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1、教 案题目(教学章节或主题):Unit 15授课日期:2014年3月9号 周日授课时间:10:00-12:00教学重点、难点:复习基本的时态(一般现在时,现在进行时,现在完成时、被动语态及一般过 去时used to+动词原形的用法 )重要性:典型例题: 1. We should try _ best to save the manatee. A. us B. our C. ourselves D. your2. The secret _ by your father last night.A. discovered B. discovering C. was discovered D. was

2、 discovering3. Ive worked in this school _ twenty years.A. sinceB. forC. afterD. When4. Mary _ to school by bike when she lived in China.A. used to goB. was used to goC. was used goingD. used to go5总结:本次教学评价:非常满意 较满意 一般 家长或学生签字 共 小时本节课回访记录:任课老师签字: 主任签字: 日期:讲 义学生:罗淦 任课教师:李莉教学过程:Unit 15 We are trying

3、to save the manatees1. GrammarStructures Tenses Were trying to save the manateesPresent progressive Manatees eat about 100 pounds of food a day Present SimpleThere used to be a lot of manateesPast tenseused to+ infinitiveIn 1972, it was discovered that they were endangeredPassive voice Some of the s

4、wamps have become pollutedPresent perfect 时态知识点小结:时 态谓语动词的形式 (do/be)一般现在时do / does am/ is /are一般过去时did/was /were现在进行时be (am / is / are) doing现在完成时have / has done一般过去时被动语态was / were done现在完成时被动语态have / has been done2. We are trying to save the manatee. 我们在尽力挽救海牛。 (1).本句的时态是现在进行时,表示现阶段正在做的事情。现在进行时所表示的

5、动作并不一定在说话的时刻进行,而是在包括说话时刻在内的一段时间当中进行。例如:My mother is writing a novel now. 我妈妈目前在写小说。 (2).动词短语try to do sth. 的意思是“尽力做某事”,实际做与不做视情况而定;try doing sth. 表示“试着做某事”,即动作真的进行了或者正在进行。例如:He tried to read more, but it was too dark to read. 他想要多看会书,但是天太黑了以至于不能看了。【例题】They are trying _ the child but they fail at las

6、t.A. save B. to save C. saved D. saves3. save v挽救;营救 save ones life 救的命E.g.: It was too late to save the boy and he died男孩未获得及时抢救,所以死了。He has already saved a lot of land他已挽救了大片的土地。【拓展】(1).节省,节约 E.g.: We can save time and money by shopping at supermarket. 我们到超市购物可以节省时间和金钱。All the students must save w

7、ater. 全体学生必须节约用水。 (2).储蓄,贮存E.g.: We should save some money for travelling. 我们应该攒一些钱去旅游。 save ones face 保全面子 save the situation 挽回形势 save up 储蓄,贮存例题:They the old man the fire yesterday Asave;from Bsaves;toCsaved;fromDsaved;through4. I am like this animal because I am strong and intelligent. 我像这种动物,因为

8、我强壮而且聪明。(1).句子的like是介词,它的意思是“像”,它和一些连系动词be,look和seem等连用构成动词短语表示“长得像、看起来像、似乎好像”的意思。例如:It looks like my cat. 它看起来像我的猫。(2). like的前面可以用very, much,rather,quite等修饰表示“很像、非常像、相当像、十分像”的意思。例如:You look very much like your father. 你看上去非常像你的爸爸。【例题】The boy _ his mother, not only tall but also thin.A. likes B. lik

9、e C. look like D. looks like5. How big are manatees? 海牛有多大? how big. 询问体重。以how组合的疑问词组有很多E.g.: how old 询问年龄; how often询问频率 how long询问动作持续的长短; how much询问质量或者价钱how far 询问距离; how many询问数量 how soon 询问过多久例题:How often do you _ yourself? Once a month.A. weigh B. weighing C. to weighD. weight6. There used to

10、 be a lot of manatees. 过去有许多海牛。句型there used to be是there be的中间加动词短语used to表示“过去曾经有而现在没有”的意思。There be的中间可以加will表示将来有;加情态动词may/can/must表示“可能有、一定有”的意思。例如:There used to be a tall building in front of our school. 在我们的学校前面曾经有一座大楼。【例题】There _ be an English party tomorrow. Would you like to go with me?A. can

11、 B. may C used to D. will7. I have visited a lot of zoos in my life, and I have never seen one I liked or one that was suitable for animals to live in. 我一生中参观过许多动物园,我从未见过一个我喜欢的或者适合动物住的。(1).连词and引导的是并列句,第一个句子是现在完成时I have visited a lot of zoos in my life;第二个句子中的动词seen后面用两个宾语one。第一个one有定语从句I liked 修饰,第

12、二个one有that引导的定语从句修饰。(2).动词短语be suitable for somebody to do的意思是“适合某人做某事”,句子后面的to live in中的in不能省略。【考例】There is not enough space for everyone _.A. to stand on B. to stand C. standing on D. standing【答案与解析】答案是A。本句子是考查动词不定式的用法,for everyone to stand on中的介词on不能省略,因为它带有逻辑宾语,即前面的名词space,去掉on就成了stand a place,应

13、该是stand on a place。8. They are like living textbooks for young people. 它们就像年轻人的活教科书。(1).句子的living是现在分词作形容词用,它的意思是“活着的、使用中的”。例如:She has no living relatives. 她没有活着的亲人了。(2).living还可以作名词用,它的意思是“生计”。例如:She earns a living as a writer. 她靠写作维持生计。【考例】They want to buy some _ fish to offer the guests. A. livin

14、g B. lived C. died D. dying【答案与解析】答案是A。本句子是用形容词living修饰后面的名词fish表示“活着的鱼”,从句子的意思可以判断是用living。9. They provide homes for many endangered animals,and help to educate the public about caring for them. 他们为许多濒临灭绝的动物提供住所,并教育人们应该很好地照顾好它们。(1).动词provide的意思是“提供、供应”,它可以构成动词短语provide something for somebody和provide somebody with something。例如:They provide some drinking water for us. 他们为我们提供一些饮用水。 They provide us with some useful informat



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