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1、教学设计(教案)基本信息学 科英语年 级九年级教学形式语法课教 师李婷单 位河南省新乡市第二十二中学课题名称宾语从句Object clause学情分析本课时以宾语从句语法教学为核心,利用情景教学,任务式教学,启发式教学为主,充分调动学生的多种器官,努力为学生创设真实语境,使学生积极参与课堂的活动;努力为学生创设发挥的空间,让学生在不断的挑战中获取成功的喜悦,在轻松的环境中感知新的知识,理解新的知识,归纳新的知识,掌握新的知识并能运用新的知识,把对语法学习的抗拒及畏惧的情绪抛开。教学中注重学生的自主学习,互相学习,语法的重点跟难点部分以围绕一条小鱼为话题,从讨论中逐一解决,伴随多个有创造性的活动

2、任务,突出知识点并加以深化,最后通过写作让学生充分的运用并体验新语法知识。 教学目标1.掌握引导宾语从句的引导词:that , who, what, how, where , when and whether 2.掌握宾语从句的语序:主句+引导词+主语+谓语。 3.掌握宾语从句主句与从句在时态上的呼应。 4.掌握宾语从句的标点。 5.能综合运用宾语从句。教学过程Step1. Warming-upFree talk:1. Show some pictures and help the students to say some sentences.(ask and answer)For examp

3、le: 1. Do you know the girl? She is Kate.2. What does she like?She likes singing.Lead the students to use another saying:We know that she is Kate.We know that she likes singing.2.Lead-inShow some other pictures to practice the similar sentences. For example:Use (I think ,I know ,I hope)to say : (1.Y

4、ao Ming is a good basketball player.2. She will be an singing.3.Fish can swim.)Step2. Presentation1.Show pictures to talk with the students.Is it a tiger? Are there four apples on the desk?Does he go to school on foot?(We dont know)Help the students to say a long sentence: We dont know if it is a ti

5、ger.We dont know if there are four apples on the desk.We dont know if he goes to school on foot.2.Practice: (1)Is the cat playing with the mouse?-We dont know if the cat is playing with the mouse.(2)Do they often ride to school?-They ask if they often ride to school.3. Summary:what does if mean in t

6、he sentences?4.Help the students to change if into whether .5.Help them to understand how to use whether or not Step 3 Relaxing Play a VCD :fish, fish ,where are you?Step 4:lead in and presentation:1. Learn to sing and find an object clause in it.Can you show me where they are?Compared with :Where a

7、re they?2.Show a park picture and talk with the students: we are going to visit the park to see the fish ,but before the trip ,we should make something clear. Such as: (1) Do you know whether the weather is fine or not。(2) Do you know where the park is?(3) Do you know when we are going to start?(4)D

8、o you know how we go there?(5)Do you know who will go with us?(6) Do you know what we can see in the park?3. Give information to help the students to ask and answer the questions.4. Practise asking and answering in pairs.Step 5 Group worksTask 2(附录)1. Show a picture of the fish with some materials,

9、encourage the students to ask questions as many as they can, make a poster.Make an example for them:This is a beautiful fish.Do you know where it is from?Do you know who is its mother?Do you know what it eats?.2.Show their posters and talk about it in front of the class.Step 6. Games Open your eyes:

10、Find the differences among them and remember them :语序 标点方面 1)I dont know if he is a boy.Do you know if he is a boy?I want to know where they are from.Do you know where they are from?语序 时态方面 2)I know that he is fat.I know that he was fat last year.I know that you were learning English.I know that you

11、 will go to HK.I knew that he was fat.I knew that he was fat last year.I knew that you were learning English.I knew that you would go to HK.语序 特殊情况 They say that the earth goes around the sun.They said that the earth goes around the sun.They knew that the light goes faster than the sound.常见句式: I kno

12、w I hope , I think ,I want to know , they say , they ask 、板书设计宾语从句里我们要注意的地方包括有_ _ _ _ _ _ (连词,语序,时态, 特殊情况,标点,常用的句式)作业或预习1. I dont know if he _ tomorrow.A. come B. comes C. will come2. Do you know _?He has gone to the museum.A. where he lives B. where he is C. how he is getting on 3. Mother asked _ I

13、 could finish my homework before five.A. when B. why C. whether 4. My teacher told me _ the shop was open at eight in the morning.A. if B.that C. where 5. He asked _. A. what class are you in B. what class you were in C. what was your name 6. They told us _. A. if the sun rises in the east B. that the sun rose in the east C. that the sun rises in the east自我评价本节课的教学重点为:1.掌握引导宾语从句的引导词:that , who, what, how, where , when and whether 2.掌握宾语从句的语序:主句+引导词+主语+谓语。 2. 掌握宾语从句主句与从句在时态上的呼应。大部分学生基本能够完成教学任务,教学效果良好组长评议或同行评议(可选多人): 评议一单位: 姓名: 日期:



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