时尽量控制自己。其次,在需要做决定时要相信自己,并有勇气承担结果。最后,要培养自律的能力,这会使你在崩溃的边缘仍然保持理智。总之,对他人友好,生气时保持平静,是拥有健康心理的关键。Maintaining a Healthy PsychologyIf you are always in a good mood, everything will seem to be more be

2、autiful. If you are always optimistic, there is no difficultly that cannot be conquered. On the contrary, you may feel sad, frustrated throughout your life. So keeping a healthy psychology is necessary. There are at least three methods to have a healthy psychology. Firstly, try to control yourself w

3、hen you are in a mess. Secondly, believe in yourself when you have to decide by yourself,and have enough courage to take on any results of your own decision. Thirdly, you should cultivate the ability of self-discipline, which makes you more sensible when you are really on the edge of nervous breakdo

4、wn.In a word, to be kind to everyone around you and to keep calm when you feel anger is an important way to keep a healthy psychology. 模拟试题二英语学习把英语作为第二语言,我已经学了好几年了。我感觉在练习时,有一种恶性循环。那些说“我不行”,“我英语很差”的学生总觉得用英语很难。他们越是这样这样说,就越觉得难。相反,那些敢于打破僵局敢于使用英语的人却很容易拿到高分。他们因为英语不错受到的夸奖和称赞就是对他们继续努力提高的最大的鼓励。English Study

5、Its been years since I started learning English as a second language.And Ive always been seeing the same vicious circle in practicing it.Those who always say “I cant.My English is poor!”would feel that using English is difficult.The more they say so,the more difficult they find it.On the other hand,

6、those who dare to break the ice and use English would probably get good grade easily.And the praise and honor from being good at English,the foreign language,would be the best encouragement to them to improve.模拟试题三电视广告的一大优势每次我们转换电视频道,都会看到各类广告。虽然不同的人对电视广告的利弊意见不一,但我认为广告的好处多于坏处。电视广告的一大优势在于它的方便性。它能节约时间,

7、直接告诉我们哪里可以买到我们需要的商品,我们不必费力地一个个商店去寻找。另外,电视广告还可以省钱。通过比较广告中的同类产品,我们不用出远门就可以选择最好最便宜的。更重要的是,它能通过漂亮而生动的画面和声音向我们传达特定产品的信息,这比其他广告要快得多。综上所述,在电视广告的帮助下,我们可以方便地知道哪些产品上市,以及如何购买。A Major Advantage of Advertising on TVEvery time when we change the TV channels,we will encounter various advertisements.Although differ

8、ent people have different ideas about their advantages and disadvantages,I think advantages outweigh disadvantages.The major advantage of advertising on TV lies in its convenience.It can save our time.We know directly where we can get the goods we need.Its unnecessary for us to look for them from on

9、e shop to another.Besides,it can also save our money.We can compare the similar products on TV and finally get the best and cheapest one without going out or traveling a long distance.Whats more,it can deliver information about certain products faster than other media with its beautiful sounds and v

10、ivid pictures.Form the above mentioned reasons,we can see that its very convenient for us to know what products are available and how to get them with the help of advertising on TV.模拟试题四 商丘古城位于商丘市区的南部、睢阳区境内,是我国目前保持基本完好的国家级历史文化名域。它按照明代风水理论修建,具有八卦城、水上城和城摞城三大特点,内城、城湖、城郭三位一体。在国内独一无二,堪称中国古城池的典范之作。此城建于明朝正

11、德年间,距今近500年。古城旅游区人文景观与自然胜景兼具,是一个以名胜古迹为主体的旅游区。The ancient city of Shangqiu is currently well-preserved,historical and cultural city in the national-level,which is located in the Suiyang district,the southern part of Shangqiu.The application of Chinese traditional geomancy theory to the exceptional de

12、sign of the ancient city of Shangqiu forms three main features,that is,the eight diagrams city, the watery city andcity piles up city,as well as the trinity of inner city,city lake and city walls.The unique style of architecture can be reputed the model of ancient city in China.It is built in the pe

13、riod of Zhengde of Ming dynasty since 500 years ago.The main tourism area of the ancient city are historical sites,which combines human landscape with natural scenery.模拟试题五中国园林是经过三千多年演变而成的独具一格的园林景观。它既包括为皇室成员享乐而建造的大型花园,也包括学者、商人和卸任的政府官员为摆脱嘈杂的外部世界而建造的私家花园。这些花园构成了一种意在表达人与自然之间应有的和谐关系的微缩景观。典型的中国园林四周有围墙,园内

14、有池塘、假山、树木、花草以及各种各样由蜿蜒的小路和走廊连接的建筑。漫步在花园中,人们可以看到一系列精心设计的景观犹如山水画卷一般展现在面前。Chinese gardens came into being after three thousand years of evolution and unique landscape.It includes both large garden built for the royal family enjoyment,including academics,businessmen,and former government officials to get

15、 rid of the noise of the outside world and build private garden,These gardens constituted an intended to express the human and the nature should be harmonious relations between miniature landscape.A typical Chinese garden surrounded by a fence,garden with ponds,rockeries,trees,flowers and plants,and

16、 various buildings connected by winding paths and corridors.Stroll in the garden,people can see a series of carefully designed like landscape picture show in front of the landscape.模拟试题六随着影剧院在数量上与重要性上的不断增长,在一些场合,除了钢琴师外,还要加上小提琴师,或许还有一位大提琴师(cellist)。较大的影剧院里还组成了小型的管弦乐队(orchestra)。在很长的时间内,为各部影片选择配乐完全掌握在乐队指挥或队长手中,而通常把持这种职位的资格不是技巧或鉴赏品味,而是拥有一个大的音乐作品的个人收藏。As movie theaters grew in number and importance,a


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