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1、 2022年6月大学英语六级基础语法知识3篇 【篇一】2022年6月大学英语六级根底语法学问 1、连词连接的平行构造 1)并列连词and.but.as well as.or else,both and.either or,neither nor.not only but also,whether or,rather than等以及附属连词than均可连接平行构造。 e.g Shs is a beautiful and elegant woman.她是一位漂亮而优雅的女子。 2)连接的非谓语动词形式全都 e.g Some find swimming more enjoyable than sit

2、ting at home reading. 有人觉得嬉戏远比坐在家里读书好玩。 3)连接的谓语形式全都 e.g This is the lady who listens to the poor and ministers to their wants. 这就是那位能倾听穷人意见并照看他们需要的女士 4)连接的句子构造全都 e.g He asked me whether I had received the check and whether I had cashed it. 他问我是否收到了支票并把它兑换成现金了。 2、特定的平行构造 1)prefer后面接的平行构造 prefer to do

3、 sth prefer sth.go sth prefer doing(sth).to doing(sth) prefer to do(sth)rather than do(sth) 2)在would /had rather/sooner以及would/had as soon as 构造中要用平行构造 would/had as soon do (sth ) as do (sth) e.g I would as soon stay at home as go shopping. 我宁愿呆在家里也不愿去逛街购物 【篇二】2022年6月大学英语六级根底语法学问 在英语中有些名词可以加s来表示全部关系

4、,带这种词尾的名词形式称为该名词的全部格,如:a teachers book。 名词全部格的规章 1) 单数名词词尾加s,复数名词词尾没有s,也要加s,如the boys bag 男孩的书包,mens room 男厕所。 2) 若名词已有复数词尾-s ,只加,如:the workers struggle工人的斗争。 3) 凡不能加s的名词,都可以用名词+of +名词的构造来表示全部关系,如:the title of the song 歌的名字。 4) 在表示店铺或教堂的名字或某人的家时,名词全部格的后面经常不消失它所修饰的名词,如:the barbers 理发店。 5) 假如两个名词并列,并且

5、分别有s,则表示分别有;只有一个s,则表示共有。 如:Johns and Marys room(两间)John and Marys room(一间) 6) 复合名词或短语,s 加在最终一个词的词尾。本文 如:a month or twos absence 【篇三】2022年6月大学英语六级根底语法学问 独立主格构造由名词或代词加上其他成分(分词、不定式、名词、代词、形容词、副词或介词短语)构成。 独立主格构造没有主语和谓语,所以在语法上不是句子。但多出名词或代词表示的规律主语,分词或不定式表示的规律谓语,有时还有其他修饰成分。(推断一个构造是否是句子的标准就是看看这个构造是否有谓语动词。)这种

6、构造通常在句子中起方式、时间、缘由、条件等状语或状语从句的作用,主要用于书面语。使用动词非谓语形式的独立主格构造可以改为句子形式(从句):独立主格构造加上连词,非谓语动词改为谓语动词形式,这样就成为从句了。 例如: Today being Sunday, the library isn” t open.今日星期天,图书馆不开放。 (缘由)改为从句: As (Since) today is Sunday, the library isn” t open. 例如: There being no buses,we had to take a taxi. 没有汽车了,我们只好坐出租车了。 Becaus

7、e there were no buses, we had to take a taxi. The signal given,the bus started.信号发出后,公共汽车就启动了。 (时间)改为从句: After the signal was given, the bus started. The boy followed that man here,and climbed in,sword in hand.少年跟那个人到这里,并爬了进来,手里拿着剑。 The boy followed that man here,and climbed in,and had a sword in hi

8、s hand. The mid-term examination is over, the end-of-term examination to come two months later.期中考试完毕了,两个月之后进展期末考试. The mid-term examination is over, and the end-of-term examination is to come two months later. Weather permitting, we” 11 visit the Great Wall.假如天气允许的话,我们就去参观长城。 If weather permits, we

9、” 11 visit the Great Wall. The boy followed that man here, and climbed in, sword in hand.少年跟那个人到这里,并爬了进来,手里拿着剑。(伴随状语) 上文例句中sword in hand是由“名词+介词短语”构成,表示伴随的状况。这种表示伴随情的独立主格构造,有时可以用with 引出,二者的意思是一样的,with构造更加口语话,更加常用。 She left the office with tears in her eyes.她眼里含着泪水,离开了办公室。 The teacher walked into the

10、 classroom, with a ruler under his arm and some books in his hand.教师胳膊底下挟着一把尺子,手里拿着几本书,走进了教室。 The teacher walked into the classroom. He was holding a ruler under his arm and some books in his hand. Tian” anmen Square looks magnificent with all the lights on.华灯齐放,*广场显得漂亮动人。 With the boy leading the w

11、ay, we found his house with no difficulty.由这孩子领路,我们毫不费力地找到他的家。 With him to give us a lead, our team is bound to turn out well.有他给我们带头,我们对肯定能搞好。 1、指出以下句子中的独立主格构造: 1) My work having been finished, I went home. -My work having been finished 2)The woman sat smiling, surrounded by her flowers, a faraway

12、look in her eyes. -A faraway look in her eyes 3) My watch having been lost, I didn” t know what time it was. -My watch having been lost 4) He came into the room, his face red with cold. - his face red with cold 5) There an elderly patient was sitting in her wheelchair alone, head bowed, her back to

13、most of the others. - Head bowed. her back to mast of the others 6) A man came in, his face hidden by an upturned coat collar and a cap pulled law over his brow. - His face hidden by an upturned. 2、 用独立主格构造改正以下句子: 1) Being cold, he put on his overcoat. -It being cold, 2) Being no bus, we had to walk

14、 home. - There being no bus, . 3) Getting colder, same birds are flying away to the south. - It getting colder, . 4) Being ill, Mr. Li taught the lesson in place of Mr. Wang. - Mr. Wang being ill, Mr. Li taught. 5) Asia is the largest continent, being about 43 million square kilometer. -,its size (area) being about 43. 3、 用独立主格构造将括号内的汉语译成英语填空: 1)Bing Bing entered the room, _ (手里拿着一个大苹果). - (with) a big apple in his hand. 2) _(下课了),the children ran out of the cla


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