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1、UNIT 2SUCCESSPeriod ThreeLesson 2课前自主预习A限制,限定B合同;契约C使确信;使信服D拒绝接受E冠军称号,冠军地位.猜词意1I applied for a job as a mechanic in a local garage,but I was rejected.()2Its useless trying to convince her that she doesnt need to lose any weight.()3I think we ought to put a strict limit on the amount of time we can s

2、pend on the project.()【答案】13DCA4They could take legal action against you if you break the terms of the contract.()5She has held the championship for the past three years.()【答案】45BE.猜单词拼写1influence v.&n._ adj.有影响力的2produce v.&n._ n生产;产量3publish v._ n出版商4motivate v._ adj.起激励作用的;激发(人)的5maximum n._ n最少量

3、;最小数【答案】1.influential2.production3publisher4.motivating5.minimum.预备话题素材1She _ all her life _ medical work for Chinese women and children.(把奉献给了)2Youll need to _ _ _ your enthusiasm for the job.(使他们相信)3Doctors suggest that kids screen time should be _ _ one hour.(限制在)【答案】1.devoted;to2.convince them o

4、f3limited to课堂新知讲练词汇拓讲1devote.to.致力于(P108)For more than 50 years,he has devoted his life to rice production.【翻译】五十多年来,他一直致力于水稻的产量He decided to devote the rest of his life to scientific researches.他决定将自己的余生献给科学研究事业。(1)devote oneself/ones time/energy/life to(doing)sth把某人的时间/精力/生命献身于/投入到(2)devoted adj.

5、忠实的;深爱的;全心全意的be devoted to(doing)sth致力于(做)某事(3)devotion n献身;投入【语言提升】【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)Her _(devote)to the job left her with very little free time.(2)He is a _(devote)friend and you can depend on him.(3)He is devoted to _(educate)the younger generation.【答案】(1)devotion(2)devoted(3)educating2reject vt.拒绝接

6、受(P109).J.K.Rowling didnt listen to the negative comments from the twelve publishers who rejected her books.【翻译】J.K.罗琳没有听从拒绝她作品的十二家出版商的负面评论。(1)reject vt.拒绝接受,抵制表示“拒绝接受”“拒绝相信”时,拒绝接受相信的对象指不适宜、无价值、无用的人或物。reject是及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。注意:reject的宾语不能是名词invitation或permission。【语言提升】(2)reject vt.抛弃,丢掉,剔除表示把无用的、不能令

7、人满意的或无价值的东西扔掉。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。(3)rejection n拒绝,排斥The proposal was firmly rejected.这项提议被断然否决。He feels rejected by society.他感到自己被社会抛弃了。Jane still nurses the pain of rejection.简依然怀着被拒绝的痛苦。【针对练习】完成句子(1)Today all the members will decide whether _ or not.今天所有的成员都将讨论是否拒绝这些建议。【答案】(1)to reject the proposal

8、s(2)I applied for this position,but _.我申请了这个职位,但被拒绝了。(3)I think the president was correct to _.我认为总统拒绝这一提议是正确的。【答案】(2)was rejected(3)reject the offer3contract n合同;契约(P109)Even the publisher who gave her a contract said she had no chance of making money in childrens books.【翻译】即使和她签了一份合同的出版商也说,她不可能在儿童

9、图书方面赚到钱。(1)contract n合同,契约,婚约draw up a contract 拟定合同(2)contract vt.感染;(使)缩小,缩短,收缩;订立(合同,婚约)【语言提升】A contract has definitely been fixed up.一份合同无疑已经确定签订了。The contract was read during a profound silence.读合约的时候四处鸦雀无声。【针对练习】完成句子(1)Yesterday we_ with that company.昨天,我们同那家公司订立了一份合同。【答案】(1)drew up a contract

10、(2)This lake_ in the last ten years.这个湖泊在过去的十年里缩小了。(3)Non-smokers are less likely to_ than smokers.不吸烟者感染肺癌的可能性要比吸烟者小。【答案】(2)has contracted(3)contract lung cancer4limit n.&vt.限定;限制(P109)OK and thirdly,it mentions effective daily practices such as making to-do lists and limiting time on social networ

11、king and other distractions.【翻译】好的,第三,它提到了有效的日常实践,如制订待办事项清单,限制社交网络和其他干扰的事的时间。(1)limit n限制,界限set a limit toput a limit on 限制;对加以限制to the limit达到极点within limits适度地,有限地(2)limit vt.限制,限定limit sth to限定;把限制在limit sb to(doing)sth限制某人做某事【语言提升】(3)limited adj.有限的,受限制的be limited to局限于I believe teaching should

12、not be limited to the classroom.我认为教学不应该局限在教室里。【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)There is a limit _ the amount of pain we can bear.(2)The team performed the limit of its capabilities.(3)Im willing to help _ limits because Im too busy.(4)She only has _(limit)time to offer you some help.【答案】(1)to(2)to(3)within(4)limited

13、5convince vt.使确信;使信服(P109)Mm,youve convinced me to read this book!【翻译】你已经说服我去读这本书了!【语言提升】Id convinced myself(that)I was right.我确信自己是正确的。convinced adj.确信的,深信的be convinced that.相信be convinced of sth相信某事convincing adj.令人信服的【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)Im quite convinced _ Mikes ability in doing this job.(2)The boss

14、is quite convinced _ the young girl can work out the problem.【答案】(1)of(2)that(3)All these examples convinced the old man _ he would live a healthy life.(4)The _(convince)facts show that our country is more powerful than ever before.【答案】(3)that(4)convincing句式解读(P109).his research has not only helped

15、China find a way to remove hunger but also contributed to world peace and social progress.【翻译】他的研究不仅帮助中国找到了消除饥饿的方法,也为世界和平与社会进步做出了贡献。【句式剖析】not only.but also.意为“不仅而且”,在本句中连接两个并列的谓语。【句式提升】not only.but also.意为“不仅而且”,连接两个并列的成分。(1)用于连接两个表示并列关系的成分,着重强调后者,其意为“不仅而且”;其中的also有时可以省略。(2)若连接两个句子,且not only位于句首时,no

16、t only后面的句子要用部分倒装,将句子的助动词/系动词/情态动词放在主语的前面。(3)若连接的两个成分作主语的,其谓语动词的单复数形式通常与最近的主语保持一致。Not only you but also he has to leave.不只是你,他也得离开。【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)Lily not only does well in her lessons,_ also plays the violin well.(2)Not only _ Mary help me take care of my child,but also she does shopping for me.(3)Not only you but also Mike _(be)to be blamed for your mistakes.【答案】(1)but(2)does(3)is随堂知能小练.单词拼写1The book really does great credit to the _(出版商).2How did the team prepare for the team _(冠军)?3The teach


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