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1、UNIT 8GREEN LIVINGPeriod SixViewing WorkshopCheck Your Progress课前自主预习猜词意A每年,一年一度地 B污染物C废弃物填埋场D.满是,有许多;泛滥1New regulations will reduce hazardous air pollutants.()2These animals migrate annually in search of food.()3The river had overflowed its banks.()4The map shows the position of the new landfills.(

2、)【答案】14 BADC预备写作素材1By cleaning up your garbage before you leave the theatre,you can _ _ _ _ _ your kids.(为树立一个好榜样)2Global warming has already caused _ _ _ _ problems.(大范围的)3The burning fossil fuels and human activities _ _ air pollution.(导致)【答案】1set a great example for2a wide range of3contribute to课

3、堂新知讲练1set an example 树立榜样(P43)In Europe,Sweden is setting a great example when it comes to recycling.【翻译】在欧洲,瑞典在回收方面树立了一个很好的榜样。词汇拓讲example n例子;榜样set an example树立榜样for example例如;比如有关set的短语归纳:set off启程;出发;点燃;使爆炸;使开始set about着手;开始set up创立;开办;张贴【用法详解】set aside存蓄;留出set foot in/on 登上;涉足;访问set fire to sth

4、set sth on fire点燃;生火set out(to do)出发;企图;打算(做)set down让下车;记下;写下;登记The teacher arrived at the office early to set an example to the students.老师上班很早,以便给学生树立一个榜样。【针对练习】介词或副词填空(1)The young workers set _ their work with great enthusiasm.(2)The wife set _ immediately to see a famous lawyer.(3)He has achiev

5、ed what he set _ to do three years ago.(4)Its important to set _ time for relaxation,hobbies,and entertainment as well.(5)He set _ example of wholehearted service to the people.【答案】(1)about(2)off(3)out(4)aside(5)an完成句子(6)Her diligence has _ _ _ _ the others.她的勤奋为其他人树立了榜样。(7)The government _ _ _ a wo

6、rking party to look into the problem of drug abuse.政府已经成立了工作组,调查滥用毒品问题。【答案】(6)set an example to(7)has set up2end up 结束(P43)Even though the nation produces around four and a half million tonnes of household waste each year,less than 1%of that waste ends up in landfills.【翻译】尽管这个国家每年产生约450万吨生活垃圾,但只有不到1

7、%的垃圾最终被填埋。end up doing结果end(up)in结果为;最终会(后常跟表地点的名词)end(up)with 以结束/告终end(up)as 最终成为【用法详解】end n.结束;目标;尽头;末端come to an end结束bring/putto an end(put/bring an end to)使终止at the end of 在末尾make ends meet使收支相抵If you stick to doing that,you will end up in trouble.你要坚持做那件事的话,将来麻烦可多着呢。If travelling to your dest

8、ination by train,you may end up paying more.如果乘火车去你的目的地,你可能要多付钱。【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)If you take time and effort to do this,you will end up _ more friends.(2)The food finally arrived _ the end of last week and distribution began.【答案】(1)with(2)at根据汉语提示补全短文Jenny majored in marketing at the first year of uni

9、versity.Last summer vacation,she went to a village as a volunteer teacher.When the holiday(3)_(结束),she found herself more interested in teaching.So she decided to switch to a new major.After communicating with her parents and teachers,they(4)_ _(最后支持她).Three years later,Jenny(5)_(最终成为一名老师).【答案】(3)ca

10、me to an end(4)ended up supporting her(5)ended up as a teacher3a huge amount of 大量的(P43)A huge amount of waste 800,000 tonnes is imported each year to produce Swedens electricity.【翻译】瑞典每年要进口80万吨的垃圾来发电。a large amount of/amounts of大量的(谓语的单复数形式由amount决定)常见的类似短语还有:a great/good/large/huge/vast amount of大

11、量的a small amount of少量的large/small amounts of大(少)量的in large/small amounts大量地/少量地amount to总计为;等于是【用法详解】Large amounts of money were spent on the subway.建地铁花了很多钱。Waste water rushed out of the factory in large amounts.大量废水从这家工厂流出。【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)The server is designed to store huge _(amount)of data.(2)As

12、we all know,a large amount of money _(be)given to the company as a reward the other day.【答案】(1)amounts(2)was完成句子(3)With more forests being destroyed,_ _ _ _ good earth _ being washed away each year.随着越来越多的森林被毁坏,每年大量的优质土壤被冲走。【答案】(3)a large amount of/a great deal of/a large quantity of;is4lead to 导致;通

13、向(P43)If the waste is not disposed of properly,it can lead to disease,pollution and other environmental issues.【翻译】如果废物处理不当,就会导致疾病、污染和其他环境问题。lead to中的to为介词,其后需要跟名词或动词-ing形式lead sb to do sth 带领某人做某事(to为不定式符号)leading adj.主要的;最重要的;卓越的;一流的;领导的;带头的leader n.领袖;领导者;指挥者leadership n.领导;指挥;领导权under the leader

14、ship of 在的领导下【用法详解】Excuse me,does this road lead to the railway station?打扰了,请问这条路是通向火车站的吗?Hard work leads to success,while laziness leads to failure.勤奋通向成功,而懒惰导致失败。【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)Jealousy(嫉妒)and anger usually lead to _(do)the wrong thing.(2)Its you who lead me _(find)the true meaning of life.【答案】(1)

15、doing(2)to find完成句子(3)There is no doubt that stress can _ _ physical illness.毫无疑问,心理压力会导致生理疾病。(4)Her advice _ _ _ _ _.她的劝告使我再次尝试。【答案】(3)lead to(4)led me to try again5result in 导致;结果是(P44)This resulted in the flooding of the River Po near Turin in Italy.【翻译】这导致了意大利都灵附近的波河的洪水。result n结果;成绩;答案vi.结果;导致;

16、产生result from 由产生as a result/consequence因此;结果as a result/consequence of 作为的结果;由于without result无效地;毫无结果地【用法详解】The accident resulted in the death of two people.这场意外事故造成两人死亡。He didnt work hard.As a result,he failed his exam.他不用功,结果考试不及格。【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)Shouting and threats of punishment would result _ a disaster.(2)His illness resulted _ eating bad food.(3)He was late for school as a result _ the heavy snow.【答案】(1)in(2)from(3)of完成句子(4)_ _ _,they saved 90%of the trees in the forest.结果,他们拯救了森林里90%的树木。



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