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1、UNIT 4SHARING美 文 导 入素养解读:赠人玫瑰,手有余香。扶贫济困,是中华民族的传统美德。一代一代的中国人,乐善好施,扶弱济贫,守望相助,积淀了厚重的中华文明。今天,通过本单元课文内容的学习,我们要养成“穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下”的思维品质,提高思想意识。主题:扶贫济困学科素养:人与社会难度系数:【语篇导读】志愿者组织活跃在世界各地。他们不讲报酬,给那些需要帮助的人们献上自己的善良与关爱。本文中的主人公卡梅伦就是其中的一员。他从12岁就开始加入志愿者队伍,帮助有需要的人。Cameron Beck first started volunteering at the young ag

2、e of 12.To his family,volunteering was simply a cornerstone of life;a benevolent reason to spend more time bonding with one another.【1】The Becks would volunteer annually around the holidays at the Alameda County Community Food Bank in Oakland,California,which distributes nearly 25 million meals in A

3、lameda County every year.Alongside his parents and sister,Cameron used to help sort,organise,and pack food for the needy.You could say he grew up learning how to be altruistic.He later volunteered in different voluntary groups.【2】Fast forward to today,Cameron spends every Saturday volunteering at Pr

4、oject Open Hand in San Francisco,Californiaa nonprofit organisation that provides meals with love to critically ill neighbours and seniors.Project Open Hand prepares 2,500 nutritious meals,200 bags of healthy groceries,and engages more than 125 volunteers in their volunteer program every day.Cameron

5、 first learnt about Project Open Hand while he was working on Polk Street.As he passed their storefront on his way to and from work each day,Cameron became eager to learn more,and allowed his curiosity to fuel his passion.The stars aligned and Cameron learnt that his friends were working with Projec

6、t Open Hand to conduct research on health outcomes for clients in food bank programs.Cameron quickly learnt of how Project Open Hand got its humble beginning.By serving food to the poor folks and those living with HIV/AIDS in San Franciscos Tenderloin neighbourhood,an area with many very low-income

7、residents and residents with disabilities,they were able to find hunger without much difficulty.课标词汇cornerstone/knstn/n基础;柱石;地基benevolent/bnevlnt/adj.仁慈的;慈善的;亲切的distribute/dstrbjut/vt.分配;散布altruistic/ltrustk/adj.利他的;无私心的critically/krtkli/adv.精密地;危急地;严重地storefront/stfrnt/n店面;店头curiosity/kjristi/n好奇;好

8、奇心conduct/kndkt/v组织;实施;进行;指挥【1】The Becks would volunteer annually around the holidays at the Alameda County Community Food Bank in Oakland,California,which distributes nearly 25 million meals in Alameda County every year.句型精析分析:本句中的“The Becks would volunteer annually around the holidays at the Alame

9、da County Community Food Bank in Oakland,California”是句子的主句部分,后面的which引导一个非限定性定语从句。译文:贝克一家每年假期前后都会在加利福尼亚州奥克兰的阿拉米达县社区食品银行做志愿者,这个食品银行每年会在阿拉米达县分发近2 500万份食物。【2】Fast forward to today,Cameron spends every Saturday volunteering at Project Open Hand in San Francisco,Californiaa nonprofit organisation that pr

10、ovides meals with love to critically ill neighbours and seniors.分析:本句中的“Fast forward to today”是时间状语。“Cameron spends every Saturday volunteering at Project Open Hand in San Francisco,California”是句子的主句部分。主句中,包含了一个“spend time doing sth.”的结构。破折号后面的“a nonprofit organisation”是同位语,解释前面的Project Open Hand这个组

11、织的情况。“that provides meals with love to critically ill neighbours and seniors”则是定语从句,修饰前面的名词organisation。译文:快进到今天,卡梅伦每周六都在加利福尼亚州旧金山的“张开手计划”做志愿者“张开手计划”是一个非营利组织,为危重的邻居和老人提供爱心食物。核心素养目标【语言技能】阅读有关志愿者在非洲进行志愿者活动的记叙文。掌握有关非洲人生活、风土人情、生活娱乐等相关的词汇。听、说有关志愿者活动及相关的话题。发表演讲,谈谈中国对非洲及其他国家的援助。为志愿者活动制作一个广告。了解国内外的志愿者及志愿者组织。【素养提升】阅读世界各地志愿者组织及志愿者活动的文章,培养扶弱济困的思想意识。仔细体会中华文化中“穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下”的行为准则,增强民族自信心和民族自豪感。就中国对外援助发表自己的看法,包括书面及口头两个方面。能够根据相关的揭示,为志愿者组织编写制作广告。



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