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1、2015年全国职业院校技能大赛中职组“职业英语技能”赛项(服务类专业组)职场应用环节 For Contestant A Only选手A: 假设你是某公司行政经理。公司要举办年终晚会,你手上有老板发来的活动要求。你的队友是你的部门同事,手上有三个可供挑选的活动方案。请与队友沟通,选出一个符合要求的最佳活动方案。在比赛第一阶段,你需在30分钟内完成:1. 阅读老板提出的活动要求,填写任务单中的Section 1;2. 向队友询问三个活动方案的信息,填写任务单中的Section 2;3. 与队友讨论,选出一个你们认为最佳的活动方案,完成任务单中的Section 3;4. 准备第二阶段的汇报内容。备注

2、:任务单限选手A填写,供其在赛场陈述时参考用,不作为评分内容。在比赛第二阶段,你需在3分钟内向裁判汇报任务完成情况,内容需涵盖以下要点:1) What is your groups task?2) Which plan have you chosen for the party?3) Why have you chosen this plan? (Please give detailed reasons why you have chosen this plan instead of the other two.) For Contestant A OnlyPlease read the em

3、ail from the boss. It is about her requirements for the plan.Dear Chris, As the end of the year is approaching, our company is going to hold an annual party on the evening of Dec. 31st. Will you please prepare the party?Since the average age of the 40 employees in our company is 26, the party should

4、 be interesting and attractive to young people. In addition, it should be held in some place with convenient transportation. We also look forward to some after-party activities, if possible. We are going to have the party after dinner, and the total budget for the party and dinner is no more than 25

5、,000 yuan.Thanks! Dont hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.Yours, Cindy For Contestant A OnlyWorksheetSection 1 Read the bosss email and complete the following form. ItemsInformationEmployee Information_ employees with the average age of _Focus of the Party and After-party Activitiesbe

6、interesting and attractive to _ Location and BudgetLocation:_ Budget: _ Section 2 Communicate with Contestant B and complete the following form.ItemsInformation about Each PlanParty ActivitiesPlan A: _ Plan B: _ Plan C: giving prizes to_ After-party ActivityPlan A: _ Plan B: playing_ Plan C: _ Locat

7、ionPlan A: _, _ Plan B: _, _ from the company Plan C: _, _ from the company BudgetPlan A: _ yuan Plan B: _ yuan Plan C: _ yuanMore InformationPlan A: _ Plan B: _buffet for dinner_ Plan C: _ Section 3 Discuss with Contestant B and make a decision.Which plan do you choose for the party? Plan A Plan B

8、Plan C For Contestant B Only选手B: 假设你是某公司行政部职员,你的队友是公司行政经理。公司要举办年终晚会。你的队友手上有年会活动的要求,你手上有三个可供挑选的年会活动方案。请与队友沟通,选出一个符合要求的最佳活动方案。在比赛第一阶段,你需在30分钟内完成:1. 认真阅读三个活动方案,提取相关信息;2. 与队友沟通,提供其所需信息,协助其完成任务单中的Section 2;3. 与队友讨论,选出一个你们认为最佳的活动方案,协助队友完成任务单中的 Section 3; 4. 准备第二阶段的答问内容。备注:任务单仅由选手A填写。在比赛第二阶段,你需在2分钟内回答裁判的三个

9、问题。回答需与实际任务相结合,表达清楚、有理有据、有逻辑性。其中一个问题是:What is the most important thing to hold an evening party? And why? For Contestant B OnlyPlease read the information about the three plans and help Contestant A complete the worksheet.Plan Al Party activities: competition of employees performance showl After-par

10、ty activity: playing cardsl Location: a hotel, 0.5 kilometre from the companyl Budget: 22,000 yuanl More information: round-table dinnerPlan Bl Party activities: exchanging gifts by drawing lots, and playing gamesl After-party activity: playing table tennisl Location: a hotel, 20 minutes walk from the companyl Budget: 25,000 yuanl More information: buffet for dinnerPlan Cl Party activities: giving prizes to excellent employees of the year, and dancing l After-party activity: Karaoke l Location: a hotel in the suburb, 40 minutes ride from the companyl Budget: 26,000 yuanl More informat


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