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1、中学生英文的自我介绍集合7篇 中学生英文的自我介绍篇1 H, ynaeis xxx.mx year l, mddle sco sudentapretlyo muc veruclhog Im very od at inge be plying hng, anncienttrdioal nstent f a ongtme a nw Im evl10,whihmeans ealy high leveamon the atrs.Apart fromtha, lso lik reading dwrting. ey boh gvm lot f fun nd bul nquepersonalit as el

2、l oal d ream. lie Wangi r mucShe coulbe y favoit snger. esonall, Ive bee cdeig hav a rll complictd psonality BECasesometes dn rlly ike tstudy, sometmes. Hoev, Ivr posie adlokforwas tomyture BECImthe on wowllralzmy oal. 中学生英文的自我介绍篇2 Tim ies,ad e te yeas o i sool arealmos o Entern higcolfortreeyears,

3、sep dn, ste by stp, nd stp rwarothe palaef knowdge. eiulos i my stdes, d I ha awys ben ale dra ess rm what I hav ne. life, I a willigto hel ths ad ago elatonshipwt m lmae a roommatsThe chte slvey nd heerul,oni an ees, ee ohtear clasaeenon. ove pot, take nacipart in spors en an nhono for thls. anotaf

4、rdof hadhip,I dar to wohard,an I lways try tdo welwhn cleing. Ithe teaersgood heper,ansove th roblm or te techer, goot alingwith thedipute bwee clsates. urin he ear inighscool,with hp fmy techesn clamtes, edcaion and taie and tranedm o bcme a uf ih shool udn. willcontin deelop mystrgh,corectmy shrtc

5、omn anbcm betterrson Afehre yrsof hih hool ife, I pby se iaure, I am a ve shystudt,bu very lenn,nomter whn youee Ia arnin erts,acivey explor, peplehoar not rao diffies.I a meulou ith y ty, and I have a oodatte sudy,c is wel ceivey eahrsaclsmats. v te cstea, hve asong sns rsponsiliy, reslutey o no ha

6、m to t lassollectno, no rid oadship, actelyconrbute o the lssI st aents and tahrs,d I can aept ystaks. Self-imovement adhard wk e mylie mtto.Iwl be eterine an striveowrdsmgoa. Durng my three yars n gh school, I ae changed a lot. he aig o mhas uhtme nt aduod. I have red an gne a ot.In mystuy, I fough

7、t hard, studiehadto heis thlittime, nd dea positives incas fe cas, Ihaenged m teache and maetep oward the alof knowldg In deal ththe dent relatonshi, I hav god reaonship h m cssats,contaty mpomyself, an hep cssaes to giv potiv uidne and enoureme ithei tuy, andieetiuous care i l n porsadspots, ativel

8、 participa invaousactivitie, rkda adaevdte rankg As teclas or he l, i the tratmno tecer, y dreac, up god imagesof sudes, striin to reas ecmmunicatinbtw echers antudnts, ave clasrom amphee,mpovth sen ag fn, alsociey obyth teacer cage n rragent f te clssmite. I a goo tuenin the ys tac.n he tree yrssne

9、 enerhigh scoo, hvorke d and studehardI a eares nd metulous ndlk to t aways re meamos boks iprove y ulture. n li, I m willi o help oter andhaaood rionip ith my clssaes m chefuland gneos, andIeognizd bymy classate and teach le sptsa lbor, andcel patipe n te ctivis orgaizedy t school. Nt afidofhrsi, i

10、s apotvea eeprsig tdet. Wiht paage o tme,hethee yrs of high schoo fe is cmin t a nd High school lieissedrhtmiIhaleare a ot iny thre ye oli hve aeer unerstadf mycoury, an lovemymothera moe. the at the year, he nerllwedmyslf seriouslycorrec my ortcmins. Iam friendly and elpul tomcasmte, a I hade wthte

11、relatonp witmy clasmatesry el. I lve laor, vea ese f clctiveor, ave managetlty, n hvbeenrise yahr casmaes m time. In t ulife,Iwll e orestriwihself,strive growy tat, and kmsl pllrofthe mthelWithhe pasageof time,myhigh sooli is about end. nth pat reeyear,Ihavegrw hap andgraua. I have ow u lotan mtre alot. m serio


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