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1、 8B Unit 7 PoemsP1091. recite v. 背诵recitation n. 背诵;朗诵2. poem n. 诗歌-two poemspoet n. 诗人 one of the most famous poets 最著名的诗歌之一3. All right. =OK 好吧 Thats all right. 没关系。 Youre right. 你是对的;你说得对。 Thats right. 那是对的。4. sometimes 有时;时而 =from time to time =at times =now and then5. some times 几次 e.g. I have

2、been to Garden City some times. 我去过花园城几次。6. sometime 某个时候 e.g. sometime next week 下个礼拜的某一个时候 sometime last month 上个月的某个时候 sometime this year 今年的某个时候7. some time 一段时间 经常用在for,after后 e.g. I stayed there for some time. 我在那里待了一段时间。 After some time, the baby stopped crying. 过了些时候,那个婴儿不哭了。8. wonder v./ n.

3、 想知道;奇迹wonderful a. 精彩的;美妙的wonderfully adv. wonder v. =want to know seven wonders of the world 世界七大奇迹9. call me Hi 叫我Hi;把我叫做Hi He is called Hi. 他被叫做Hi. A man called John called you just now. 一个名叫约翰的人刚才打电话给你了。10. He would like to know. =He wants to know. 他想知道。11. I would like to know why they didnt c

4、all me Lo. (宾语从句中的从句用陈述的语序)P1101. poetry n. 意思也是“诗”,但为诗的总称,是不可数名词 poem为可数名词,可指具体的一首诗、两首诗、几首诗2. on the Internet 在因特网上3. difficult a. =hard =not easy 困难的-difficulty n. (difficulties) have difficulty in doing sth. 在做某事方面有困难4. must 应该;必须;一定 mustnt 不准;不能5. rhyme n. 节奏;韵律;押韵词- rhymes 6. poems about our fe

5、elings and ideas 关于我们情感和思想的诗歌7. the answer/ key to the question 这个问题的答案8. taste n. 滋味;风味 taste v. 品尝;风味(连系动词后+形容词)-tasty a. 美味的;有品味的=delicious9. not at all 一点儿也不;根本不 e.g. I dont like spicy food at all. 我一点儿也不喜欢辛辣食品。10. smell n. 嗅觉;气味 v. 闻起来 (连系动词+形容词) 连系动词:look, smell, taste, sound, feel, become, tu

6、rn, get, grow 11. waterfall 瀑布 pump 水泵 a well 一口井P1111. be at work 在上班2. have/ take a shower 淋浴 have/ take a bath 盆浴;泡澡 3. have/ eat dinner 吃晚饭 eatateeaten 4. sit v.satsatseat 座位sitting sitting room 起居室;客厅= living room 5. read a newspaper 看报纸 two newspapers 两份报纸 readreadreadreader 读者 6. watch televi

7、sion 看电视 watch too much television =watch television for too long 看电视太久=watch too many TV programs7. go to bed 去睡觉;就寝 go to sleep 入睡;睡着= fall asleep 8. boring a. 无趣的;单调的;乏味的= uninteresting= dull9. on the building site 在建筑工地上 10. high up 离地面高的;高高在上的 Hes high up in the clouds. 他高高地站在云里11. cloud(s) n.

8、云cloudy a. 多云的 wind n.windy a. sun n.sunny a. rainy; snowy;foggy 表示天气的形容词:一般+y 问天气: Whats the weather like? =How is the weather? 12. fix v. =repair =mend 修理13. crane n. 起重机;吊车;鹤 fix a crane 修理吊车 14. so 如此;这么;那么;因此;所以 so little/ few very little/ few (so,very后跟否定词)15. clever a. =bright =smart =intelli

9、gent =wise 聪明的16. a narrow plank 窄的板条 walk on a narrow plank 走在狭窄的板条上17. narrow a. narrowernarrowest 狭窄的18. scared a. 害怕的;恐惧的= frightened =afraid -scare v. 使害怕,使恐惧-scary a. 吓人的=frightening e.g. He is not scared. Dont scare me. a scary moment 吓人的一刻19. verse(s) n. 诗节20. on ones own =by oneself =alone

10、独立的;靠自己 e.g. Finish your homework on your own. 独立完成作业。21. be pleased with对满意= be satisfied with pleased a. =happy =delighted = satisfied 高兴;满意22. please v. 请;使高兴pleased a. 感到高兴的;满意的pleasant a. 令人愉快的;宜人的pleasure n. 快乐23. talk about 谈论 talk to/ with sb. 跟某人谈话24. cross a. 恼怒的;坏脾气的= angry= annoyed v. 横跨

11、;穿越 n. 十字架 get cross 发火 be cross with sb. 对某人生气-crossly adv. 恼怒地;生气地25. cross the road = go / walk across the road 穿过马路26. silence n. =be quiet 安静-silent a. 沉默的;无声的;寂静的 keep silent 保持沉默27. pay attention 注意 attention n. 注意力;立正 Can I have your attention please? 请注意听我讲话好吗? pay attention to sth. 注意某事/ 某

12、物28. scold v. 训斥;责骂scoldedscolded 29. put them in detention 罚他们留堂;让他们放学后留下30. in every way 在各方面;以各种方式31. chat v. 闲聊;聊天chatting love chatting with her class 喜欢和她的学生一起聊天32. seem like 好像33. It seems that+句子= Sb./ Sth. seems to do 看起来;似乎 e.g. It seems that no one knows what has happened in the park.= No

13、 one seems to know what has happened in the park. 似乎没有人知道在公园里发生了什么事。34. puzzle v. 使迷惑;使困惑-puzzled a. 感到困惑的-puzzling a. 令人困惑的 e.g. Her voice sounded puzzled. 她的声音听起来很困惑。 His answer was puzzling. 他的回答令人困惑。 n. 智力玩具 do puzzles v. 拼拼图;玩智力玩具 Joe likes doing puzzles. 乔喜欢拼拼图。35. explain v. 解释;说明;讲解-explanat

14、ion n. explain to sb. e.g. Dont explain it to me. I dont want to listen to your explanation. no explanation 没有解释36. staff n. 全体职员(是复数名词)37. real a. 真的really adv.realize v. 意识到;实现P1131. look up a new word in a dictionary 在字典中查找一个生词2. make sure 确定;确保;务必3. be sure 确信;对有把握4. look for 寻找 findfoundfound 找

15、到;发现 find out 找出;查明;弄清5. breathe v. 呼吸 breathe in 吸入(气体) breathe out 呼出(气体) breath n. 呼吸 take a deep breath 深呼吸 be out of breath 上气不接下气;喘不过气来 hold ones breath 屏住某人的呼吸 enjoy breathing pure, cool air 喜欢呼吸洁净凉爽的空气6. pretend v. 假装 pretend to do sth. 假装做某事P1141. author =writer n. 作者2. score n./ v. 得分3. introduce v. 介绍introduction n. Let me introduce myself to you. 让我做自我



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