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1、必修三unit4知识点操练一短语翻译太阳系_ 朝四面八方_ 最终;及时_冷却_ 是的基础_ 连锁反应_各种各样的_ 下蛋 _ 分娩_ 接着;轮到某人_ 阻止免受_ 由于_必修三unit4知识点操练二一、按课文内容填空How life began on earth is one of the biggest p_ that scientists found hard to solve. According to a widely accepted _, the universe _ _ a “Big Bang” that threw matter in all _. After it, the

2、earth was so v_ that it e_ with fire and rock, which were _ _to produce all kinds of gases and formed the earths _. As the earth _ _, water began to _ on its surface. The p_ of water made it possible for life to develop. Many millions of years later, plants and animals m_ gradually, even dinosaurs d

3、eveloped. They _ _ _ young by _ eggs and e_ on the earth for a long time. Finally, humans beings appeared and s_ all over the world, becoming the most important animals in the world _ _ _. But they do _ to the earth. Whether men will p_ themselves _ disappearing will _ _ whether they can take good c

4、are of the earth.二、词性转换1._(adj.)猛烈的;强暴的_(n.)2._(vt.& n)危害_(adj.)3._(n.)宗教_(adj.)4. _(vi.)存在;生存_(n.)5._(adj.& v)到场的/ 现在的; 出席_(n.)三、在括号内写出下列短语的意思,并选择正确的短语填空。be fundamental to( ); depend on( ); be harmful to( ); in time( ); on time( ); give birth to( ); in ones turn( ); in turn( ); preventfrom( ); prot

5、ectfrom( ); be puzzled about( )1. I _what he said and dont know why he said it.2. Fresh air _ the growing of the plants.3. The teachers words _ him _ realizing his dream.4. Who shuts love out, _ shall be shut out from love.5. Drinking too much will _ your health.6. You had better wear sunglasses to

6、_ your eyes _ the sun.7. They were just _ for the bus.8. The bus didnt arrive _, so I was late for the class.9. Now that we have finished designing, the company, _,should do the constructing (建设)work. 10. -Will you go fishing this afternoon? -Well, it all_ the weather.必修三unit4知识点操练三短语翻译挡住光线_撞击;撞上_去旅

7、游_接近_感到高兴;感到振奋_ 既然_ 熟悉;了解_(战争、火灾、疾病等的)突然爆发_ 当心;提防_pull in _ pull out _ pull on_break down_ break up_ break into_ break in _二、用上面短语的适当形式填空1. The high building_ all the light, and our house is in shade all day.2. _! Our trouble will be over soon.3. _you are grown up, you should try to learn to be inde

8、pendent.4. Last night, a big fire _ in the supermarket.5. When you walking in the street, you should _ for the thieves.6. The peace talk between these two countries _ with no agreement reached.7. The motorbike _ the fence of this garden.8. I hurried home, only to find my house_.三、完形填空Who said: If I

9、didnt have bad luck, I wouldnt have any luck at all! However,not all bad luck should be considered as a (n) 1 thing. When life gives you a kick, let it kick you 2 ! In the 1920s, Ernest Hemingway 3 something about bad luck and got just such a kick. He was 4 to succeed as a writer when 5 struck. He l

10、ost a suitcase containing all the manuscripts (手稿) that he had been planning to publish. Hemingway couldnt imagine doing his work all over again. All those months of writing were simply 6 . He told a friend about his bad luck, who told him it was actually very good 7 ! He assured (向.保证) Hemingway th

11、at when he rewrote the stories, he would forget the 8 parts; only the best material would reappear. He encouraged Hemingway to start again, but with optimism and 9 this time. Hemingway did rewrite the stories and eventually became a world-famous writer. Dont pray for fewer problems; pray for more ab

12、ility. Dont ask for smaller challenges; ask for greater 10 . When life gives you a kick, let it kick you forwards! 1. A. essentialB. confusingC. acceptable D. bad2. A. backwards B. off C. on D. forwards3. A. learned B. said C. heard D. solved4. A. waiting B. struggling C. dreaming D. wishing5. A. chall



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