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1、专项训练完成句子(每空一词)1. 那天人们吃什么特别的食物? What _ _ do people _ _ that day?2. 他们正在赏月。Theyre _ the moon.3. 人们正忙于准备美味的食物。People are _ _ _ food.4. There were tired because they _ _ (熬夜)last night.5. They went there to _ the national flag _ _(看.升起).6. 请把这图片挂在墙上。Please _ _the picture _ _ _.7 .Please _ _ (敲门) the doo

2、r before you enter.8.全家人欢聚一堂,共享大餐。_ _ _ _ together _ a big dinner.9. They _ _ _(开始读书) at once.10.祝你新年快乐! I _ you a happy new year.11.Spring Festival is _ _ _ _ (最重要的节日) in China.12.请代我问候你的父母亲。Please _ my love _ your _.13 别用白纸包压岁钱。Dont _ lucky money _ white.14.他总是开着门睡觉。He always sleeps _ the door _.1

3、5.That sounds _(有趣的).16 .You can call me _ (任何时候).17.我正忙于做作业。I am _ _ my homework.18 .To our surprise, he _ _ _ _ (起死回生).19 .Please _ _ _ (记得要关)the door when you go out.20.天气挺暖和的。Its _ and _.21.He _ _ _ (许愿) a moment ago.22 .We made cards _ _(亲手).23. Each of us _(有) an English book.24.直到妈妈回来了,我才睡觉。I

4、 _ go to bed _ my mother came back home.25. _ _ (让我们去)to the movie.26. I could sing songs _ _ _ _ _(八岁时).27. Jane 的吉他弹得很好。Jane can play _ _ _ _.28 .Ill give him _ _ (一个惊喜).29 ._ _ _(使我惊喜的是), he can speak Japanese well.30.你的礼物什么形状?_ _ is your present? _ the _ _ your present?31 We use them _ _ _ (来学英语

5、).32 There are _ _ _(8百个学生) in our school.33 There are _ _ (数百)workers in the factory. 34 _ _ _ _ the street(在街道的拐弯处),theres a bookshop.35 Ill call you _ _ _ _ (当我回家时).36 You should _ _(到达) school _ _(按时).37 _ _ (多远) is your home _ the school?38 他是新来的。He is _ _.39 禁止左转。 No _ _.40 我的电话坏了。My phone _ _

6、. Or Theres _ _ _ my phone.41 我看见他正在看书。I saw him _ a book.42 我们从Mr Green 处租用了一个房间。 We _ a room _ Mr Green.43 长得怎么样?她眼睛大大的。_ _ she _ _? She _ big eyes.44 昨天我收到朋友的来信。 I _ a letter _ my friends yesterday. I _ _ my friends yesterday.45 请把它收拾好。Please _ it _.46 请把你的书本收拾好。Please _ _ your books! Please _ yo

7、ur books _!47 我能从电视上学习英语。I can _ English _ TV.48 谢谢你帮助我。Thank you _ _ me.49 灯亮着,他肯定在家。The light is on. He _ _ at home.50 这件大衣多少钱? _ _ _ the coat?51 我希望有一天成为一位医生。I hope _ _ a doctor _ _.52 他也想去公园。He _ wants _ _ to the park.53 这是他们学校的平面图。This is a _ _ their school.54 他能呆多久?十天。_ _ can he _ there? Ten d

8、ays.55 _ _ _ (此刻) ,we are _and _ (唱和跳).56 我没有撒谎。我说真话。I didnt _ _ _. I said _ _.57 春天天气怎样?_ the weather _ _ spring?58 昨天下大雨。It rained _ yesterday.59 太阳猛烈地照着。The sun shines _.60 前天刮大风。The day before yesterday it _ _.61 你最好带把伞出去。Youd better _ _ _ when you go out.62 天气会很快变好。It will _ _ soon.63 很多树叶从树上掉下

9、来。Lots of _ _ _ _ the trees.64 天气变得越来越暖了。The weather is _ warmer and warmer.65 今天的温度是多少?_ the _ today?66 I visited lots of _ _ _ (名胜) in China.67 Jane _ _ _(计划去) to Beijing _ _ _(渡假).68 去那儿最好的时间是什么?Whats the _ _ _ _ there?69 不同国家有不同的习俗。Different countries _ _ _.70 请将你的鞋脱下。Please _ _ your shoes.71 你一

10、定不能用你的脚指向任何东西。You mustnt _ _ anything _ your foot.72 The weather here _ _ _ ( 有区别于) that in Japan.73 你还要些什么?_ _ would you like?74 他正在做家务。He _ _ his _.75 学习必须放在首位。_ must come _.76 你多长时间回一次家啊?一个月两次。_ _ do you go home? _ a month.77 过桥你将会看见一间银行在左边。_ _ the bridge, and youll see a bank _ _ _.78 银行与医院中间有个公

11、园。Theres a park _ the bank _ the hospital.79 你不应该错过长城,当你参观北京时。You _ _ the Great Wall when you _Beijing.80 许多人在这场战争中失去生命。Many people _ _ _ in the war.81 别在街上玩,很危险的。_ _ in the street, its very _.82 帮助孩子过马路是好样的。Its _ _ _children cross the road.83 我们必须遵守学校纪律。We must _ the school _.84 上学别迟到!_ _ _ _ school.85 堂上请保持安静。Please _ _ in class.86 你是计划怎样庆祝你的生日的?How do you _ _


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