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1、高考专题训练动词的过去分词1He had his leg _ in the match yesterday()Ato breakBbrokenCbreakDbreaking2 in reading, Mike didnt notice the bus approaching.()ATo absorbBTo be absorbedCAbsorbingDAbsorbed3The pulse signal picked up by Chinese patrol ship has not been confirmed as _ to the passengers on board the missin

2、g flight MH370.()Ato be relatingBbeen relatedCrelatingDrelated4_ about fatness,she still has confidence in her performance of daily life.()ATeasedBTeasingCTeaseDTo tease5It was _ to hear that two workers had been fired on the spot with no official reason _.()Astriking;was givenBstriking;givenCstruck

3、;was givenDstruck;given6What do you think of the party _ last night?()AholdingBto be heldCholdDheld7 in fridge, these vegetables and fruit will remain fresh.()AKeepingBHaving keptCKeptDTo keep8It is reported that the trees down in the storm have been moved off the road.()AblowBblowingCto blowDblown9

4、What are those on the wall?Some photos _ in Tokyo.()Aare takenBtakenCtookDwere taken10Were you _when you saw that wild animal?()AfrightBfrighteningCfrightenedDfrighten11At minus 130,a living cell can be _ for one thousand years()ApreservedBprotectedCspreadDdeveloped12According to the report, people

5、in the _ areas are rebuilding their homes and many roads _ to the areas have been repaired()Aflooded; leadBflooding; leadingCflooded; leadingDflooding; to lead13With her attention_on the book, the girl sat there quietly()AfixingBto be fixedCfixDfixed14_ alone in the dark room,the little boy was so _

6、 as to cry.()ALeaving,frighteningBLeft,frightenedCLeft,frighteningDHaving left,frightened15The project _ in 1989 resulted in farmers _ their crops with trees or grass.()Aset up; to replaceBto set up; replacingCset up; replacingDsetting up; to replace16Teens and younger children are reading a lot les

7、s for fun, according to a Common Sense Media report Monday()Abeing publishedBto publishCpublishingDpublished17The livingroom television is replaced and gets in the kids room, and suddenly one day, you have a TV in every room of the house, said one researcher()AplantingBplantedCprocessingDprocessed18

8、_more time,they will do a better job()AHaving givenBTo giveCGivingDGiven19Near the table _ a poor dog,who desired to satisfy his hunger with _ fell from the table.()Alaid;somethingBlay;thatClays;thatDlay;what20The newly built houses, specially _ the old sell well this year.()Adesigned forBdesigned t

9、oCdesigning forDdesigning to21Many funny pictures _, a great many children love reading it()Aare includedBis includingCincludedDincluding22Young couples will be happy to see their babies_ with good health and intelligence when they are born()Ato blessBblessingCblessedDbeing blessed23Li Na,the first

10、female player _a ranking of world No.2 in Asia,retired from tennis in 2014.()AachievingBachievedCto achieveDhaving achieved24Michelle Obama, _ as the First Lady of the United States, presents to the world a new image of AfricanAmerican woman.()Ahaving knownBknownCto be knownDknowing25The UK is a cou

11、ntry _four parts:England,Scotland,Wales and Northern Island.()Amaking upBmade upCconsisting ofDconsisted of26The policeman put down the phone,_ with a smile on his face()AsatisfiedBsatisfyingCto be satisfiedDbeing satisfied27Have you found the book _ to the library?()AbelongsBbelongingCto be belonge

12、dDbelonged28The burden of students , students can use their talents to carry out researchbased studies and achieve more()Abeing easedBhaving easedCeasedDeasing29_of danger in the street at night, the girl doesnt dare to go out without someone_ her()AWarned; accompaniedBWarned; accompanyingCWarning;

13、accompaniedDWarning; accompanying30An app that rewards students for time away from their phones is being released in the UK()AspendingBspentCto spendDspend31The boy wondered why fish soon went in hot weather He went to ask his teacher()Apuzzled; badlyBpuzzling; badCpuzzling; badlyDpuzzled; bad32The ringing of the bell _ the end of the class suddenly _ their heated discussion()Ameant, interruptedBmeant, interruptingCmeaning, interruptingDmeaning, interrupted33_ and clearly intelligent, Tony is a pleasant person to talk with()AEducated


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