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1、常见感官动词(及物)有: see/notice/watch/notice/observe/hear/feel/taste/smell 其中see/notice/watch/notice/observe/hear/feel 常用结构:V + sb./sth. + do (强调事实或是动作发生在过去)V + sb./sth. + doing (强调动作正在发生或进行)带有感官动词的句子改被动语态时,be seen/noticed/watched/noticed/observed/heard/felt + to do常见连系动词(含感官不及物)be/seem + adjget/become/turn

2、/grow + adjfeel/look/sound/smell/tastekeep /stay /remain + adjfeel/look/sound/smell/taste1.作为连系动词时,其意思分别为摸起来/看起来/听起来/闻起来/尝起来/后面接形容词作表语,说明主语所处的状态。除look之外,其它几个动词的主语往往是物,而不是人。例如: These flowers smell very sweet.这些花闻起来很香。 2.这些动词后面也可接介词like短语,like后面常用名词。例如: Her idea sounds like fun.她的主意听起来很有趣。 3. 这五个感官动词如

3、果后面接名词作宾语,则这里的感官动词为实义动词,后面必须跟副词修饰动词。以look一词为例: He looked at me happily. (实义动词,“看”,后有宾语me,用副词happily修饰。)He looked happy. (系动词,“看起来”,后接形容词作表语。)系动词使用注意事项:系动词无被动语态。Your hand feels cold.The dish tastes good.系动词常用在某些词组中:stay healthy(保持健康), come true(实现), fall asleep(睡觉), go bad(变质)。单项选择:( ) 1. -Which of t

4、hose radios sounds _? -The smallest one. (09无锡)A. good B. wellC. betterD. best( ) 2. Grandma, you must feel _ after cleaning the house. Lets take a rest. (09淮安)A. tired B. well C. good D. angry( ) 3. The music in the supermarket sounded so _ that I wanted to leave at once. (09常州)A. softB. wonderfulC

5、. friendly D. noisy( ) 4. -Do you like the film?-No, its _. It makes me want to sleep. A. boring B. interestingC. sleepy D. noisy( ) 5. -What is Mum cooking in the kitchen? (09扬州) -Fish, I guess. How nice it _! A. looks B. sounds C. tastes D. smells( ) 6. -Have you ever heard the song Welcome to Bei

6、jing? (09泰州)-Yes, it _ nice. A. hears B. sounds C. looks D. listens( ) 7. Ive got nothing to do. Im _. (08徐州)A.bored B. interested C. excited D. frightened( ) 8.-How much money did you pay for the drink? -None. It was _. (08扬州)A.easyB. free C. cheap D. expensive( ) 9. The girls voice sounds _. Maybe

7、 she can become a good singer when she grows up. (08淮安)A. sweet B. sweetly C. beautifully D. beauty( ) 10. In the Science Museum, the children felt _ to see so many _ things. (08镇江)A.surprised; amazedB. surprising; amazing C. surprising; amazed D. surprised; amazing词汇:1.Dont get _(patient) about you

8、r personal trouble. (08无锡)2.He seemed _(friend) at first, but now Ive got to know him and I realize hes warmand kind. (08徐州)3.The weather today becomes even _(bad). Why not take a raincoat with you? (08宿迁)4.If someone doesnt show good manners to others, he or she is _(polite). (08宿迁)5. If you dont s

9、ee the doctor at once, youll get even _(ill) later on. (08泰州)6. I like listening to light music. It can make me feel _(relax) (09镇江)7. This question is very _(容易的). Every one of us can answer it. (09宿迁)8. The illness can make you feel tired and _(not strong) (09宿迁)9. The mother looked _(angry) at her naughty daughter. (09宿迁)


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