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1、 简单的事情用心做,用心的事情重复做,重复的事情坚持做!代词代词是代替名词的词。按其意义、特征及其在句中的作用分为:人称代词、物主代词、指示代词、反身代词、相互代词、疑问代词、不定代词、关系代词、代词it等。代词的分类(1)人称代词主格宾格(2)物主代词形容词物主代词名词性物主代词(3)反身代词第一人称反身代词第二人称反身代词第三人称反身代词(4)指示代词This,that,these,those(5)不定代词普通不定代词复合不定代词(6)疑问代词(7)关系代词(8)相互代词(9)代词it用法 一. 人称代词1. 人称代词起代表人和事物的作用,有人称、数和格的变化。 人称代词主宾格表人称人称代

2、词主格宾格作主语作宾语第一人称Ime第二人称you(你)you第三人称hehimsheheritit第一(复数)weus第二(复数)you(你们)you第三(复数)theythem2.人称代词主宾格的具体用法 1)人称代词在句中作主语(用主格):She is a teacher(作主语) _love our country. (我们) It is my book. 他很诚实_. 我喜欢他_. 注意: (1)he.she和it的复数形式相同,都是they, 其宾格形式也相同,为them。 (2)主格代词(I,she等)一般不单独使用,也不用于带not的简短回答中,这种情况下往往用宾格代词。 Wh

3、o did it? Me/Not me. a.Who washed the clothes? _(我)/_.(不是我) b.who lost the bag ? _(她)/_.(不是她) c.Who broke the cup? _(他们)/_.(不是他们) 2)在句中充当介词和动词的宾语(用宾格) 例如: Xiao Li helped me with my lessons. He had a talk with me this month.We all know _.(她) Can I call _ now? (他们) I will invite _ to my birthday party

4、.(他/她) Please look at_.(它) Can you help me to take care of _(他们) 3)作表语。比较正式的场合用主格,口语中用宾格。例如:-Who is knocking at the door?-Its me.Oh,Its you.4).人称代词在than之后与其他人或事物进行比较时,用主格和宾格都可以。 Jack is older than her.Xiao Li is older than I am. Tom is taller than _ (她) 5)人称代词在句中并列使用时,一般的顺序为:单数形式2-3-1 you ,he/she, a

5、nd me复数形式1-2-3 we, you, and theyYou, she and I enjoy the music.翻译:我和他一起去遵义_二. 物主代词1.表示所有关系的代词叫物主代词。物主代词分形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词,人称物主代词形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词后要再接名词后不再接名词第一人称mymine第二人称youryours第三人称hishisherhersitsits第一(复数)ourours第二(复数)youryours第三(复数)theirtheirs 2.物主代词的用法 1)形容词性物主代词的作用相当于形容词,在句中作定语。例如:I saw it with

6、my eyes.Our English teacher is a beautiful girl. _ mobile-phone is iphone6. (she) Do you know _ name?(he) Whats the matter with _ computer? (they) That is _ watch ( I ) 2)名词性物主代词的作用相当于名词,在句中作主语、宾语和表语。Her dress is green.Mine is blue.(作主语) - Is this English-book yours? - No,Its his. (作表语)I lost my pen

7、. May I use yours. Your bike is different from his.(作宾语) This is my book, not _.(she) I found a pen on the floor, is that _? (you) I bought a second-hand computer, It was _.(he) This basketball is _. (they)注意: 1)its与its不能混淆its = it is或it has2)名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词 Mary hair is longer than mine.(my hai

8、r). Her bike is different from ours. Its not his fault, it _./ its _.(是她的错) her hair is longer than _./ _.(我的头发) 3).of+名词性物主代词表示所属,也可以用作定语,表示众多中的一个。如:a sister of his他的一个妹妹a friend of mine我的一个朋友 We should try our best to help him.Anyway, he is a classmate of _.(us) He is a friend of _.(she)练习题:一、适当形式

9、填空 (1) Are these _(you)pencils? Yes, they are _(our). (2) Whose is this pencil? Its _(I). (3) I love _(they)very much. (4) She is_(I)classmate. (5) Miss Li often looks after_(she)brother. (6) Are these _(they)bags ? No, they arent _(their). They are _(we)二、根据句意用适当的人称代词、物主代词填空: 1. Mary works in a boo

10、k store. _ likes _work very much. 2. John and I are in the same school. _ go to school together. 3. Everybody likes that sport, do _? 4. She is a friend of _ . We got to know each other two years ago. 5. Her sister makes all _ own dresses. 6. I have many friends. Some of_are good at English. 7. May

11、I use _ bike? _is broken. 三、 选择填空 1.- Mike, is that new bike _?-Yes, my mother bought it for me yesterday.A.you B.your C.yours D yourself 2. _ will spend the summer holiday in Hawaii.A. She, you and I B. You, she and I C. I, you and she D. Her, me and you 3.There are lots of restaurants in our town. And most of _are clean and cheap. A.it B.they C.us D.them 4. My uncle bought a new bike for _. A. theirs B. they C. me D. I 5. Heres a postcard for you, Jim! Oh, _ is from my friend, Mary. A. he B. it C. she


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