M2U1 I helped my mum.doc

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1、M2U1 I helped my mum.目标:教会学生使用一般过去时,并教会孩子用一般过去时描述过去发生的事情或动作。 教学语言点:四会单词wash help finish clean 以及其过去式。句型:Yesterday,I.my. 教学重点:由一般现在时过渡学习一般过去时,和动词加ed后的读音及用法。 教学难点:学生对-ed的动词发音【t】【d】的区别。 教学准备:多媒体(ppt) 教学过程: 一、warm-up 1.Sing a songBingo课前齐唱英文歌曲以活跃课堂气氛。 2.Greeting T : Hello,boys and girls. Ss: Hello,Miss

2、jia . 二、 lead-in 1.(教师欲将标题写在黑板上,却发现.)T:Whats wrong with blackboard.Its dirty. What should I do ?( 这里的提问可以作为预习作业的检查。) Ss:Clean T:Yes ,I clean it.(出示词卡clean) T:But the towel is dirty again.What should I do ? Who can help me? I wash it . Its clean again.(在进行情景表演时,将涉及到的单词一一出示,并贴于黑板上。)Oh,now its finish.

3、2.Story Time.(内容由一般过去时导入一般过去时) A a beautiful girl :“I finish my homework.” “I clean my room.” “I wash my trousers.” “I help my mum.” B read the phrases together. Eg: finish finish finish my homework ,etc. 三、 New lesson 1.T: Yesterday,I finished my homework. I cleaned my room. I washed my trousers. I

4、 helped my mum. (注:把单词变成过去式,变讲述边板书) 2. 教师解释,Yesterday昨天,描述昨天或过去生的事情或动作要用一般过去时,一般情况下,在动词词尾加-ed。 3. (ppt)Lets read. 4. T:Do you want to know “What did Daming do yesterday ?”Now lets learn . Module 2 unit 1 I helped my mum. 5. Listen to tape and find out “-ed” 6.listen and repeat then answer questions.

5、 7.Teacher reads text and students follow. 8.Read in roles 四、Practise 1.Make a play of this text. 2.Look and talk.(看图谈论) Eg:Yesterday,I . 3.Have a rest and listen to a song. 4.Look at a letter and fill in the blanks. Dear friends: Yesterday, I_my homework,I _my room. Then I _my trousers, they were v

6、ery _. And I _my mum. Mum _ very happy .What about you ? Write to me soon. From, Daming. 五、Summary. 六、Homeork. 1.Do a survey about “What did you do yesterday ?” 2.Read the text for 5 times. 板书设计: Module 2 Unit 1 I helped my mum. Yesterday,I finished my homework. I cleaned my room. I washed my trousers. I helped my mum.



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