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1、 120句商务英语交际礼节实用套语(二)对您的大力帮助,我谨代表北京市政府表示诚心的感谢。 On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, I wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your gracious assistance.在北京过得怎么样? How are you making out in Beijing?我肯定向他转达您的问候和邀请. Ill surely remember you and your invitation to him.欢送美商来北京投资. American b

2、usinessmen are welcome to make investment in Beijing.欢送多提珍贵意见. Your valuable advice is most welcome.不虚此行 Its a rewarding trip.您的日程很紧,我们的会见是否就到此为止. As you have a tight schedule, I will not take up more of your time.请代我问候.先生 please remember me to Mr.感谢光临 Thank you so much for coming. 欢送再来 Hope youll c

3、ome again. 欢送以后多来北京 Hope youll visit Beijing more often.请留步,不用送了. I will see myself out, please.多保重 Take care.祝您一路平安. Have a nice trip.愿为您效劳。 At your service.为进行宴会/宴请 host a dinner/banquet/luncheon in honor of 欢送宴会 welcome dinner便宴 informal dinner午宴(附有状况介绍或专题演讲等内容) luncheon 便餐 light meal 工作午餐 workin

4、g luncheon自助餐 buffet dinner/luncheon答谢宴会 return dinner告辞宴会 farewell dinner庆功宴 glee feast款待会 reception庆祝中华人民共和国成立四十五周年款待会 Reception Celebrating the 45th Anniversary of the Founding of the Peoples Republic of China鸡尾酒会 cocktail party茶话会 tea party 包餐/点餐 table dhote/a la carte 上菜 serve a courst您的位置在这里 H

5、ere is your seat.请入席 Please have a seat.团聚一堂 enjoy this happy get-together请任凭 Please yourself at home./Please enjoy yourself.请各位随便用餐 Help yourself please.您喝点什么? what would you like to drink?现在我提议,为了和之间的合作,为了参议员的安康,干杯! At this point, I propose a toast: to the cooperation between and , to the health o

6、f Senator, cheers! 最终,我借仆人的酒,提议为干杯! Lastly, taking up this glass of fine wine, I propose a toast to 请各位举杯并同我一起为全部在座的朋友们的安康干杯! Id ask you to raise your glass and join me in a toast ot the health of all our friends present here.敬您一杯。 Heres to you.祝你安康 To your health.我要为此干杯 Ill drink to that!随量 Whatever you like.我失陪一会儿 Excuse me for a minute.菜不好,请多多包涵 Hope you enjoy yourself.女士们先生们,欢送各位光临,演出很快就要开头了,请尽快就坐。 Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. The concert/show would start soon. Please get yourself seated. Thank you.



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